Launch your application in Vista under the local system account without the UAC popup


This article describes how to launch an application from session 0 to session 1 under the local system account using a service helper application
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In Vista, I came across a problem where I wanted to launch an exe under an administrator account to perform certain tasks. I could not do that because the UAC elevation dialog box would appear for which the user would have to respond. To work around that problem, I came up with the solution of launching the required application from a service into the current user session with local system account privileges.This would not require us to respond to the UAC dialog box. This way I could run my application with the highest privilege possible, avoiding the UAC dialog box. In my case this was necessary since I needed to control/communicate with applications running with administrative rights without user intervention and perform some administrative tasks in the current user session on system startup.


The concept which I use is very straightforward. I have a normal user mode application which communicates with a service through custom messages. On receiving the custom message, the service will launch the requested application (that I want) under the system account. To get hold of a local system account I used the winlogon's token in the required session since winlogon.exe runs under the local system account. (In Vista, services are present in session 0 and the first user logs on in session 1 and so on, unlike in XP)

Using the code

First let us review the file CustomMessageSender.cpp. This is the usermode application which communicates with the service.This application can be any normal application without any special privileges.

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#define SERVICE_NAME _T("CustomSvc")

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    SC_HANDLE hMyService,hSCM;
    BOOL bSuccess;
    SERVICE_STATUS status;
    hSCM = OpenSCManager(0,0,SC_MANAGER_CONNECT);
        printf("Open SCM failed with error %u",GetLastError());
        printf("Open SCM failed with error %u",GetLastError());
    bSuccess = ControlService(hMyService,SERVICE_CONTROL_CUSTOM_MESSAGE,&status);
        printf("Control Service failed with error %u",GetLastError());
    return 0;

The code above is very simple and straightforward. I use SERVICE_USER_DEFINED_CONTROL and SC_MANAGER_CONNECT access permission because any user mode applications can connect to our service to send customize messages to it. No admin privileges are required. So this application sends the SERVICE_CONTROL_CUSTOM_MESSAGE to the service. The service part of the code which receives the messages and launches the application is below. I have used a sample service posted by Anish in Code Project and added my features into it.

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//Method to launch an application into session 1 under 
//the local system account

BOOL LaunchAppIntoDifferentSession();
void WINAPI ServiceCtrlHandler(DWORD Opcode)
//Added By Jaisvar on 04/11/07 to receive a custom message from a user app


In the above code snippet, I have declared the custom message and the prototype of the method which I will be executing on receiving the custom message. Let me describe the LaunchAppIntoDifferentSession Method before I display the code snippet. To launch a process under the local system account I perform the following steps:

  1. Get the Active Console SessionId using WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId
  2. Since I need to launch the application under a system account, I use the token from Winlogon, since Winlogon runs under the system account. So I obtain the process ID of Winlogon and Duplicate the token.
  3. Then I make sure I sent the startupinfo parameter lpDesktop to winsta0/Default since I need to launch my process there.
  4. Then I use CreateProcessAsUser with Winlogon's duplicate token to launch my process into session 1.
  5. That's all. I am done.
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BOOL LaunchAppIntoDifferentSession()
   BOOL bResult = FALSE;
   DWORD dwSessionId,winlogonPid;
   HANDLE hUserToken,hUserTokenDup,hPToken,hProcess;
   DWORD dwCreationFlags;

// Log the client on to the local computer.

   dwSessionId = WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId();

   // Find the winlogon process

   PROCESSENTRY32 procEntry;

    HANDLE hSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
    if (hSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        return 1 ;

    procEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);

    if (!Process32First(hSnap, &procEntry))
        return 1 ;

        if (_stricmp(procEntry.szExeFile, "winlogon.exe") == 0)
            // We found a winlogon process...
        // make sure it's running in the console session
            DWORD winlogonSessId = 0;
            if (ProcessIdToSessionId(procEntry.th32ProcessID, &winlogonSessId) 
                    && winlogonSessId == dwSessionId)
                winlogonPid = procEntry.th32ProcessID;

    } while (Process32Next(hSnap, &procEntry));


   ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
   si.cb= sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
   si.lpDesktop = "winsta0//default";
   ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
   LUID luid;
   hProcess = OpenProcess(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED,FALSE,winlogonPid);

               int abcd = GetLastError();
               printf("Process token open Error: %u/n",GetLastError());

   if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL,SE_DEBUG_NAME,&luid))
       printf("Lookup Privilege value Error: %u/n",GetLastError());
   tp.PrivilegeCount =1;
   tp.Privileges[0].Luid =luid;
   tp.Privileges[0].Attributes =SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;

   int dup = GetLastError();

   //Adjust Token privilege

   if (!AdjustTokenPrivileges(hUserTokenDup,FALSE,&tp,sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES),
       int abc =GetLastError();
       printf("Adjust Privilege value Error: %u/n",GetLastError());

   if (GetLastError()== ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED)
     printf("Token does not have the provilege/n");



// Launch the process in the client's logon session.

  bResult = CreateProcessAsUser(
      hUserTokenDup,                     // client's access token
      _T("C://SessionLauncher//a.exe"),    // file to execute
      NULL,                 // command line
      NULL,            // pointer to process SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
      NULL,               // pointer to thread SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
      FALSE,              // handles are not inheritable
      dwCreationFlags,     // creation flags
      pEnv,               // pointer to new environment block
      NULL,               // name of current directory
      &si,               // pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
      &pi                // receives information about new process
// End impersonation of client.

//GetLastError Shud be 0

   int iResultOfCreateProcessAsUser = GetLastError();

//Perform All the Close Handles tasks


 return 0;

This way a normal user mode application can send a custom message to a service to launch itself under the local system account without the UAC dialog box popping up.

Some readers wanted to know how to:

  1. Get GetUserName() API to return the current logged on user
  2. Access the HKCU under the system account

Well, it is virtually impossible from the userland to surpass the UAC dialog when we launch a process which requires elevation, since it is designed that way by Microsoft. Although it may be possible to effect these changes through writing some kernel mode code (DKOM concepts). But still from the userland, the best I could think about was to impersonate the system account to act as the logged on user to access the HKCU. I use the Explorer process for this purpose since it runs under the user account.

Impersonating the user token will cause the current worker thread to run under the user context. Note that if you use CreateProcess() it will still spawn a process under the System Account since our overall process is still running under the local system account.

The code to do that is listed in the snippet below. This code needs to be written into the application which will be launched by the service. I have not included this piece of code in the ""

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DWORD dwSessionId,dwExplorerLogonPid,dwSize,dwRegDataSize;
HANDLE hProcess,hPToken;
char szUserName[MAX_PATH];
char szRegData[MAX_PATH];
char szRegPath[500] = "Software//Microsoft//Windows//CurrentVersion//Run";
HKEY hKey; //Handle to registry Key
long lRegResult; //Registry operation result

//Get the active desktop session id
dwSessionId = WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId();

//We find the explorer process since it will have the user token

   // Find the explorer process

   PROCESSENTRY32 procEntry;

    HANDLE hSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
    if (hSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        return 1 ;

    procEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);

    if (!Process32First(hSnap, &procEntry))
        return 1 ;

        if (_stricmp(procEntry.szExeFile, "explorer.exe") == 0)
          DWORD dwExplorerSessId = 0;
          if (ProcessIdToSessionId(procEntry.th32ProcessID, &dwExplorerSessId) 
                    && dwExplorerSessId == dwSessionId)
                dwExplorerLogonPid = procEntry.th32ProcessID;

    } while (Process32Next(hSnap, &procEntry));

hProcess = OpenProcess(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED,FALSE,dwExplorerLogonPid);

               int abcd = GetLastError();
               printf("Process token open Error: %u/n",GetLastError());

We need to impersonate the service token to run as a user to access the Registry. This will cause our worker thread to run in the users token's context.

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//Impersonate the explorer token which runs under the user account

int iImpersonateResult = GetLastError();

if(iImpersonateResult == ERROR_SUCCESS)
  //GetUserName will now return the username

 //Since the thread is running as the user we can access the HKCU now
  dwRegDataSize = sizeof(szRegData);
  lRegResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
  if (lRegResult == ERROR_SUCCESS)
//Once the operation is over revert back to system account.

I have taken a simple service posted by V.Anish to add my code to obtain the Winlogon's token and launch the application. It can be installed up typing service.exe -i. Then you need to start the service to get it running.

If you have any doubts, you can contact me at

In my next article, I will discuss some more concepts about tweaking the UAC.


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