设置 PEP 代理


我一直在研究 PEP-Proxy-Steelskin,以便我可以为我的 Orion Context 提供一些安全层,但是,有一些问题阻碍了我的进展。

我想使用 IDM 和 Keystone 全局实例。

我已按照相应的指示成功安装了 pepProxy (https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-pep-steelskin https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-pep-steelskin),但是,结果总是相同的:

  "message": "There was a connection error while authenticating to Keystone: 500"


var config = {};

// Protected Resource configuration
// Configures the address of the component that is being proxied and the address of the proxy itself.
config.resource = {
    original: {
         * Host that is being proxied.
        host: 'account.lab.fiware.org',

         * Port where the proxied server is listening.
        port: 10026

    proxy: {
         * Port where the proxy is listening to redirect requests.
        port: 1026,

         * Administration port for the proxy.
        adminPort: 11211

// Access Control configuration
 * This options can be used to configure the address and options of the Access Control, responsible of the request
 * validation.
config.access = {
     * Indicates whether the access control validation should be enabled. Defaults to false.
    disable: false,

     * Protocol to use to access the Access Control.
    protocol: 'http',
     * Host where the Access Control is located.
    host: 'account.lab.fiware.org',
     * Port where the Access Control is listening.
    port: 7070,
     * Path of the authentication action.
    path: '/pdp/v3'

// User identity configuration
 * Information about the Identity Manager server from where the information about a user will be drawn.
config.authentication = {
    checkHeaders: false,
    module: 'keystone',
    user: 'pep_proxy_99c595...',
    password: 'e3025a2...',
    domainName: 'matest',
    retries: 3,
    cacheTTLs: {
        users: 1000,
        projectIds: 1000,
        roles: 60,
        validation: 120
    options: {
        protocol: 'http',
        host: 'cloud.lab.fiware.org',
        port: 5000,
        path: '/v3/role_assignments',
        authPath: '/v3/auth/tokens'

// Security configuration
config.ssl = {
     * This flag activates the HTTPS protocol in the server. The endpoint always listen to the indicated port
     * independently of the chosen protocol.
    active: false,

     * Key file to use for codifying the HTTPS requests. Only mandatory when the flag active is true.
    keyFile: '',

     * SSL Certificate to present to the clients. Only mandatory when the flag active is true.
    certFile: ''

 * Default log level. Can be one of: 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'FATAL'
config.logLevel = 'FATAL';

// List of component middlewares
 * To validate the request, the proxy needs some information that is dependant of the component: the action that a
 * request is going to execute. How to detect the action given the request is component-specific logic, that can be
 * codified in a middleware-like function that will be executed before the user validation. This logic must populate
 * the 'action' parameter of the request.
config.middlewares = {
     * Indicates the module from where the middlewares will be loaded.
    require: 'lib/plugins/orionPlugin',

     * Indicates the list of middlewares to load.
    functions: [

 * If this flag is activated, whenever the pepProxy is not able to redirect a request, instead of returning a 501 error
 * (that is the default functionality) the PEP Proxy process will exit with a -2 code.
config.dieOnRedirectError = false;

 * Name of the component. It will be used in the generation of the FRN.
config.componentName = 'orion';

 * Prefix to use in the FRN (Not to change, usually).
config.resourceNamePrefix = 'fiware:';

 * Indicates whether this PEP should have an admin bypass or not. If it does, whenever a user request arrives to the
 * PEP from a user that has the role defined in the "adminRoleId" property, that request is not validated against the
 * Access Control, but it is automatically proxied instead.
config.bypass = false;

 * ID of the admin user if it exists. Only effective if the "bypass" property is true.
config.bypassRoleId = '';

 * Configures the maximum number of clients that can be simultaneously queued while waiting for the PEP to
 * authenticate itself against Keystone (due to an expired token).
config.maxQueuedClients = 1000;

module.exports = config;


  1. 使用是否正确account.lab.fiware.org,作为资源和访问主机还是我应该使用不同的主机?
  2. 使用是否正确cloud.lab.fiware.org,作为认证主机?
  3. 用户和密码由我的 IDM 全局实例自动创建。角色和权限是通过同一全局实例分配的。此程序是否合适,或者我应该遵循不同的程序?
  4. 我错过了什么吗?


注:我已经尝试过不同的帖子并取得成功。部分原因是许多解决方案都安装了自己的基石,例如:PEP-Proxy-Steelskin 日志配置 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30888451/pep-proxy-steelskin-log-configuration , 用于集成 IDM GE、PEP 代理和 Cosmos 大数据的 PEP 代理配置文件 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32092430/pep-proxy-config-file-for-integration-of-idm-ge-pep-proxy-and-cosmos-big-data , PEP-Proxy-Steelskin 日志配置 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30888451/pep-proxy-steelskin-log-configuration。这是与我一直在做的事情更相关的一个,但我仍然认为它不是最新的:固件 Orion - pepProxy https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29561163/fiware-orion-pepproxy

我@netzahdzc 很抱歉,如果这不是您希望的答复,但我已经有一段时间不使用固件技术了,所以我不记得所有内容,但我会尽力提供帮助。

使用 account.lab.fiware.org 作为资源和访问主机是否正确,还是应该使用其他主机?

我认为你使用的是正确的,请参考我的项目的配置文件:GitHub https://github.com/Introsys/fresh/tree/master/servers_cfgs,这个项目是“旧的”,所以有些东西可能已经从固件方面发生了变化......正如你在PepProxy-config.js我使用的实例与你相同:

    config.account_host = 'https://account.lab.fiware.org';
    config.keystone_host = 'cloud.lab.fiware.org';
    config.keystone_port = 4730;


在我使用的配置(上面)中,您可以看到帐户主机 is the account.lab.fiware.orgkeystone_host(用于身份验证)是cloud.lab.fiware.org,所以我认为你是对的。

用户和密码由我的 IDM 全局实例自动创建。角色和权限是通过同一全局实例分配的。此程序是否合适,或者我应该遵循不同的程序?

我没有深入研究这个问题,但回想一下,是的,你是对的,角色和权限应该由 Keystone 全局实例处理,但我不知道自从我使用这个以来事情是否发生了变化。

抱歉,如果我无法提供更多帮助,请尝试看看您是否可以使用我的一些配置,或者至少它是否可以帮助您。您也可以尝试与丹尼尔·莫兰·希门尼斯 https://stackoverflow.com/users/4340880/daniel-mor%C3%A1n-jim%C3%A9nez,我相信他能比我更好地帮助你。


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