Service Worker 可以获取并缓存跨源资产吗?


我正在使用一些服务人员代码Google 的渐进式 Web 应用程序教程但我收到错误:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError:
 Failed to execute 'clone' on 'Response':
 Response body is already used

该网站使用第三方 Javascript 和网页字体样式表。 我想将这些 CDN 上托管的资产添加到离线缓存中。

addEventListener("fetch", function(e) {
    caches.match(e.request).then(function(response) {
        return response || fetch(e.request).then(function(response) {
        var hosts = [
        ]; {
          if (e.request.url.indexOf(host) === 0) {
              cache.put(e.request, response.clone());
        return response;

这些托管在流行的 CDN 上,所以我的预感是他们应该为 CORS 标头做正确的事情。

以下是我想要缓存的 HTML 中的资源:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
      href=",300" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<script type="text/javascript" async

根据控制台日志,Service Worker 是trying获取这些资产:

Fetch finished loading:
 GET "".
Fetch finished loading:
 GET "".
Fetch finished loading:
 GET ",900italic,300,300italic".
Fetch finished loading:
 GET ",300".
Fetch finished loading:
 GET "".
Fetch finished loading:
 GET "".

如果我删除clone,正如建议的那样为什么必须在 Service Worker 中克隆 fetch 请求?,我会得到同样的错误:

TypeError: Response body is already used

如果我添加{ mode: "no-cors" }到每获取Service Worker CORS 问题,我会收到相同的错误和这些警告:

The FetchEvent for
 resulted in a network error response: an "opaque" response was
 used for a request whose type is not no-cors
The FetchEvent for
 resulted in a network error response: an "opaque" response was
 used for a request whose type is not no-cors
The FetchEvent for
 resulted in a network error response: an "opaque" response was
 used for a request whose type is not no-cors
The FetchEvent for
 resulted in a network error response: an "opaque" response was
 used for a request whose type is not no-cors

我可以将这些资产添加到服务工作人员的静态缓存中install事件,但我有理由仅在fetch event.

你在正确的轨道上使用clone(),但时机很重要。您需要确保您致电clone()决赛前return response执行,因为此时响应将被传递到 Service Worker 的客户端页面,并且其主体将被“消耗”。

有两种方法可以解决此问题:要么调用clone()在执行异步缓存代码之前,或者延迟您的return response语句直到缓存完成之后。


addEventListener("fetch", function(e) {
  e.respondWith((async function() {
    const cachedResponse = await caches.match(e.request);
    if (cachedResponse) {
      return cachedResponse;

    const networkResponse = await fetch(e.request);

    const hosts = [

    if (hosts.some((host) => e.request.url.startsWith(host))) {
      // This clone() happens before `return networkResponse` 
      const clonedResponse = networkResponse.clone();

      e.waitUntil((async function() {
        const cache = await;
        // This will be called after `return networkResponse`
        // so make sure you already have the clone!
        await cache.put(e.request, clonedResponse);

    return networkResponse;

注:(async function() {})()语法可能看起来有点奇怪,但它是一个使用的快捷方式async/await在一个立即执行的函数中,该函数将返回一个承诺。看


        var clonedResponse = response.clone(); {
          cache.put(e.request, clonedResponse);

The Google 的 Service Worker 入门书有示例代码显示正确的方法。该代码有一个带有“重要”注释的注释,但它只是强调克隆,而不是克隆时遇到的问题:

        // IMPORTANT: Clone the response. A response is a stream
        // and because we want the browser to consume the response
        // as well as the cache consuming the response, we need
        // to clone it so we have two streams.
        var responseToCache = response.clone();
          .then(function(cache) {
            cache.put(event.request, responseToCache);

        return response;

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