在 RStudio 中记录 R 包中的 R6 类和方法


我正在努力处理 R6 类及其方法的文档。我的目标是在 RStudio 中获得方法的自动完成功能。目前,我只得到方法的名称,但没有得到我通常使用的帮助信息roxygen2用参数等记录函数


#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
MQParameters <- R6::R6Class(
    initialize=function(file_path=NA) {
      private$location <- file_path
      mq_parameters <- read.delim(file_path, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      mq_parameters <-
        setNames(mq_parameters$Value, mq_parameters$Parameter)
      private$mq_version <- unname(mq_parameters['Version'])
      private$fasta_file <-
        gsub('\\\\', '/', strsplit(mq_parameters['Fasta file'], ';')[[1]])
    # this method returns the version
    getVersion=function() {
    # this methods returns the fastafile.
    # @param new_param it is possible to rewrite the basedir.
    getFastaFile=function(new_basedir=NA) {
      if(is.na(new_basedir)) {
      } else {
        file.path(new_basedir, basename(private$fasta_file))


df <- data.frame(Parameter=c('Version', 'Fasta file'),
write.table(df, 'jnk.txt', sep='\t', row.names=F)

p <- MQParameters$new('jnk.txt')
# [1] ""
# [1] "c:/a/b.fasta"
# [1] "./b.fasta"


我很想从 RStudio 获得“正常”功能,比如点击F1直接进入帮助页面。

通过搜索互联网,我在 Github 上看到了一些关于这个主题的报道,但它们已经存在一年多了。


感谢 的回答mikeck我现在有一个关于该类及其方法的很好的文档。但我仍然缺乏的是获得函数/方法及其参数的提示的可能性,就像这个常见函数的屏幕截图一样:


我的理解是,记录一个NULL具有相同的对象@name作为您的班级,因为这提供了最大的灵活性。我在我的一个包中使用了 R6 类;你可以查看氧气here https://github.com/mkoohafkan/pysockr/blob/master/R/pyr6.r。我在下面提供了一个小样本:

#' Python Environment
#' The Python Environment Class. Provides an interface to a Python process.
#' @section Usage:
#' \preformatted{py = PythonEnv$new(port, path)
#' py$start()
#' py$running
#' py$exec(..., file = NULL)
#' py$stop(force = FALSE)
#' }
#' @section Arguments:
#' \code{port} The port to use for communication with Python.
#' \code{path} The path to the Python executable.
#' \code{...} Commands to run or named variables to set in the Python process.
#' \code{file} File containing Python code to execute.
#' \code{force} If \code{TRUE}, force the Python process to terminate
#'   using a sytem call.
#' @section Methods:
#' \code{$new()} Initialize a Python interface. The Python process is not 
#'   started automatically.
#' \code{$start()} Start the Python process. The Python process runs 
#'   asynchronously.
#' \code{$running} Check if the Python process is running.
#' \code{$exec()} Execute the specified Python 
#'   commands and invisibly return printed Python output (if any).
#'   Alternatively, the \code{file} argument can be used to specify
#'   a file containing Python code. Note that there will be no return 
#'   value unless an explicit Python \code{print} statement is executed.
#' \code{$stop()} Stop the Python process by sending a request to the 
#'   Python process. If \code{force = TRUE}, the process will be 
#'   terminated using a system call instead.
#' @name PythonEnv
#' @examples
#' pypath = Sys.which('python')
#' if(nchar(pypath) > 0) { 
#'   py = PythonEnv$new(path = pypath, port = 6011)
#'   py$start()
#'   py$running
#'   py$stop(force = TRUE)
#' } else 
#' message("No Python distribution found!")

#' @export
PythonEnv = R6::R6Class("PythonEnv", cloneable = FALSE,
  # actual class definition...

还有其他替代(但类似)的实现;这个例子 https://github.com/Ermlab/lightning-rstat/blob/41ba35d647d0f6953055eb61c87d950c6b21cc97/LightningR/R/lightning.R uses @docType class这可能更适合您:

#' Class providing object with methods for communication with lightning-viz server
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom RCurl postForm
#' @importFrom RJSONIO fromJSON toJSON
#' @importFrom httr POST
#' @export
#' @keywords data
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for communication with lightning-viz server.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' Lightning$new("http://localhost:3000/")
#' Lightning$new("http://your-lightning.herokuapp.com/")
#' @field serveraddress Stores address of your lightning server.
#' @field sessionid Stores id of your current session on the server.
#' @field url Stores url of the last visualization created by this object.
#' @field autoopen Checks if the server is automatically opening the visualizations.
#' @field notebook Checks if the server is in the jupyter notebook mode.
#' #' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Documentation}{For full documentation of each method go to https://github.com/lightning-viz/lightining-r/}
#'   \item{\code{new(serveraddress)}}{This method is used to create object of this class with \code{serveraddress} as address of the server object is connecting to.}
#'   \item{\code{sethost(serveraddress)}}{This method changes server that you are contacting with to \code{serveraddress}.}
#'   \item{\code{createsession(sessionname = "")}}{This method creates new session on the server with optionally given name in \code{sessionname}.}
#'   \item{\code{usesession(sessionid)}}{This method changes currently used session on the server to the one with id given in \code{sessionid} parameter.}
#'   \item{\code{openviz(vizid = NA)}}{This method by default opens most recently created by this object visualization. If \code{vizid} parameter is given, it opens a visualization with given id instead.}
#'   \item{\code{enableautoopening()}}{This method enables auto opening of every visualisation that you create since that moment. Disabled by default.}
#'   \item{\code{disableautoopening()}}{This method disables auto opening of every visualisation that you create since that moment. Disabled by default.}
#'   \item{\code{line(series, index = NA, color = NA, label = NA, size = NA, xaxis = NA, yaxis = NA, logScaleX = "false", logScaleY = "false")}}{This method creates a line visualization for vector/matrix with each row representing a line, given in \code{series}.}
#'   \item{\code{scatter(x, y, color = NA, label = NA, size = NA, alpha = NA, xaxis = NA, yaxis = NA)}}{This method creates a scatterplot for points with coordinates given in vectors \code{x, y}.}
#'   \item{\code{linestacked(series, color = NA, label = NA, size = NA)}}{This method creates a plot of multiple lines given in matrix \code{series}, with an ability to hide and show every one of them.}
#'   \item{\code{force(matrix, color = NA, label = NA, size = NA)}}{This method creates a force plot for matrix given in \code{matrix}.}
#'   \item{\code{graph(x, y, matrix, color = NA, label = NA, size = NA)}}{This method creates a graph of points with coordinates given in \code{x, y} vectors, with connection given in \code{matrix} connectivity matrix.}
#'   \item{\code{map(regions, weights, colormap)}}{This method creates a world (or USA) map, marking regions given as a vector of abbreviations (3-char for countries, 2-char for states) in \code{regions} with weights given in \code{weights} vector and with \code{colormap} color (string from colorbrewer).}
#'   \item{\code{graphbundled(x, y, matrix, color = NA, label = NA, size = NA)}}{This method creates a bundled graph of points with coordinates given in \code{x, y} vectors, with connection given in \code{matrix} connectivity matrix. Lines on this graph are stacked a bit more than in the \code{graph} function.}
#'   \item{\code{matrix(matrix, colormap)}}{This method creates a visualization of matrix given in \code{matrix} parameter, with its contents used as weights for the colormap given in \code{colormap} (string from colorbrewer).}
#'   \item{\code{adjacency(matrix, label = NA)}}{This method creates a visualization for adjacency matrix given in \code{matrix} parameter.}
#'   \item{\code{scatterline(x, y, t, color = NA, label = NA, size = NA)}}{This method creates a scatterplot for coordinates in vectors \code{x, y} and assignes a line plot to every point on that plot. Each line is given as a row in \code{t} matrix.}
#'   \item{\code{scatter3(x, y, z, color = NA, label = NA, size = NA, alpha = NA)}}{This method creates a 3D scatterplot for coordinates given in vectors \code{x, y, z}.}
#'   \item{\code{image(imgpath)}}{This method uploads image from file \code{imgpath} to the server and creates a visualisation of it.}
#'   \item{\code{gallery(imgpathvector)}}{This method uploads images from vector of file paths \code{imgpathvector} to the server and creates a gallery of these images.}}

Lightning <- R6Class("Lightning",


如果您正在寻找一种方法来在尝试使用类方法时显示 RStudio 工具提示...不幸的是,我认为您不会找到一种不需要以消除以下问题的方式对类进行编码的解决方案: R6 类的便利性和功能性。

@f-privé 提供了一个答案,可以做你想做的事——只需将该逻辑扩展到所有方法即可。例如,myclass$my_method而是通过以下方式访问

my_method = function(r6obj) {
my_method(obj)      # equivalent

换句话说,您需要为每个方法创建一个包装器。这显然比使用obj$my_method(),并且可能首先就失去了使用 R6 类的用处。

这里的问题实际上是 RStudio。 IDE 没有通过分析代码来识别 R6 类的好方法,并且无法区分已定义类的方法和列表或环境的元素。此外,RStudio 无法提供任意函数的帮助,例如:

na.omit()         # tooltip shows up when cursor is within the parentheses
foo = na.omit
foo()             # no tooltip

这与调用特定 R6 对象的方法非常相似。


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