如何将具有像 ResNet 这样的非序列架构的 Keras 模型拆分为子模型?


我的模型是 resnet-152,我想将其切成两个子模型,问题是第二个子模型,我不知道如何构建从中间层到输出的模型

我尝试了这段代码这个回应 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52800025/keras-give-input-to-intermediate-layer-and-get-final-output/56140169#56140169它对我不起作用,这是我的代码:

def getLayerIndexByName(model, layername):
    for idx, layer in enumerate(model.layers):
        if layer.name == layername:
            return idx

idx = getLayerIndexByName(resnet, 'res3a_branch2a')

input_shape = resnet.layers[idx].get_input_shape_at(0) # which is here in my case (None, 55, 55, 256)

layer_input = Input(shape=input_shape[1:]) # as keras will add the batch shape

# create the new nodes for each layer in the path
x = layer_input
for layer in resnet.layers[idx:]:
    x = layer(x)

# create the model
new_model = Model(layer_input, x)


ValueError: Input 0 is incompatible with layer res3a_branch1: expected axis -1 of input shape to have value 256 but got shape (None, 28, 28, 512).


def split(model, start, end):
    confs = model.get_config()
    kept_layers = set()
    for i, l in enumerate(confs['layers']):
        if i == 0:
            confs['layers'][0]['config']['batch_input_shape'] = model.layers[start].input_shape
            if i != start:
                confs['layers'][0]['name'] += str(random.randint(0, 100000000)) # rename the input layer to avoid conflicts on merge
                confs['layers'][0]['config']['name'] = confs['layers'][0]['name']
        elif i < start or i > end:
    # filter layers
    layers = [l for l in confs['layers'] if l['name'] in kept_layers]
    layers[1]['inbound_nodes'][0][0][0] = layers[0]['name']
    # set conf
    confs['layers'] = layers
    confs['input_layers'][0][0] = layers[0]['name']
    confs['output_layers'][0][0] = layers[-1]['name']
    # create new model
    submodel = Model.from_config(confs)
    for l in submodel.layers:
        orig_l = model.get_layer(l.name)
        if orig_l is not None:
    return submodel


ValueError: Unknown layer: Scale

因为我的 resnet152 包含一个 Scale 层。


import resnet   # pip install resnet
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Input

def getLayerIndexByName(model, layername):
    for idx, layer in enumerate(model.layers):
        if layer.name == layername:
            return idx

resnet = resnet.ResNet152(weights='imagenet')

idx = getLayerIndexByName(resnet, 'res3a_branch2a')

model1 = Model(inputs=resnet.input, outputs=resnet.get_layer('res3a_branch2a').output)

input_shape = resnet.layers[idx].get_input_shape_at(0) # get the input shape of desired layer
layer_input = Input(shape=input_shape[1:]) # a new input tensor to be able to feed the desired layer

# create the new nodes for each layer in the path
x = layer_input
for layer in resnet.layers[idx:]:
    x = layer(x)

# create the model
model2 = Model(layer_input, x)



ValueError: Input 0 is incompatible with layer res3a_branch1: expected axis -1 of input shape to have value 256 but got shape (None, 28, 28, 512)

正如我在评论部分提到的,由于 ResNet 模型没有线性架构(即它具有跳过连接,并且一个层可能连接到多个层),因此您不能简单地逐层浏览模型的层一个循环,并在循环中前一层的输出上应用一个层(即与具有线性架构的模型不同,这个方法有效 https://stackoverflow.com/a/52814386/2099607).


  1. 指定子模型的最后一层。
  2. 从该层开始,找到与其连接的所有层。
  3. 获取这些连接层的输出。
  4. 将最后一层应用于收集的输出。

显然,步骤#3意味着递归:为了获得连接层(即X)的输出,我们首先需要找到它们的连接层(即Y),获取它们的输出(即Y的输出),然后将它们应用到这些输出上(即在 Y 的输出上应用 X)。此外,要找到连接层,您需要了解一些 Keras 的内部结构,这已在这个答案 https://stackoverflow.com/a/53944525/2099607。所以我们提出了这个解决方案:

from keras.applications.resnet50 import ResNet50
from keras import models
from keras import layers

resnet = ResNet50()

# this is the split point, i.e. the starting layer in our sub-model
starting_layer_name = 'activation_46'

# create a new input layer for our sub-model we want to construct
new_input = layers.Input(batch_shape=resnet.get_layer(starting_layer_name).get_input_shape_at(0))

layer_outputs = {}
def get_output_of_layer(layer):
    # if we have already applied this layer on its input(s) tensors,
    # just return its already computed output
    if layer.name in layer_outputs:
        return layer_outputs[layer.name]

    # if this is the starting layer, then apply it on the input tensor
    if layer.name == starting_layer_name:
        out = layer(new_input)
        layer_outputs[layer.name] = out
        return out

    # find all the connected layers which this layer
    # consumes their output
    prev_layers = []
    for node in layer._inbound_nodes:

    # get the output of connected layers
    pl_outs = []
    for pl in prev_layers:

    # apply this layer on the collected outputs
    out = layer(pl_outs[0] if len(pl_outs) == 1 else pl_outs)
    layer_outputs[layer.name] = out
    return out

# note that we start from the last layer of our desired sub-model.
# this layer could be any layer of the original model as long as it is
# reachable from the starting layer
new_output = get_output_of_layer(resnet.layers[-1])

# create the sub-model
model = models.Model(new_input, new_output)


  1. 该解决方案假设原始模型中的每个层仅使用一次,即它不适用于暹罗网络,其中一个层可以共享,因此可能在不同的输入张量上应用多次。

  2. 如果您想将模型正确分割为多个子模型,那么仅使用这些层作为分割点是有意义的(例如由starting_layer_name在上面的代码中),它们不在分支中(例如,在 ResNet 中,合并层之后的激活层是一个不错的选择,但是res3a_branch2a您选择的不是一个好的选择,因为它位于分支中)。为了更好地了解模型的原始架构,您始终可以使用以下命令绘制其图表plot_model()实用功能:

    from keras.applications.resnet50 import ResNet50
    from keras.utils import plot_model
    resnet = ResNet50()
    plot_model(model, to_file='resnet_model.png')
  3. 由于在构建子模型后会创建新节点,因此不要尝试构建另一个子模型有重叠的(即,如果它没有重叠,那就可以了!)与之前的子模型在上面代码的同一运行中;否则,您可能会遇到错误。


如何将具有像 ResNet 这样的非序列架构的 Keras 模型拆分为子模型? 的相关文章
