C 中循环中的 if 语句被跳过


在函数验证中,我有一个名为“size”的循环,它与“foodSelect”中的第三个循环相同,只是由于某种原因它的工作方式不同。它不会先提示我输入,而是直接进入其中的 if 并询问What size (L - Large, M - Medium, S - Small): Please enter S, M, or L only:。它首先显示错误,然后再次提示我输入。有点奇怪。

来源(因为很长):http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=KxrMAXaU http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=KxrMAXaU


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void menu();
void question (char choice[]);
void output(char *foodChoice, char *foodSelect, char *foodSize, int *foodOrderNum, float *foodSubtotal);
int verify(char *choice, char *foodChoice);

void menu() {
    printf("\nWelcome to Sunny FISH & CHIPS!\n\n");
    printf("########     Fish :     Haddock(K) Large(L) | $5.00\n");
    printf("# FOOD #                Halibut(T) Large(L) | $4.00\n");
    printf("########     Chips:     Cut(C)     Large(L) | $2.00\n");
    printf("                        Ring(R)    Large(L) | $3.00\n");
    printf("                                            | \n");
    printf("##########   Soft Drinks(S)        Large(L) | $2.00\n");
    printf("# DRINKS #   Coffee(C)             Large(L) | $1.75\n");
    printf("##########   Tea(T)                Large(L) | $1.50\n");
    printf("Note: Medium price: 80%% of large.\n");
    printf("       Small price: 60%% of large.\n");
    printf("TAX is 10%%.\n");
    printf("More than 5 fish, 10%% discount on drink.\n");
    printf("Every 10 fish purchased, get 1 free softdrink.\n");
    printf("  - size of drink is according to size of fish\n");

int verify(char *choice, char *foodChoice) 
    int answer, rc = -1;
    if (choice == "order") 
        do {
            answer = getchar();
            if (answer == 'Y' || answer == 'y')
            { rc = 1; }
            else if (answer == 'N' || answer == 'n')
            { rc = 0; }
            if (rc == -1 && answer != -1) 
                printf("Please enter y or n only: ");
                while (answer != -1 && answer != '\n')
                answer = getchar();
        } while (rc == -1 && answer != -1);
    if (choice == "foodSelect") 
        do {
            answer = getchar();

                if (foodChoice == "Fish")
                    do {
                        answer = getchar();
                        if (answer == 'K' || answer == 'k')
                        { rc = 1; }
                        else if (answer == 'T' || answer == 't')
                        { rc = 0; }
                        if (rc == -1 && answer != -1) 
                            printf("Please enter K or T only: ");
                            while (answer != -1 && answer != '\n')
                            answer = getchar();
                    } while (rc == -1 && answer != -1);
                if (foodChoice == "Chips")
                    do {
                        answer = getchar();
                        if (answer == 'C' || answer == 'c')
                        { rc = 1; }
                        else if (answer == 'R' || answer == 'r')
                        { rc = 0; }
                        if (rc == -1 && answer != -1) 
                            printf("Please enter C or R only: ");
                            while (answer != -1 && answer != '\n')
                            answer = getchar();
                    } while (rc == -1 && answer != -1);
                if (foodChoice == "Drinks")
                    do {
                        answer = getchar();
                        if (answer == 'S' || answer == 's')
                        { rc = 1; }
                        else if (answer == 'C' || answer == 'c')
                        { rc = 2; }
                        else if (answer == 'T' || answer == 'T')
                        { rc = 3; }
                        if (rc == -1 && answer != -1) 
                            printf("Please enter S, C, or T only: ");
                            while (answer != -1 && answer != '\n')
                            answer = getchar();
                    } while (rc == -1 && answer != -1);
        } while (rc == -1 && answer != -1);
    if (choice == "size") 
        do {
            answer = getchar();
            if (answer == 'S' || answer == 's')
            { rc = 1; }
            else if (answer == 'M' || answer == 'm')
            { rc = 2; }
            else if (answer == 'L' || answer == 'l')
            { rc = 3; }
            if (rc == -1 && answer != -1) 
                printf("Please enter S, M, or L only: ");
                while (answer != -1 && answer != '\n')
                answer = getchar();
        } while (rc == -1 && answer != -1);

void question (char *choice) {

    char *choiceYesNo;
    char *foodOptions;
    char *foodChoice;
    char *foodSelect;
    char *foodSize;
    int *foodOrderNum;
    float *foodSubtotal;

    switch (choice[0]) {
        case 'f':
            foodChoice = "Fish";
            foodOptions = "(K- Haddock, T- Halibut)";
        case 'c':
            foodChoice = "Chips";
            foodOptions = "(C- Cut, R- Ring)";
        case 'd':
            foodChoice = "Drinks";
            foodOptions = "(S- Softdrink, C- Coffee, T- Tea)";

    printf("\nDo you order %s? (Y/N): ", foodChoice);
        verify("order", foodChoice);
    printf("%s choice %s: ", foodChoice, foodOptions);
        verify("foodSelect", foodChoice);
    printf("What size (L - Large, M - Medium, S - Small): ");
        verify("size", foodChoice);
    printf("How many orders do you want? (>=0): ");
        scanf("%d", &foodOrderNum);
    output(foodChoice, foodSelect, foodSize, foodOrderNum, foodSubtotal);

void output(char *foodChoice, char *foodSelect, char *foodSize, int *foodOrderNum, float *foodSubtotal) {

    printf("\nYou ordered %s: %c - SIZE: %c   amount ordered: %d, subtotal price: %.2lf\n\n", 
    foodChoice, foodSelect, foodSize, foodOrderNum, foodSubtotal);


int main() {





To clarify the above, when you press something like YEnter, you have entered two characters into standard input. The first call to getchar(), will return 'Y', and the next call will return '\n' (the newline character). Your code does not expect this following newline character and may appear to "skip" calls to getchar(), when really it is returning more characters you entered.



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