需要有关具有多种交互的闪亮动态 UI 算法的帮助


我的闪亮算法(app.R 代码在底部):

  • 要求用户上传文件
  • 提供带有选项“无”、“国家”、“州”、“城市”的下拉字段
  • 选择“无”时,仅应出现文本输出
  • 选择“国家/地区”时,仅应显示国家/地区过滤器
  • 选择“州”时,应同时显示国家/地区和州过滤器
  • 选择“城市”时,国家和城市过滤器都应该出现,并且之前选择的任何现有州过滤器都应该消失

我在代码中做了什么: 使用 IF 条件表示“无”和“国家/地区”;使用“州”和“城市”的开关。

我的问题:一切都按预期工作,除了:如果我们在选择“无”后选择“州”,我会看到文本输出和州过滤器,而不是国家和州过滤器。发生这种情况是因为“None”或“Country”中的 IF 语句与 switch() 不同,仅打印 UI,并且如果进行其他选择则不会清除 UI


  • 国家过滤器输入需要在代码中重复(“State” 应该同时提供国家和州过滤器,与“城市”类似)但是 我们不能在闪亮的代码中重复具有相同 ID 的输入

  • 我无法使用不同的国家/地区过滤器 ID 来提供相同的输入 因为我需要读取国家过滤器中的输入值 多个地方,我需要复制所有这些 会让一切变得复杂

我需要帮助的地方:我唯一的问题是,如果用户在“无”之后选择(“州”/“城市”)(绕过“国家”),我需要同时显示“国家”和(“州”/“城市”)过滤器! )。



虚拟数据:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E9dbtOMm1-7ZjIHu3Ra_NyFBHrCQdITG2_xuMIMKDOs/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E9dbtOMm1-7ZjIHu3Ra_NyFBHrCQdITG2_xuMIMKDOs/edit?usp=sharing



ui <- fluidPage(

  fileInput("file_attr", "Door attributes:"),
  selectInput("select", label = "Region Drop down", choices = list("None", "Country", "State","City"), selected = "None"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  #Reading input
  data_attr <- reactive({
    file1 <- input$file_attr
    read.table(file=file1$datapath, sep=",", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  #Filter interactivity

  #Reading Lists
  countries <- reactive({

  states <- reactive({
    data_attr()$State[data_attr()$Country %in% input$show_vars]

  cities <- reactive({
    data_attr()$City[data_attr()$Country %in% input$show_vars]

  #Filters based on Region Drop down


      if ("None" %in% input$select){
        output$NoneCountryFilter <- renderUI({
          h4("No region Selected")              

      if ("Country" %in% input$select){
        output$NoneCountryFilter <- renderUI({
          selectizeInput('show_vars', 'Country Filter', choices = c("Select All","None", unique(countries())), multiple = TRUE)

    output$StateCityFilter <- renderUI({

             "State" = (
               selectizeInput('show_vars_state', 'State Filter', choices = c("Select All","None", unique(states())), multiple = TRUE)
             "City" = (
               selectizeInput('show_vars_city', 'City Filter', choices = c("Select All","None", unique(cities())), multiple = TRUE)

  #Giving "Select ALL" and "None" Functionality to each filter (This part is redundant for the current problem. I am keeping this so that I could check any solution from stackoverflow should not effect other functionalities)

  #Countries- SelectAll & None
    if ("Select All" %in% input$show_vars){
      selected_choices <- setdiff(c("Select All",unique(countries())), "Select All")
      updateSelectizeInput(session, 'show_vars', choices = c("Select All","None",unique(countries())), selected = selected_choices) 

    if ("None" %in% input$show_vars){
      updateSelectizeInput(session, 'show_vars', choices = c("Select All", "None", unique(countries())),selected = "")

  #State- SelectAll & None

    if ("Select All" %in% input$show_vars_state){
      selected_choices <- setdiff(c("Select All",unique(states())), "Select All")

      updateSelectizeInput(session, 'show_vars_state', choices = c("Select All","None",unique(states())), selected = selected_choices)


    if ("None" %in% input$show_vars_state){
      updateSelectizeInput(session, 'show_vars_state', choices = c("Select All", "None", unique(states())),selected = "")

  #City- SelectAll & None


    if ("Select All" %in% input$show_vars_city){

      selected_choices <- setdiff(c("Select All",unique(cities())), "Select All")

      updateSelectizeInput(session, 'show_vars_city', choices = c("Select All", "None", unique(cities())), selected = selected_choices)



    if ("None" %in% input$show_vars_city){
      updateSelectizeInput(session, 'show_vars_city', choices = c("Select All", "None", unique(cities())),selected = "")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)



  • I used req() in data_attr因为这是检查file_attr。你不必使用is.null().

  • 我用了三个conditionalPanel国家、州、城市,并指定每一项的条件。

  • 条件内,input.select被使用不input$select.


ui <- fluidPage(

  fileInput("file_attr", "Door attributes:"),
  selectInput("select", label = "Region Drop down",
              choices = list("None", "Country", "State","City"), selected = "None"),

  # Selectize Inputs ---------------

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  #Reading input
  data_attr <- reactive({
    req(input$file_attr) # make sure a file was uploaded

    read.table(file=input$file_attr$datapath, sep=",", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Country selectizeInput ----------------------
  output$Country_List <- renderUI({
      condition = "input.select == 'Country' | input.select == 'State'| input.select == 'City' ",
      selectizeInput('show_var', 'Country Filter',
                     choices = c("Select All","None", unique(data_attr()$Country)), multiple = TRUE)

  # State selectizeInput ----------------------
  output$State_List <- renderUI({
      condition = "input.select == 'State' ",
      selectizeInput('show_vars_state', 'State Filter',
                     choices = c("Select All","None", unique(data_attr()$State)), multiple = TRUE)

  # City selectizeInput -----------------------
  output$City_List <- renderUI({
      condition = "input.select == 'City' ",
      selectizeInput('show_vars_city', 'City Filter',
                     choices = c("Select All","None", unique(data_attr()$City)), multiple = TRUE)


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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