C++ 编程需要主要帮助链接列表我只是看不到我的错误在哪里,尽管它正在运行


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct list
  char name[20];
  int age;
  double height;
  list *next;

list *first = NULL, *current;
int optn = 0;

void currentfor()
  if (current->next == NULL)
    cout << "List has ended!" << endl;
    current = current->next;

void currentbac()
  if (current == first)
    cout << "This is the beginning of the list." << endl;
      list *previous;
      previous = first;
      while (previous->next != current)
          previous = previous->next;
      current = previous;

void addbeginning()
  list *newlist;

  newlist = new list;
  cout << "Enter your name:" ;
  cin >> newlist->name;
  cout << "Enter your age:" ;
  cin >> newlist->age;
  cout << "Enter your height:" ;
  cin >> newlist->height;

void addending()
  list *newlist, *newlist2;

  newlist = new list;
  cout << "Enter your name: ";
  cin >> newlist->name;
  cout << "Enter your age : ";
  cin >> newlist->age;
  cout << "Enter your height : ";
  cin >> newlist->height;
  newlist->next = NULL;
  if (first == NULL)
      first = newlist;
      newlist2 = first;
      while (newlist2->next != NULL)
          newlist2 = newlist2->next;
      newlist2->next = newlist;

void addmiddle()
  if ( current->next=NULL)
      list *newlist;
      newlist=new list;
      cout << "Enter your name:" ;
      cin >> newlist->name;
      cout << "Enter your age:" ;
      cin >> newlist->age;
      cout << "Enter your height:" ;
      cin >> newlist->height;

void deletebegin()
  list *newlist;
  newlist = first;
  first = first->next;
  delete newlist;

void deletemiddle()
  if ( current->next=NULL)
    cout<<"There is no one after this.";
      list *newlist;
      delete newlist;

void deleteend()
  list *newlist, *newlist2;

  if (first == NULL)
    cout << "End of list" << endl;
      newlist = first;
      if (newlist->next == NULL)
          delete newlist;
          first = NULL;
          while (newlist->next != NULL)
              newlist2 = newlist;
              newlist = newlist->next;
          delete newlist;
          newlist2->next = NULL;

void display()
  list *newlist;

  newlist = first;
  cout << endl;
      if (newlist == NULL)
        cout << "End of List" << endl;
          cout << "Name is: " << newlist->name << " ";
          cout << "Age is: " << newlist->age << " ";
          cout << "Height is: " << newlist->height;
          cout<<" <-- Current position ";
          cout<< endl;
          newlist = newlist->next;
  while (newlist!=NULL);
  cout << "End of list" << endl;

int main()
  first = NULL;
      cout << endl;
      cout << "Choose an option: " << endl;
      cout << "1. Move the current position forward once." << endl;
      cout << "2. Move the current position backwards once." << endl;
      cout << "3. Add a member at the beginning of the list." << endl;
      cout << "4. Add a member at the current position of the list." << endl;
      cout << "5. Add a member at the ending of the list." << endl;
      cout << "6. Delete the first member from the list." << endl;
      cout << "7. Delete the member at current position from the list." << endl;
      cout << "8. Delete the last member from the list." << endl;
      cout << "9. End program." << endl;
      cout << endl << " >> " ;
      cin >> optn;
      switch (optn)
        case 1 : currentfor();
        case 2 : currentbac();
        case 3 : addbeginning();
        case 4 : addmiddle();
        case 5 : addending();
        case 6 : deletebegin();
        case 7 : deletemiddle();
        case 8 : deleteend();
  while (optn!= 9);

我执行这个程序,第 3 个程序有效。但其他程序似乎使我的程序崩溃:( 有人可以告诉我正确的编码吗? 我正在制作一个链表,其中的节点填充有姓名、身高和年龄,它应该适用于任何用户。 我应该显示整个列表,对吧?或者链接列表不是这样显示的? 有好心人可以帮忙吗?


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct list {
   char name[20];
   int age;
   double height;
   list *next;

list *first = NULL, *current = NULL; // Init current to NULL so you can test whether current is set at all

int optn = 0;

void currentfor() {
   if(current == NULL) {
      cout << "You don't have any members yet!" << endl;
   } else {
      if (current->next == NULL)
         cout << "This is the end of the list." << endl;
         current = current->next;

void currentbac() {
   if (current == first)
      cout << "This is the beginning of the list." << endl;
   else {
      list *previous;
      previous = first;
      while (previous->next != current) {
         previous = previous->next;
      current = previous;

void addbeginning() {
   list *newlist;

   newlist = new list;
   cout << "Enter your name:" ;
   cin >> newlist->name;
   cout << "Enter your age:" ;
   cin >> newlist->age;
   cout << "Enter your height:" ;
   cin >> newlist->height;
   newlist->next = first;
   first = newlist;

   if(current == NULL) // Set the current pointer to first, because this is the first element you add
      current = first;

void addending() {  
   list *newlist, *newlist2;

   newlist = new list;
   cout << "Enter your name: ";
   cin >> newlist->name;
   cout << "Enter your age : ";
   cin >> newlist->age;
   cout << "Enter your height : ";
   cin >> newlist->height;
   newlist->next = NULL;

   if (first == NULL) {
      first = newlist;
   } else {
      newlist2 = first;
      while (newlist2->next != NULL) {
         newlist2 = newlist2->next;
      newlist2->next = newlist;
void addmiddle() {
   if (current->next == NULL) // You were assigning here. Use == instead of = or you will assign NULL to
                              // current->next! Which is incorrect.
   else {
      list *newlist;
      newlist = new list;
      cout << "Enter your name:" ;
      cin >> newlist->name;
      cout << "Enter your age:" ;
      cin >> newlist->age;
      cout << "Enter your height:" ;
      cin >> newlist->height;

      newlist->next = current->next;
      current->next = newlist;

void deletebegin() {
   list *newlist;
   newlist = first;
   first = first->next;

   // You need to update the current pointer first
   if(newlist == current) {
      current = current->next;

   delete newlist;

void deletemiddle() {
   list *newlist;
   newlist = first;

   // If we delete the first element
   if(current == first) {
      list *deleteMe = first;
      first = first->next;

      delete deleteMe;
      current = current->next;
   } else { // Otherwise
      // Search until newlist->next == current
      // Als test for newlist != NULL or you will try to get a next value from NULL -> crash!
      while(newlist != NULL && newlist->next != current)
         newlist = newlist->next;

      if(newlist != NULL) {
         delete newlist->next;
         newlist->next = current->next; // Also update the next from the previous node in the list! Or it will not disappear when displaying

         if (current->next == NULL) // You did it again here. Use == for comparing values instead of =
            current = first; // It doesn't mean that you don't have to delete if
         // you don't have a current->next. If you don't have a current->next,
         // just set it to first. The element does need to be deleted.
            current = current->next;

void deleteend() {
   list *newlist, *newlist2;

   if (first == NULL)
      cout << "End of list" << endl;
   else {
      newlist = first;

      if (newlist->next == NULL) {
         delete newlist;
         first = NULL;
         current = NULL; // Current should also be null
      } else {
         while (newlist->next != NULL) {
            newlist2 = newlist;
            newlist = newlist->next;

         delete newlist;
         newlist2->next = NULL;
         current = newlist2; // You forgot to update the current pointer.

void display() { 
   list *newlist;

   newlist = first;
   cout << endl;

   do {
      if (newlist == NULL)
         cout << "End of List" << endl;
            cout << "Name is: " << newlist->name << " ";
            cout << "Age is: " << newlist->age << " ";
            cout << "Height is: " << newlist->height;

            if(current == newlist) // You need to check whether you really are at the current position
               cout<<" <-- Current position ";

            cout<< endl;
            newlist = newlist->next;

   if(newlist != NULL) // What if the newList was initially NULL? You will print twice.
      cout << "End of list" << endl;

int main(void) {

   do {
         cout << endl;
         cout << "Choose an option: " << endl;
         cout << "1. Move the current position forward once." << endl;
         cout << "2. Move the current position backwards once." << endl;
         cout << "3. Add a member at the beginning of the list." << endl;
         cout << "4. Add a member at the current position of the list." << endl;
         cout << "5. Add a member at the ending of the list." << endl;
         cout << "6. Delete the first member from the list." << endl;
         cout << "7. Delete the member at current position from the list." << endl;
         cout << "8. Delete the last member from the list." << endl;
         cout << "9. End program." << endl;
         cout << endl << " >> " ;
         cin >> optn;
         switch (optn) {
            case 1 : currentfor();
            case 2 : currentbac();
            case 3 : addbeginning();
            case 4 : addmiddle();
            case 5 : addending();
            case 6 : deletebegin();
            case 7 : deletemiddle();
            case 8 : deleteend();
   while (optn!= 9);

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