使用 php 按团队名称对 Json 数据进行分组


我必须在各自的团队名称下显示团队积分 我有以下 json 数据

	"team":{"name":"Minor Counties","id":115104,"club":{"name":"Minor Counties","id":98110}},
	"team":{"name":"Major Counties","id":93648,"club":{"name":"Major Counties","id":35487}},


Minor Counties             Major Counties
253/10 &  190/5            229/10 & 64/4


Minor Counties       Minor Counties    Major Counties   Major Counties
  253/10                190/5            229/10             64/4

这是到目前为止我的 php 代码:

$team1 = $read_json->team->team1->name;
$team2 = $read_json->team->team2->name;
foreach($read_json->team1->innings as $team1Innings){
				$points = $team1Innings->points;
				$wickets = $team1Innings->wickets;
				$overs = $team1Innings->overs;
				$balls = $team1Innings->balls;				
                echo "<div class=\"score-total\"><span class=\"score-team\">$team1</span>$points/$wickets<span class=\"score-overs\">$overs.$balls overs</span></div>";
similar code to get team2 points

$json = '{
         "name":"Minor Counties",
            "name":"Minor Counties",
         "name":"Major Counties",
            "name":"Major Counties",

$items = json_decode($json);
foreach ($items as $item) {
    echo "<b>{$item->team->name}</b>";
    $innings = [];
    foreach ($item->innings as $inning) {
        $innings[] = "{$inning->points} / {$inning->wickets}";
    echo '<br>';
    echo implode(' & ', $innings);
    echo '<br>';

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