

1 简介

1.1 消息



1.2 utm_odometry_node节点


1.3 订阅的话题

fix (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix):GPS测量和状态

1.4 发布的话题

odom (nav_msgs/Odometry):UTM编码的位置

1.5 参数

  • ~rot_covariance (double, default: 99999):指定旋转测量的方差(以米为单位)
  • ~frame_id (string, default: Copy frame_id from fix message): Frame to specify in header of outgoing Odometry message
  • ~child_frame_id (string): Child frame to specify in header of outgoing Odometry message

2 安装

mkdir -p ~/gps_ws/src
cd ~/gps_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/swri-robotics/gps_umd.git
cd ..


CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.5/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:367 (message):
A required package was not found
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/usr/share/cmake-3.5/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:532 (_pkg_check_modules_internal)
gps_umd/gpsd_client/CMakeLists.txt:15 (pkg_check_modules)

– Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!


sudo apt-get install libgps-dev



3 GPS坐标与UTM坐标的转换


3.1 GPS坐标转换为UTM坐标


 * Translates sensor_msgs/NavSat{Fix,Status} into nav_msgs/Odometry using UTM

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <message_filters/subscriber.h>
#include <message_filters/time_synchronizer.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.h>
#include <gps_common/conversions.h>
#include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h>

using namespace gps_common;

static ros::Publisher odom_pub;
std::string frame_id, child_frame_id;
double rot_cov;
bool append_zone = false;

void callback(const sensor_msgs::NavSatFixConstPtr& fix) {
  if (fix->status.status == sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::STATUS_NO_FIX) {
    ROS_DEBUG_THROTTLE(60,"No fix.");

  if (fix->header.stamp == ros::Time(0)) {

  double northing, easting;
  std::string zone;

  LLtoUTM(fix->latitude, fix->longitude, northing, easting, zone);

  if (odom_pub) {
    nav_msgs::Odometry odom;
    odom.header.stamp = fix->header.stamp;

    if (frame_id.empty()) {
      if(append_zone) {
        odom.header.frame_id = fix->header.frame_id + "/utm_" + zone;
      } else {
        odom.header.frame_id = fix->header.frame_id;
    } else {
      if(append_zone) {
        odom.header.frame_id = frame_id + "/utm_" + zone;
      } else {
        odom.header.frame_id = frame_id;

    odom.child_frame_id = child_frame_id;

    odom.pose.pose.position.x = easting;
    odom.pose.pose.position.y = northing;
    odom.pose.pose.position.z = fix->altitude;
    odom.pose.pose.orientation.x = 0;
    odom.pose.pose.orientation.y = 0;
    odom.pose.pose.orientation.z = 0;
    odom.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1;
    // Use ENU covariance to build XYZRPY covariance
    boost::array<double, 36> covariance = {{
      0, 0, 0,
      0, 0, 0,
      0, 0, 0,
      0, 0, 0, rot_cov, 0, 0,
      0, 0, 0, 0, rot_cov, 0,
      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, rot_cov

    odom.pose.covariance = covariance;


int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  ros::init(argc, argv, "utm_odometry_node");
  ros::NodeHandle node;
  ros::NodeHandle priv_node("~");

  priv_node.param<std::string>("frame_id", frame_id, "");
  priv_node.param<std::string>("child_frame_id", child_frame_id, "");
  priv_node.param<double>("rot_covariance", rot_cov, 99999.0);
  priv_node.param<bool>("append_zone", append_zone, false);

  odom_pub = node.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("odom", 10);

  ros::Subscriber fix_sub = node.subscribe("fix", 10, callback);



/* Taken from utexas-art-ros-pkg:art_vehicle/applanix */

 * Conversions between coordinate systems.
 * Includes LatLong<->UTM.

#ifndef _UTM_H
#define _UTM_H

/**  @file

     @brief Universal Transverse Mercator transforms.

     Functions to convert (spherical) latitude and longitude to and
     from (Euclidean) UTM coordinates.

     @author Chuck Gantz- chuck.gantz@globalstar.com


#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>

namespace gps_common

const double RADIANS_PER_DEGREE = M_PI/180.0;
const double DEGREES_PER_RADIAN = 180.0/M_PI;

// WGS84 Parameters
const double WGS84_A = 6378137.0;		// major axis
const double WGS84_B = 6356752.31424518;	// minor axis
const double WGS84_F = 0.0033528107;		// ellipsoid flattening
const double WGS84_E = 0.0818191908;		// first eccentricity
const double WGS84_EP = 0.0820944379;		// second eccentricity

// UTM Parameters
const double UTM_K0 = 0.9996;			// scale factor
const double UTM_FE = 500000.0;		// false easting
const double UTM_FN_N = 0.0;			// false northing on north hemisphere
const double UTM_FN_S = 10000000.0;		// false northing on south hemisphere
const double UTM_E2 = (WGS84_E*WGS84_E);	// e^2
const double UTM_E4 = (UTM_E2*UTM_E2);		// e^4
const double UTM_E6 = (UTM_E4*UTM_E2);		// e^6
const double UTM_EP2 = (UTM_E2/(1-UTM_E2));	// e'^2

 * Utility function to convert geodetic to UTM position
 * Units in are floating point degrees (sign for east/west)
 * Units out are meters
static inline void UTM(double lat, double lon, double *x, double *y)
  // constants
  const static double m0 = (1 - UTM_E2/4 - 3*UTM_E4/64 - 5*UTM_E6/256);
  const static double m1 = -(3*UTM_E2/8 + 3*UTM_E4/32 + 45*UTM_E6/1024);
  const static double m2 = (15*UTM_E4/256 + 45*UTM_E6/1024);
  const static double m3 = -(35*UTM_E6/3072);

  // compute the central meridian
  int cm = ((lon >= 0.0)
	    ? ((int)lon - ((int)lon)%6 + 3)
	    : ((int)lon - ((int)lon)%6 - 3));

  // convert degrees into radians
  double rlat = lat * RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;
  double rlon = lon * RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;
  double rlon0 = cm * RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;

  // compute trigonometric functions
  double slat = sin(rlat);
  double clat = cos(rlat);
  double tlat = tan(rlat);

  // decide the false northing at origin
  double fn = (lat > 0) ? UTM_FN_N : UTM_FN_S;

  double T = tlat * tlat;
  double C = UTM_EP2 * clat * clat;
  double A = (rlon - rlon0) * clat;
  double M = WGS84_A * (m0*rlat + m1*sin(2*rlat)
			+ m2*sin(4*rlat) + m3*sin(6*rlat));
  double V = WGS84_A / sqrt(1 - UTM_E2*slat*slat);

  // compute the easting-northing coordinates
  *x = UTM_FE + UTM_K0 * V * (A + (1-T+C)*pow(A,3)/6
			      + (5-18*T+T*T+72*C-58*UTM_EP2)*pow(A,5)/120);
  *y = fn + UTM_K0 * (M + V * tlat * (A*A/2
				      + (5-T+9*C+4*C*C)*pow(A,4)/24
				      + ((61-58*T+T*T+600*C-330*UTM_EP2)
					 * pow(A,6)/720)));


 * Determine the correct UTM letter designator for the
 * given latitude
 * @returns 'Z' if latitude is outside the UTM limits of 84N to 80S
 * Written by Chuck Gantz- chuck.gantz@globalstar.com
static inline char UTMLetterDesignator(double Lat)
	char LetterDesignator;

	if     ((84 >= Lat) && (Lat >= 72))  LetterDesignator = 'X';
	else if ((72 > Lat) && (Lat >= 64))  LetterDesignator = 'W';
	else if ((64 > Lat) && (Lat >= 56))  LetterDesignator = 'V';
	else if ((56 > Lat) && (Lat >= 48))  LetterDesignator = 'U';
	else if ((48 > Lat) && (Lat >= 40))  LetterDesignator = 'T';
	else if ((40 > Lat) && (Lat >= 32))  LetterDesignator = 'S';
	else if ((32 > Lat) && (Lat >= 24))  LetterDesignator = 'R';
	else if ((24 > Lat) && (Lat >= 16))  LetterDesignator = 'Q';
	else if ((16 > Lat) && (Lat >= 8))   LetterDesignator = 'P';
	else if (( 8 > Lat) && (Lat >= 0))   LetterDesignator = 'N';
	else if (( 0 > Lat) && (Lat >= -8))  LetterDesignator = 'M';
	else if ((-8 > Lat) && (Lat >= -16)) LetterDesignator = 'L';
	else if((-16 > Lat) && (Lat >= -24)) LetterDesignator = 'K';
	else if((-24 > Lat) && (Lat >= -32)) LetterDesignator = 'J';
	else if((-32 > Lat) && (Lat >= -40)) LetterDesignator = 'H';
	else if((-40 > Lat) && (Lat >= -48)) LetterDesignator = 'G';
	else if((-48 > Lat) && (Lat >= -56)) LetterDesignator = 'F';
	else if((-56 > Lat) && (Lat >= -64)) LetterDesignator = 'E';
	else if((-64 > Lat) && (Lat >= -72)) LetterDesignator = 'D';
	else if((-72 > Lat) && (Lat >= -80)) LetterDesignator = 'C';
        // 'Z' is an error flag, the Latitude is outside the UTM limits
	else LetterDesignator = 'Z';
	return LetterDesignator;

 * Convert lat/long to UTM coords.  Equations from USGS Bulletin 1532
 * East Longitudes are positive, West longitudes are negative.
 * North latitudes are positive, South latitudes are negative
 * Lat and Long are in fractional degrees
 * Written by Chuck Gantz- chuck.gantz@globalstar.com
static inline void LLtoUTM(const double Lat, const double Long,
                           double &UTMNorthing, double &UTMEasting,
                           char* UTMZone)
	double a = WGS84_A;
	double eccSquared = UTM_E2;
	double k0 = UTM_K0;

	double LongOrigin;
	double eccPrimeSquared;
	double N, T, C, A, M;

        //Make sure the longitude is between -180.00 .. 179.9
	double LongTemp = (Long+180)-int((Long+180)/360)*360-180;

	double LatRad = Lat*RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;
	double LongRad = LongTemp*RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;
	double LongOriginRad;
	int    ZoneNumber;

	ZoneNumber = int((LongTemp + 180)/6) + 1;

	if( Lat >= 56.0 && Lat < 64.0 && LongTemp >= 3.0 && LongTemp < 12.0 )
		ZoneNumber = 32;

        // Special zones for Svalbard
	if( Lat >= 72.0 && Lat < 84.0 )
	  if(      LongTemp >= 0.0  && LongTemp <  9.0 ) ZoneNumber = 31;
	  else if( LongTemp >= 9.0  && LongTemp < 21.0 ) ZoneNumber = 33;
	  else if( LongTemp >= 21.0 && LongTemp < 33.0 ) ZoneNumber = 35;
	  else if( LongTemp >= 33.0 && LongTemp < 42.0 ) ZoneNumber = 37;
        // +3 puts origin in middle of zone
	LongOrigin = (ZoneNumber - 1)*6 - 180 + 3;
	LongOriginRad = LongOrigin * RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;

	//compute the UTM Zone from the latitude and longitude
	snprintf(UTMZone, 4, "%d%c", ZoneNumber, UTMLetterDesignator(Lat));

	eccPrimeSquared = (eccSquared)/(1-eccSquared);

	N = a/sqrt(1-eccSquared*sin(LatRad)*sin(LatRad));
	T = tan(LatRad)*tan(LatRad);
	C = eccPrimeSquared*cos(LatRad)*cos(LatRad);
	A = cos(LatRad)*(LongRad-LongOriginRad);

	M = a*((1	- eccSquared/4		- 3*eccSquared*eccSquared/64	- 5*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/256)*LatRad
				- (3*eccSquared/8	+ 3*eccSquared*eccSquared/32	+ 45*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/1024)*sin(2*LatRad)
									+ (15*eccSquared*eccSquared/256 + 45*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/1024)*sin(4*LatRad)
									- (35*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/3072)*sin(6*LatRad));

	UTMEasting = (double)(k0*N*(A+(1-T+C)*A*A*A/6
					+ (5-18*T+T*T+72*C-58*eccPrimeSquared)*A*A*A*A*A/120)
					+ 500000.0);

	UTMNorthing = (double)(k0*(M+N*tan(LatRad)*(A*A/2+(5-T+9*C+4*C*C)*A*A*A*A/24
				 + (61-58*T+T*T+600*C-330*eccPrimeSquared)*A*A*A*A*A*A/720)));
	if(Lat < 0)
		UTMNorthing += 10000000.0; //10000000 meter offset for southern hemisphere

static inline void LLtoUTM(const double Lat, const double Long,
                           double &UTMNorthing, double &UTMEasting,
                           std::string &UTMZone) {
  char zone_buf[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

  LLtoUTM(Lat, Long, UTMNorthing, UTMEasting, zone_buf);

  UTMZone = zone_buf;

 * Converts UTM coords to lat/long.  Equations from USGS Bulletin 1532
 * East Longitudes are positive, West longitudes are negative.
 * North latitudes are positive, South latitudes are negative
 * Lat and Long are in fractional degrees.
 * Written by Chuck Gantz- chuck.gantz@globalstar.com
static inline void UTMtoLL(const double UTMNorthing, const double UTMEasting,
                           const char* UTMZone, double& Lat,  double& Long )
	double k0 = UTM_K0;
	double a = WGS84_A;
	double eccSquared = UTM_E2;
	double eccPrimeSquared;
	double e1 = (1-sqrt(1-eccSquared))/(1+sqrt(1-eccSquared));
	double N1, T1, C1, R1, D, M;
	double LongOrigin;
	double mu, phi1Rad;
	double x, y;
	int ZoneNumber;
	char* ZoneLetter;

	x = UTMEasting - 500000.0; //remove 500,000 meter offset for longitude
	y = UTMNorthing;

	ZoneNumber = strtoul(UTMZone, &ZoneLetter, 10);
	if((*ZoneLetter - 'N') < 0)
		y -= 10000000.0;//remove 10,000,000 meter offset used for southern hemisphere

	LongOrigin = (ZoneNumber - 1)*6 - 180 + 3;  //+3 puts origin in middle of zone

	eccPrimeSquared = (eccSquared)/(1-eccSquared);

	M = y / k0;
	mu = M/(a*(1-eccSquared/4-3*eccSquared*eccSquared/64-5*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/256));

	phi1Rad = mu	+ (3*e1/2-27*e1*e1*e1/32)*sin(2*mu)
				+ (21*e1*e1/16-55*e1*e1*e1*e1/32)*sin(4*mu)

	N1 = a/sqrt(1-eccSquared*sin(phi1Rad)*sin(phi1Rad));
	T1 = tan(phi1Rad)*tan(phi1Rad);
	C1 = eccPrimeSquared*cos(phi1Rad)*cos(phi1Rad);
	R1 = a*(1-eccSquared)/pow(1-eccSquared*sin(phi1Rad)*sin(phi1Rad), 1.5);
	D = x/(N1*k0);

	Lat = phi1Rad - (N1*tan(phi1Rad)/R1)*(D*D/2-(5+3*T1+10*C1-4*C1*C1-9*eccPrimeSquared)*D*D*D*D/24

	Long = (D-(1+2*T1+C1)*D*D*D/6+(5-2*C1+28*T1-3*C1*C1+8*eccPrimeSquared+24*T1*T1)
	Long = LongOrigin + Long * DEGREES_PER_RADIAN;


static inline void UTMtoLL(const double UTMNorthing, const double UTMEasting,
    std::string UTMZone, double& Lat, double& Long) {
  UTMtoLL(UTMNorthing, UTMEasting, UTMZone.c_str(), Lat, Long);
} // end namespace UTM

#endif // _UTM_H


rosrun gps_common utm_odometry_node


<node name="gps_conv" pkg="gps_common" type="utm_odometry_node">
  <remap from="odom" to="vo"/>
  <remap from="fix" to="/gps/fix" />
  <param name="rot_covariance" value="99999" />
  <param name="frame_id" value="base_footprint" />



roslaunch gps_common utm_odometry_node.launch

3.2 UTM坐标转换为GPS坐标



4 sensor_msgs/NavSatFix与gps_common/GPSFix的转换



# A more complete GPS fix to supplement sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.


#!/usr/bin/env python

# Translates from NavSatFix to GPSFix and back

import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import NavSatFix
from gps_common.msg import GPSFix
import gps_common.gps_message_converter as converter

navsat_pub = rospy.Publisher('navsat_fix_out', NavSatFix, queue_size=10)
gps_pub = rospy.Publisher('gps_fix_out', GPSFix, queue_size=10)

def navsat_callback(navsat_msg):
    gps_msg = converter.navsatfix_to_gpsfix(navsat_msg)

# Translates from GPSFix to NavSatFix.
# As GPSFix can store much more information than NavSatFix, 
# a lot of this additional information might get lost.
def gps_callback(gps_msg):
    navsat_msg = converter.gpsfix_to_navsatfix(gps_msg)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    rospy.init_node('fix_translator', anonymous=True)
    navsat_sub = rospy.Subscriber("navsat_fix_in", NavSatFix, navsat_callback)
    gps_sub = rospy.Subscriber("gps_fix_in", GPSFix, gps_callback)


from sensor_msgs.msg import NavSatFix
from sensor_msgs.msg import NavSatStatus
from gps_common.msg import GPSFix
from gps_common.msg import GPSStatus

def navsatfix_to_gpsfix(navsat_msg):
    # Convert sensor_msgs/NavSatFix messages to gps_common/GPSFix messages
    gpsfix_msg = GPSFix()
    gpsfix_msg.header = navsat_msg.header
    gpsfix_msg.status.status = navsat_msg.status.status

    gpsfix_msg.status.motion_source = GPSStatus.SOURCE_NONE
    gpsfix_msg.status.orientation_source = GPSStatus.SOURCE_NONE
    gpsfix_msg.status.position_source = GPSStatus.SOURCE_NONE
    if ((navsat_msg.status.service & NavSatStatus.SERVICE_GPS) or
            (navsat_msg.status.service & NavSatStatus.SERVICE_GLONASS) or
            (navsat_msg.status.service & NavSatStatus.SERVICE_GALILEO)):
        gpsfix_msg.status.motion_source = \
            gpsfix_msg.status.motion_source | GPSStatus.SOURCE_GPS
        gpsfix_msg.status.orientation_source = \
            gpsfix_msg.status.orientation_source | GPSStatus.SOURCE_GPS
        gpsfix_msg.status.position_source = \
            gpsfix_msg.status.position_source | GPSStatus.SOURCE_GPS

    if navsat_msg.status.service & NavSatStatus.SERVICE_COMPASS:
        gpsfix_msg.status.orientation_source = \
            gpsfix_msg.status.orientation_source | GPSStatus.SOURCE_MAGNETIC

    gpsfix_msg.latitude = navsat_msg.latitude
    gpsfix_msg.longitude = navsat_msg.longitude
    gpsfix_msg.altitude = navsat_msg.altitude
    gpsfix_msg.position_covariance = navsat_msg.position_covariance
    gpsfix_msg.position_covariance_type = navsat_msg.position_covariance_type

    return gpsfix_msg

def gpsfix_to_navsatfix(gpsfix_msg):
    # Convert gps_common/GPSFix messages to sensor_msgs/NavSatFix messages
    navsat_msg = NavSatFix()
    navsat_msg.header = gpsfix_msg.header

    # Caution: GPSFix has defined some additional status constants, which are
    # not defined in NavSatFix.
    navsat_msg.status.status = gpsfix_msg.status.status

    navsat_msg.status.service = 0
    if gpsfix_msg.status.position_source & GPSStatus.SOURCE_GPS:
        navsat_msg.status.service = \
            navsat_msg.status.service | NavSatStatus.SERVICE_GPS
    if gpsfix_msg.status.orientation_source & GPSStatus.SOURCE_MAGNETIC:
        navsat_msg.status.service = \
            navsat_msg.status.service | NavSatStatus.SERVICE_COMPASS

    navsat_msg.latitude = gpsfix_msg.latitude
    navsat_msg.longitude = gpsfix_msg.longitude
    navsat_msg.altitude = gpsfix_msg.altitude
    navsat_msg.position_covariance = gpsfix_msg.position_covariance
    navsat_msg.position_covariance_type = gpsfix_msg.position_covariance_type

    return navsat_msg



    fix_translator translates to and from NatSatFix 
    and GPSFix messages.

    If you want to translate from NavSatFix to GPSFix,
    you have to modify the first two remap lines.
    If you want to translate from GPSFix to NavSatFix,
    you have to uncomment and modify the last two remap 

    Only adjust topic names after "to=" in each remap line.

  <node name="fix_translator" pkg="gps_common" type="fix_translator">
    <!-- Translate from NavSatFix to GPSFix //-->
      <remap from="/navsat_fix_in"  to="/fix"/>       
      <remap from="/gps_fix_out"    to="/gps_fix"/>

    <!-- Translate from GPSFix to NavSatFix //-->
       <remap from="/gps_fix_in"     to="/YOUR_GPSFIX_TOPIC"/>   
       <remap from="/navsat_fix_out" to="/YOUR_NAVSATFIX_TOPIC"/>   




roslaunch gps_common fix_translator.launch


5 参考

[1] Github: http://wiki.ros.org/gps_common
[2] ROS wiki: http://wiki.ros.org/gps_common


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  • 操作系统学习

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  • c/c++编程学习:空指针是什么?

    什么是空指针 xff1f 对于每一种指针类型 xff0c 都有一个特殊的值 空指针 xff0c 空指针与其他所有指针值区分开来 xff0c 保证其不会指向任何函数或者对象等有意义的数据 因此 xff0c 取地址运算符 amp 永远不会产生空
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    基于 ESP32 C3 的多协议 WiFi 透传模块 xff08 可用作智能车图传 xff09 本项目为基于乐鑫公司的 ESP32 C3 芯片制作的无线透传模块 xff0c 具有多个通信协议接口 xff1a UART SPI 设计初衷是为了
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    Using Compiler 39 V6 15 39 folder 39 D Keil v5 ARM ARMCLANG Bin 39 main c 16 warning In file included from USER stm32f4x
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  • 中文分词

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  • (1)GNSS驱动nmea_navsat_driver 功能包的使用

    总览 该软件包为输出兼容NMEA语句的GPS设备提供了ROS接口 有关原始格式的详细信息 xff0c 请参见NMEA句子的GPSD文档 在成千上万的NMEA兼容GPS设备中 xff0c 我们正在汇编已知支持的设备列表 这个包是与兼容geog
  • (2)ROS传感器之GPS实践

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  • (6)GPS坐标与UTM坐标的转换

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