

我试图确定给定的 IPv6 地址在 C# 中是否是私有的,并且我很想简单地使用 IPAddress 类上的“IsIPv6SiteLocal”属性。然而,正如本节中所解释的comment https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6459928/explain-the-instance-properties-of-system-net-ipaddress/6461537#6461537,此属性中实现的逻辑已被弃用。我运行了以下单元测试:

public void IsPrivate_ipv6_True()
    // This sample private IPv6 address was generated using: http://unique-local-ipv6.com/
    var ip = IPAddress.Parse("fd44:fda4:e1ba::1");

单元测试中的断言失败,这确认 IsIPv6SiteLocal 无法正确确定地址是否为本地地址。所以我需要一个替代方案。


public static bool IsPrivateIPv6(this IPAddress address)
    var addressAsString = address.ToString();
    var firstWord = addressAsString.Split(new[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];

    // Make sure we are dealing with an IPv6 address
    if (address.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) return false;

    // The original IPv6 Site Local addresses (fec0::/10) are deprecated. Unfortunately IsIPv6SiteLocal only checks for the original deprecated version:
    else if (address.IsIPv6SiteLocal) return true;

    // These days Unique Local Addresses (ULA) are used in place of Site Local. 
    // ULA has two variants: 
    //      fc00::/8 is not defined yet, but might be used in the future for internal-use addresses that are registered in a central place (ULA Central). 
    //      fd00::/8 is in use and does not have to registered anywhere.
    else if (firstWord.Substring(0, 2) == "fc" && firstWord.Length >= 4) return true;
    else if (firstWord.Substring(0, 2) == "fd" && firstWord.Length >= 4) return true;

    // Link local addresses (prefixed with fe80) are not routable
    else if (firstWord == "fe80") return true;

    // Discard Prefix
    else if (firstWord == "100") return true;

    // Any other IP address is not Unique Local Address (ULA)
    else return false;

2016 年 2 月 13 日编辑:

  • 确保第一个单词的长度至少为 4 个字符(按照@RonMaupin 的建议)
  • 按照 @RonMaupin 的建议改进了“else return false”上面的评论
  • 检查 @KevinBurdett 建议的“fe80”前缀
  • 按照 @KevinBurdett 的建议检查“丢弃”前缀

通过添加特殊情况改进了 @desautelsj 的答案::1并避免他的解决方案中出现 ArgumentException (这会发生在Substring() call):

public static bool IsPrivateIPv6(IPAddress address)
    // Make sure we are dealing with an IPv6 address
    if (address.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6)
        throw new ArgumentException("IP address is not V6", "address");

    var addressAsString = address.ToString();
    var firstWord = addressAsString.Split(new[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];

    // equivalent of in IPv6
    if (addressAsString == "::1")
        return true;

    // The original IPv6 Site Local addresses (fec0::/10) are deprecated. Unfortunately IsIPv6SiteLocal only checks for the original deprecated version:
    else if (address.IsIPv6SiteLocal)
        return true;

    // These days Unique Local Addresses (ULA) are used in place of Site Local. 
    // ULA has two variants: 
    //      fc00::/8 is not defined yet, but might be used in the future for internal-use addresses that are registered in a central place (ULA Central). 
    //      fd00::/8 is in use and does not have to registered anywhere.
    else if (firstWord.Length >= 4 && firstWord.Substring(0, 2) == "fc")
        return true;
    else if (firstWord.Length >= 4 && firstWord.Substring(0, 2) == "fd")
        return true;

    // Link local addresses (prefixed with fe80) are not routable
    else if (firstWord == "fe80")
        return true;

    // Discard Prefix
    else if (firstWord == "100")
        return true;

    // Any other IP address is not Unique Local Address (ULA)
    return false;

在 F# 中:

let private IsIpv6AddressPrivate (address: IPAddress) =
    if address.AddressFamily = AddressFamily.InterNetwork then
        invalidArg "address" "address must be IPv6"

    // The original IPv6 Site Local addresses (fec0::/10) are deprecated. Unfortunately IsIPv6SiteLocal only checks for the original deprecated version:
    elif address.IsIPv6SiteLocal then
        let addressAsString = address.ToString()

        // equivalent of in IPv6
        if addressAsString = "::1" then
            let firstWord = addressAsString.Split([|':'|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).[0]
            // These days Unique Local Addresses (ULA) are used in place of Site Local. 
            // ULA has two variants: 
            //      fc00::/8 is not defined yet, but might be used in the future for internal-use addresses that are registered in a central place (ULA Central). 
            //      fd00::/8 is in use and does not have to registered anywhere.
            if (firstWord.Length >= 4 && firstWord.Substring(0, 2) = "fc") ||
               (firstWord.Length >= 4 && firstWord.Substring(0, 2) = "fd") ||
               // Link local addresses (prefixed with fe80) are not routable
               (firstWord = "fe80") ||
               // Discard Prefix
               (firstWord = "100") then

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