寻找 C++ 中搜索和替换的圣杯


最近,我正在寻找一种替换字符串中标记的方法,这本质上是查找和替换(但至少还有一种解决问题的方法),看起来像是相当平庸的任务。我已经提出了几种可能的实现,但从性能的角度来看,它们都不能令人满意。最好的成绩是每次迭代约 50us。这种情况很理想,字符串的大小永远不会增长,最初我省略了不区分大小写的要求
这是代码Coliru http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/485aaa6ec86efccc

Boost.Spirit 符号结果:3421?=3421
100000 次循环耗时 6060ms。
100000 个周期耗时 5959ms。
100000 个周期耗时 5008ms。
100000 个周期花费了 12451ms。
Naive STL 搜索和替换结果:3421?=3421
100000 个周期花费了 5532ms。
100000 次循环耗时 4860ms。

那么问题来了,这么简单的任务为什么要花这么长时间呢?人们可以说,好吧,简单的任务,继续并更好地实施它。但现实情况是,15 年前的 MFC 原生实现执行任务的速度要快几个数量级:

CString FillTokenParams(const CString& input, const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& tokens)
    CString tmpInput = input;
    for(const auto& token : tokens)
        int pos = 0;
        while(pos != -1)
            pos = tmpInput.Find(token.first.c_str(), pos);
            if(pos != -1)
                int tokenLength = token.first.size();
                tmpInput.Delete(pos, tokenLength);
                tmpInput.Insert(pos, token.second.c_str());
                pos += 1;

    return tmpInput;

MFC 原生搜索和替换结果:3421?=3421
100000 次循环耗时 516ms。
为什么这个笨拙的代码比现代 C++ 性能更好???为什么其他实现如此缓慢?我错过了一些基本的东西吗?

EDIT001:我已经投资了这个问题,代码是profiled并进行三次检查。你可能对此不满意,但 std::string::replace 并不需要时间。在任何 STL 实现中,搜索花费了大部分时间,boostspirit 在分配 tst(我猜是评估树中的测试节点)上浪费了时间。我不希望有人在函数中指出“这是你的问题”,然后问题就消失了。问题是 MFC 如何能够以 10 倍的速度完成同样的工作。

EDIT002:刚刚深入研究 Find 的 MFC 实现并编写了一个模仿 MFC 实现的函数

namespace mfc
std::string::size_type Find(const std::string& input, const std::string& subString, std::string::size_type start)
        return std::string::npos;

    if(start < 0 || start > input.size())
        return std::string::npos;

    auto found = strstr(input.c_str() + start, subString.c_str());
    return ((found == nullptr) ? std::string::npos : std::string::size_type(found - input.c_str()));

std::string MFCMimicking(const std::string& input, const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& tokens)
    auto tmpInput = input;
    for(const auto& token : tokens)
        auto pos = 0;
        while(pos != std::string::npos)
            pos = mfc::Find(tmpInput, token.first, pos);
            if(pos != std::string::npos)
                auto tokenLength = token.first.size();
                tmpInput.replace(pos, tokenLength, token.second.c_str());
                pos += 1;

    return tmpInput;

100000 个周期耗时 411ms。
意思是4us。每次通话,击败那个 Cstrstr

EDIT003:使用 -Ox 编译并运行

100000 次循环耗时 660ms。
微量燃料电池 天真的搜索和替换结果:3421?=3421
100000 个周期耗时 856ms。
100000 次循环需要 1995 毫秒。
博耶-摩尔 结果:3421?=3421
100000 个周期花费了 6911ms。
博耶摩尔医院 结果:3421?=3421
100000 次循环耗时 5670ms。
高德纳·莫里斯·普拉特 结果:3421?=3421
100000 个周期耗时 13825ms。
朴素的 STL 搜索和 替换结果:3421?=3421
100000 次循环耗时 9531ms。
促进 全部替换结果:3421?=3421
100000 个周期耗时 8996ms。

使用 -O2 运行(如原始测量)但 10k 个周期

10000 个周期 104 毫秒。
MFC 原生搜索和替换结果:3421?=3421
10000 周期耗时 105 毫秒。
10000 周期耗时 356 毫秒。
10000次循环 花了 1355 毫秒。
10000 周期耗时 1101 毫秒。
10000 个周期花费了 1973 毫秒。
Naive STL 搜索和替换结果: 3421?=3421
10000 个周期花费了 923 毫秒。
提升replace_all 结果:3421?=3421
10000 个周期需要 880ms。

所以,我对 Qi 版本有一些观察。


最后,编写了一个手动扩展函数,击败了所有其他候选者(我希望它比 MFC 更快,因为它不关心重复删除/插入)。


关于 Qi 版本

  1. 是的,符号表受到基于节点的容器的局部性问题的影响。它们可能不是您可以在此处使用的最佳匹配。
  2. 无需在每个循环中重建符号:
  3. 扫描直到下一个字符,而不是按字符跳过非符号:

    +(bsq::char_ - symbols)
inline std::string spirit_qi(const std::string& input, bsq::symbols<char, std::string> const& symbols)
    std::string retVal;
    retVal.reserve(input.size() * 2);

    auto beg = input.cbegin();
    auto end = input.cend();

    if(!bsq::parse(beg, end, *(symbols | +(bsq::char_ - symbols)), retVal))
        retVal = input;

    return retVal;




inline std::string manual_expand(const std::string& input, TokenMap const& tokens)
    std::ostringstream builder;
    auto expand = [&](auto const& key) {
        auto match = tokens.find(key);
        if (match == tokens.end())
            builder << "$(" << key << ")";
            builder << match->second;


    std::ostreambuf_iterator<char> out(builder);

    for(auto f(input.begin()), l(input.end()); f != l;) {
        switch(*f) {
            case '$' : {
                    if (++f==l || *f!='(') {
                        *out++ = '$';
                    else {
                        auto s = ++f;
                        size_t n = 0;

                        while (f!=l && *f != ')')
                            ++f, ++n;

                        // key is [s,f] now
                        expand(std::string(&*s, &*s+n));

                        if (f!=l)
                            ++f; // skip '}'
                *out++ = *f++;
    return builder.str();



您可以查看 Boost Spirit Lex,可能带有静态生成的标记表:http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_60_0/libs/spirit/doc/html/spirit/lex/abstracts/lexer_static_model.html http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_60_0/libs/spirit/doc/html/spirit/lex/abstracts/lexer_static_model.html。不过我并不是特别喜欢 Lex。


See the 互动图表 http://stackoverflow-sehe.s3.amazonaws.com/474bf790-9b9f-44a1-969d-e64d24fc30c9/stats.html

那是用Nonius https://github.com/rmartinho/nonius用于基准统计。

完整基准代码:http://paste.ubuntu.com/14133072/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/14133072/

#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>

#define USE_X3
#ifdef USE_X3
#   include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#   include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>

#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/searching/boyer_moore.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/searching/boyer_moore_horspool.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/searching/knuth_morris_pratt.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <nonius/benchmark.h++>
#include <nonius/main.h++>

using TokenMap = boost::container::flat_map<std::string, std::string>;

#ifdef USE_X3
    namespace x3  = boost::spirit::x3;

    struct append {
        std::string& out;
        void do_append(char const ch) const                       { out += ch;                      } 
        void do_append(std::string const& s)  const               { out += s;                       } 
        template<typename It>
        void do_append(boost::iterator_range<It> const& r)  const { out.append(r.begin(), r.end()); } 
        template<typename Ctx>
        void operator()(Ctx& ctx) const                           { do_append(_attr(ctx));          } 

    inline std::string spirit_x3(const std::string& input, x3::symbols<char const*> const& symbols)
        std::string retVal;
        retVal.reserve(input.size() * 2);
        append appender { retVal };

        auto beg = input.cbegin();
        auto end = input.cend();

        auto rule = *(symbols[appender] | x3::char_ [appender]);

        if(!x3::parse(beg, end, rule))
            retVal = input;

        return retVal;
    namespace bsq = boost::spirit::qi;

    inline std::string spirit_qi_old(const std::string& input, TokenMap const& tokens)
        std::string retVal;
        retVal.reserve(input.size() * 2);
        bsq::symbols<char const, char const*> symbols;
        for(const auto& token : tokens) {
            symbols.add(token.first.c_str(), token.second.c_str());

        auto beg = input.cbegin();
        auto end = input.cend();

        if(!bsq::parse(beg, end, *(symbols | bsq::char_), retVal))
            retVal = input;

        return retVal;

    inline std::string spirit_qi(const std::string& input, bsq::symbols<char, std::string> const& symbols)
        std::string retVal;
        retVal.reserve(input.size() * 2);

        auto beg = input.cbegin();
        auto end = input.cend();

        if(!bsq::parse(beg, end, *(symbols | +(bsq::char_ - symbols)), retVal))
            retVal = input;

        return retVal;

inline std::string manual_expand(const std::string& input, TokenMap const& tokens) {
    std::ostringstream builder;
    auto expand = [&](auto const& key) {
        auto match = tokens.find(key);

        if (match == tokens.end())
            builder << "$(" << key << ")";
            builder << match->second;

    std::ostreambuf_iterator<char> out(builder);

    for(auto f(input.begin()), l(input.end()); f != l;) {
        switch(*f) {
            case '$' : {
                    if (++f==l || *f!='(') {
                        *out++ = '$';
                    else {
                        auto s = ++f;
                        size_t n = 0;

                        while (f!=l && *f != ')')
                            ++f, ++n;

                        // key is [s,f] now
                        expand(std::string(&*s, &*s+n));

                        if (f!=l)
                            ++f; // skip '}'
                *out++ = *f++;
    return builder.str();

inline std::string boost_replace_all(const std::string& input, TokenMap const& tokens)
    std::string retVal(input);
    retVal.reserve(input.size() * 2);

    for(const auto& token : tokens)
        boost::replace_all(retVal, token.first, token.second);
    return retVal;

inline void naive_stl(std::string& input, TokenMap const& tokens)
    input.reserve(input.size() * 2);
    for(const auto& token : tokens)
        auto next = std::search(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), token.first.begin(), token.first.end());
        while(next != input.cend())
            input.replace(next, next + token.first.size(), token.second);
            next = std::search(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), token.first.begin(), token.first.end());

inline void boyer_more(std::string& input, TokenMap const& tokens)
    input.reserve(input.size() * 2);
    for(const auto& token : tokens)
        auto next =
            boost::algorithm::boyer_moore_search(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), token.first.begin(), token.first.end());
        while(next != input.cend())
            input.replace(next, next + token.first.size(), token.second);
            next = boost::algorithm::boyer_moore_search(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), token.first.begin(),

inline void bmh_search(std::string& input, TokenMap const& tokens)
    input.reserve(input.size() * 2);
    for(const auto& token : tokens)
        auto next = boost::algorithm::boyer_moore_horspool_search(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), token.first.begin(),
        while(next != input.cend())
            input.replace(next, next + token.first.size(), token.second);
            next = boost::algorithm::boyer_moore_search(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), token.first.begin(),

inline void kmp_search(std::string& input, TokenMap const& tokens)
    input.reserve(input.size() * 2);
    for(const auto& token : tokens)
        auto next = boost::algorithm::knuth_morris_pratt_search(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), token.first.begin(),
        while(next != input.cend())
            input.replace(next, next + token.first.size(), token.second);
            next = boost::algorithm::boyer_moore_search(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), token.first.begin(),

namespace testdata {
    std::string const expected =
        "Five and Seven said nothing, but looked at Two. Two began in a low voice, 'Why the fact is, you see, Miss, "
        "this here ought to have been a red rose-tree, and we put a white one in by mistake; and if the Queen was to "
        "find it out, we should all have our heads cut off, you know. So you see, Miss, we're doing our best, afore "
        "she comes, to—' At this moment Five, who had been anxiously looking across the garden, called out 'The Queen! "
        "The Queen!' and the three gardeners instantly threw themselves flat upon their faces. There was a sound of "
        "many footsteps, and Alice looked round, eager to see the Queen.First came ten soldiers carrying clubs; these "
        "were all shaped like the three gardeners, oblong and flat, with their hands and feet at the corners: next the "
        "ten courtiers; these were ornamented all over with diamonds, and walked two and two, as the soldiers did. "
        "After these came the royal children; there were ten of them, and the little dears came jumping merrily along "
        "hand in hand, in couples: they were all ornamented with hearts. Next came the guests, mostly Kings and "
        "Queens, and among them Alice recognised the White Rabbit: it was talking in a hurried nervous manner, smiling "
        "at everything that was said, and went by without noticing her. Then followed the Knave of Hearts, carrying "
        "the King's crown on a crimson velvet cushion; and, last of all this grand procession, came THE KING AND QUEEN "
        "OF HEARTS.Alice was rather doubtful whether she ought not to lie down on her face like the three gardeners, "
        "but she could not remember ever having heard of such a rule at processions; 'and besides, what would be the "
        "use of a procession,' thought she, 'if people had all to lie down upon their faces, so that they couldn't see "
        "it?' So she stood still where she was, and waited.When the procession came opposite to Alice, they all "
        "stopped and looked at her, and the Queen said severely 'Who is this?' She said it to the Knave of Hearts, who "
        "only bowed and smiled in reply.'Idiot!' said the Queen, tossing her head impatiently; and, turning to Alice, "
        "she went on, 'What's your name, child?''My name is Alice, so please your Majesty,' said Alice very politely; "
        "but she added, to herself, 'Why, they're only a pack of cards, after all. I needn't be afraid of them!''And "
        "who are these?' said the Queen, pointing to the three gardeners who were lying round the rosetree; for, you "
        "see, as they were lying on their faces, and the pattern on their backs was the same as the rest of the pack, "
        "she could not tell whether they were gardeners, or soldiers, or courtiers, or three of her own children.'How "
        "should I know?' said Alice, surprised at her own courage. 'It's no business of mine.'The Queen turned crimson "
        "with fury, and, after glaring at her for a moment like a wild beast, screamed 'Off with her head! "
        "Off—''Nonsense!' said Alice, very loudly and decidedly, and the Queen was silent.The King laid his hand upon "
        "her arm, and timidly said 'Consider, my dear: she is only a child!'The Queen turned angrily away from him, "
        "and said to the Knave 'Turn them over!'The Knave did so, very carefully, with one foot.'Get up!' said the "
        "Queen, in a shrill, loud voice, and the three gardeners instantly jumped up, and began bowing to the King, "
        "the Queen, the royal children, and everybody else.'Leave off that!' screamed the Queen. 'You make me giddy.' "
        "And then, turning to the rose-tree, she went on, 'What have you been doing here?'";
    std::string const inputWithtokens =
        "Five and Seven said nothing, but looked at $(Two). $(Two) began in a low voice, 'Why the fact is, you see, "
        "Miss, "
        "this here ought to have been a red rose-tree, and we put a white one in by mistake; and if the Queen was to "
        "find it out, we should all have our $(heads) cut off, you know. So you see, Miss, we're doing our best, afore "
        "she comes, to—' At this moment Five, who had been anxiously looking across the garden, called out 'The Queen! "
        "The Queen!' and the three gardeners instantly threw themselves flat upon their faces. There was a sound of "
        "many footsteps, and Alice looked round, eager to see the $(Queen).First came ten soldiers carrying clubs; "
        "these "
        "were all shaped like the three gardeners, oblong and flat, with their hands and feet at the corners: next the "
        "ten courtiers; these were ornamented all over with $(diamonds), and walked two and two, as the soldiers did. "
        "After these came the royal children; there were ten of them, and the little dears came jumping merrily along "
        "hand in hand, in couples: they were all ornamented with hearts. Next came the guests, mostly Kings and "
        "Queens, and among them Alice recognised the White Rabbit: it was talking in a hurried nervous manner, smiling "
        "at everything that was said, and went by without noticing her. Then followed the Knave of Hearts, carrying "
        "the King's crown on a crimson velvet cushion; and, last of all this grand procession, came THE KING AND QUEEN "
        "OF HEARTS.Alice was rather doubtful whether she ought not to lie down on her face like the three gardeners, "
        "but she could not remember ever having heard of such a rule at processions; 'and besides, what would be the "
        "use of a procession,' thought she, 'if people had all to lie down upon their faces, so that they couldn't see "
        "it?' So she stood still where she was, and waited.When the procession came opposite to Alice, they all "
        "stopped and looked at her, and the $(Queen) said severely 'Who is this?' She said it to the Knave of Hearts, "
        "who "
        "only bowed and smiled in reply.'Idiot!' said the Queen, tossing her head impatiently; and, turning to Alice, "
        "she went on, 'What's your name, child?''My name is Alice, so please your Majesty,' said Alice very politely; "
        "but she added, to herself, 'Why, they're only a pack of cards, after all. I needn't be afraid of them!''And "
        "who are these?' said the $(Queen), pointing to the three gardeners who were lying round the rosetree; for, "
        "you "
        "see, as they were lying on their faces, and the $(pattern) on their backs was the same as the rest of the "
        "pack, "
        "she could not tell whether they were gardeners, or soldiers, or courtiers, or three of her own children.'How "
        "should I know?' said Alice, surprised at her own courage. 'It's no business of mine.'The Queen turned crimson "
        "with fury, and, after glaring at her for a moment like a wild beast, screamed 'Off with her head! "
        "Off—''Nonsense!' said $(Alice), very loudly and decidedly, and the Queen was silent.The $(King) laid his hand "
        "upon "
        "her arm, and timidly said 'Consider, my dear: she is only a child!'The $(Queen) turned angrily away from him, "
        "and said to the $(Knave) 'Turn them over!'The $(Knave) did so, very carefully, with one foot.'Get up!' said "
        "the "
        "Queen, in a shrill, loud voice, and the three gardeners instantly jumped up, and began bowing to the King, "
        "the Queen, the royal children, and everybody else.'Leave off that!' screamed the Queen. 'You make me giddy.' "
        "And then, turning to the rose-tree, she went on, 'What have you been doing here?'";

    static TokenMap const raw_tokens {
        {"Two", "Two"},           {"heads", "heads"},
        {"diamonds", "diamonds"}, {"Queen", "Queen"},
        {"pattern", "pattern"},   {"Alice", "Alice"},
        {"King", "King"},         {"Knave", "Knave"},
        {"Why", "Why"},           {"glaring", "glaring"},
        {"name", "name"},         {"know", "know"},
        {"Idiot", "Idiot"},       {"children", "children"},
        {"Nonsense", "Nonsense"}, {"procession", "procession"},

    static TokenMap const tokens {
        {"$(Two)", "Two"},           {"$(heads)", "heads"},
        {"$(diamonds)", "diamonds"}, {"$(Queen)", "Queen"},
        {"$(pattern)", "pattern"},   {"$(Alice)", "Alice"},
        {"$(King)", "King"},         {"$(Knave)", "Knave"},
        {"$(Why)", "Why"},           {"$(glaring)", "glaring"},
        {"$(name)", "name"},         {"$(know)", "know"},
        {"$(Idiot)", "Idiot"},       {"$(children)", "children"},
        {"$(Nonsense)", "Nonsense"}, {"$(procession)", "procession"},


NONIUS_BENCHMARK("manual_expand", [](nonius::chronometer cm)     {
    std::string const tmp = testdata::inputWithtokens;
    auto& tokens = testdata::raw_tokens;

    std::string result;
    cm.measure([&](int) {
        result = manual_expand(tmp, tokens);
    assert(result == testdata::expected);

#ifdef USE_X3
NONIUS_BENCHMARK("spirit_x3", [](nonius::chronometer cm) {
    auto const symbols = [&] {
        x3::symbols<char const*> symbols;
        for(const auto& token : testdata::tokens) {
            symbols.add(token.first.c_str(), token.second.c_str());
        return symbols;

    std::string result;
    cm.measure([&](int) {
            result = spirit_x3(testdata::inputWithtokens, symbols);
    //std::cout << "====\n" << result << "\n====\n";
    assert(testdata::expected == result);
NONIUS_BENCHMARK("spirit_qi", [](nonius::chronometer cm) {
    auto const symbols = [&] {
        bsq::symbols<char, std::string> symbols;
        for(const auto& token : testdata::tokens) {
            symbols.add(token.first.c_str(), token.second.c_str());
        return symbols;

    std::string result;
    cm.measure([&](int) {
            result = spirit_qi(testdata::inputWithtokens, symbols);
    assert(testdata::expected == result);

NONIUS_BENCHMARK("spirit_qi_old", [](nonius::chronometer cm) {
    std::string result;
    cm.measure([&](int) {
            result = spirit_qi_old(testdata::inputWithtokens, testdata::tokens);
    assert(testdata::expected == result);

NONIUS_BENCHMARK("boyer_more", [](nonius::chronometer cm) {
    cm.measure([&](int) {
        std::string tmp = testdata::inputWithtokens;
        boyer_more(tmp, testdata::tokens);
        assert(tmp == testdata::expected);

NONIUS_BENCHMARK("bmh_search", [](nonius::chronometer cm) {
    cm.measure([&](int) {
        std::string tmp = testdata::inputWithtokens;
        bmh_search(tmp, testdata::tokens);
        assert(tmp == testdata::expected);

NONIUS_BENCHMARK("kmp_search", [](nonius::chronometer cm) {
    cm.measure([&](int) {
        std::string tmp = testdata::inputWithtokens;
        kmp_search(tmp, testdata::tokens);
        assert(tmp == testdata::expected);

NONIUS_BENCHMARK("naive_stl", [](nonius::chronometer cm) {
    cm.measure([&](int) {
            std::string tmp = testdata::inputWithtokens;
            naive_stl(tmp, testdata::tokens);
            assert(tmp == testdata::expected);

NONIUS_BENCHMARK("boost_replace_all", [](nonius::chronometer cm)     {
    std::string const tmp = testdata::inputWithtokens;

    std::string result;
    cm.measure([&](int) {
        result = boost_replace_all(testdata::inputWithtokens, testdata::tokens);
    assert(result == testdata::expected);

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