

例如。模拟器 p = paermulator(3) -> [0,1,2] -> [0,2,1] -> [1,0,2] -> [1,2,0]
在本例中,有 6 种可能的排列。 我设计了一个类,但它非常慢,我想让迭代更快。 这是我的设计:

    package Mathematica.complexity;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * Tthis will be a class that demonstrate what we call: 
 * a factorial complexity algorithm 
 * it's going to print all the possible permutations of some sort of collection 
 * in java. 
 * <br>
 * A recursive data structure that resembles the process of permutating. 
 * @author dashie
public class FactorialComplexity implements Iterator<List<Integer>>

 private List<Integer> G_Data; 

    // sub recursive structure of the class. 
    private FactorialComplexity G_next = null; 

    private int G_ChoosenIndex = 0; 

    private boolean G_canProduceNextElement= true;

    public static void main(String[] args) 


    public FactorialComplexity(int NumbersofElements)
        if(NumbersofElements <0)throw new AssertionError();
        this.G_Data = new LinkedList<>();

        for(int i =0; i< NumbersofElements;i++)this.G_Data.add(i);



    protected FactorialComplexity(List<Integer> argIn)

        this.G_Data = argIn;


     * Using the internal index to return the current element it is 
     * pointing at. 
     * <br></b>I doesn't increment the internal pointer. </b>
     * @return
    public Integer getChoosenElement()
        //if(this.G_Data.size() == 0)return null;
        return this.G_Data.get(this.G_ChoosenIndex);

     * This function serves for the iterator. 
     * @return
    public List<Integer> getPermutation()
        // two of the base case. 
            return new LinkedList<>();
            List<Integer> temp = new LinkedList<>();
            return temp;

        return this.getPermutation_part1(new LinkedList<Integer>());

    private List<Integer> getPermutation_part1(List<Integer> argIn)
        return argIn;

     * <ol>
     * <li>If the sub-structure has next element, increment the sub structure.
     * <li>If not, increment the index in this instance and recreate sub structure. 
     * <li>be careful about the base case please. 
     * </ol>
     * @return 
     * if this, including sub structure should be incremented. 
    protected boolean increment()

        if(this.G_next!= null)
            boolean temp = this.G_next.increment();
            int pointer = this.G_ChoosenIndex;
                return false;
                return (this.G_ChoosenIndex+1 == this.G_Data.size())&&temp;
            //empty means not choice can make. 
            return true;

     * All the nodes are at its last index. 
    public boolean hasNext()
        if(!this.G_canProduceNextElement)return false;
        return true;

     * This index in this class instance and 
     * all its sub structure are pointing at the last index? 
     * @return
    boolean isAllPointingAtLastIndex()
            return true;
        return this.G_ChoosenIndex+1

    public List<Integer> next() 

        List<Integer> result = this.getPermutation();
        return result;

    public String toString()
        String s = new String();
        s+= this.G_Data+":"+this.G_ChoosenIndex+"->";
        if(this.G_next!= null)s+= this.G_next.toString();
        return s;

     * <ol>
     * <li>Base case: the list in this instant is empty. 
     * <li>Make a copy of the local collection, excluding the 
     * element the pointer is pointing to
     * <li>Make connect the this object to its sub structure and recurse. 
     * </ol>
    protected void prepareSubStructure()
        if(this.G_Data.size() == 0)return;
        List<Integer> temp = new LinkedList<>();
        this.G_next = new FactorialComplexity(temp);

    public static int factorial(int n)
        if(n<0)return 0;
        if(n<=1)return 1;
        return n*factorial(n-1);


总结一下: 该类像链表一样递归,每个节点都包含一个指示其指向的元素的索引,以及从前一个节点传递的所有元素的列表。



为了实现这一目标,我们不是得到一个混乱的元素列表,而是关注从列表中扣除元素时所做的选择。 给函数一个大小,以及一个小于阶乘(大小)的数字;它将返回我们需要做出的一系列选择才能获得排列。

getTheIndexOfSelection(100,5)-> 对于 5 个元素的列表,我们需要第 100 个排列。


这意味着,删除索引 4 处的元素,对于被删除的列表,删除 0 处的元素 ....

[1,2,3,4,5] 删除索引 4 -> 5
[1,2,3,4] 删除索引 0 -> 1
[2,3,4] 删除索引 2 -> 4
[2,3] rovmove 索引 0 -> 2
[3] 删除索引 0 -> 3

     * Feed this function a number, it gives you a sequence of choices 
     * to make a permutation. 
     * <br>
     * if this return [0,0,0,0]
     * it means remove element at 0, and then remove again... until 
     * reaches the end. 
     * @return
     * @param
     * len: the length of the list
     * n: the number that got match to a certain permutation. 
    public static int[] getTheIndexOfSelection(int n, int size)
        int[] lst = new int[size];
        return getTheIndexOfSelection( n,  size,  0, lst);


 private static int[] getTheIndexOfSelection(int n, int size, int index, int[] lst)
            int[] result = {0}; // a list of one element, you can only choose the one that is in it
            // which is at index 0; 
            return result;

        if(n >= factorial(size))return null; // This is not possible to do. 

        int   firstchoice = n/factorial(size);

        lst[index]        = firstchoice;

        n = n-firstchoice*factorial(size);

        if(size>1)return getTheIndexOfSelection(n ,size, index+1, lst);
        return lst;


  1. 速度实际上取决于阶乘函数,假设阶乘非常快,这将是 o(n)。
  2. 它将数字与排列相匹配,从而使映射和迭代器等可扩展。
  3. 这不是完整的解决方案,剩下要解决的部分现在几乎是微不足道的。

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