

是否可以使用 Spring Boot 列出我配置的所有休息端点?执行器在启动时列出所有现有路径,我想要类似的自定义服务,这样我就可以在启动时检查所有路径是否配置正确,并使用此信息进行客户端调用。

我该怎么做呢?我用@Path/@GET我的服务 bean 上的注释并通过以下方式注册它们ResourceConfig#registerClasses.


Update:我通过注册 REST 控制器

public ResourceConfig resourceConfig() {
   return new ResourceConfig() {


GET /rest/mycontroller/info
POST /res/mycontroller/update

动机:当 spring-boot 应用程序启动时,我想打印出所有注册的控制器及其路径,这样我就可以停止猜测要使用哪些端点。

可能最好的方法是使用ApplicationEventListener https://jersey.github.io/apidocs/2.28/jersey/org/glassfish/jersey/server/monitoring/ApplicationEventListener.html。从那里您可以监听“应用程序完成初始化”事件,并获取ResourceModel来自ApplicationEvent. The ResourceModel将拥有所有已初始化的Resources。然后你可以遍历Resource正如其他人提到的。下面是一个实现。部分实现取自DropwizardResourceConfig https://github.com/dropwizard/dropwizard/blob/master/dropwizard-jersey/src/main/java/io/dropwizard/jersey/DropwizardResourceConfig.java#L32执行。

import com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType;
import com.fasterxml.classmate.TypeResolver;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Resource;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ResourceMethod;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ResourceModel;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.monitoring.ApplicationEvent;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.monitoring.ApplicationEventListener;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.monitoring.RequestEvent;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.monitoring.RequestEventListener;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class EndpointLoggingListener implements ApplicationEventListener {

    private static final TypeResolver TYPE_RESOLVER = new TypeResolver();

    private final String applicationPath;

    private boolean withOptions = false;
    private boolean withWadl = false;

    public EndpointLoggingListener(String applicationPath) {
        this.applicationPath = applicationPath;

    public void onEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
        if (event.getType() == ApplicationEvent.Type.INITIALIZATION_APP_FINISHED) {
            final ResourceModel resourceModel = event.getResourceModel();
            final ResourceLogDetails logDetails = new ResourceLogDetails();
            resourceModel.getResources().stream().forEach((resource) -> {

    public RequestEventListener onRequest(RequestEvent requestEvent) {
        return null;

    public EndpointLoggingListener withOptions() {
        this.withOptions = true;
        return this;

    public EndpointLoggingListener withWadl() {
        this.withWadl = true;
        return this;

    private Set<EndpointLogLine> getLinesFromResource(Resource resource) {
        Set<EndpointLogLine> logLines = new HashSet<>();
        populate(this.applicationPath, false, resource, logLines);
        return logLines;

    private void populate(String basePath, Class<?> klass, boolean isLocator,
            Set<EndpointLogLine> endpointLogLines) {
        populate(basePath, isLocator, Resource.from(klass), endpointLogLines);

    private void populate(String basePath, boolean isLocator, Resource resource,
            Set<EndpointLogLine> endpointLogLines) {
        if (!isLocator) {
            basePath = normalizePath(basePath, resource.getPath());

        for (ResourceMethod method : resource.getResourceMethods()) {
            if (!withOptions && method.getHttpMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("OPTIONS")) {
            if (!withWadl && basePath.contains(".wadl")) {
            endpointLogLines.add(new EndpointLogLine(method.getHttpMethod(), basePath, null));

        for (Resource childResource : resource.getChildResources()) {
            for (ResourceMethod method : childResource.getAllMethods()) {
                if (method.getType() == ResourceMethod.JaxrsType.RESOURCE_METHOD) {
                    final String path = normalizePath(basePath, childResource.getPath());
                    if (!withOptions && method.getHttpMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("OPTIONS")) {
                    if (!withWadl && path.contains(".wadl")) {
                    endpointLogLines.add(new EndpointLogLine(method.getHttpMethod(), path, null));
                } else if (method.getType() == ResourceMethod.JaxrsType.SUB_RESOURCE_LOCATOR) {
                    final String path = normalizePath(basePath, childResource.getPath());
                    final ResolvedType responseType = TYPE_RESOLVER
                    final Class<?> erasedType = !responseType.getTypeBindings().isEmpty()
                            ? responseType.getTypeBindings().getBoundType(0).getErasedType()
                            : responseType.getErasedType();
                    populate(path, erasedType, true, endpointLogLines);

    private static String normalizePath(String basePath, String path) {
        if (path == null) {
            return basePath;
        if (basePath.endsWith("/")) {
            return path.startsWith("/") ? basePath + path.substring(1) : basePath + path;
        return path.startsWith("/") ? basePath + path : basePath + "/" + path;

    private static class ResourceLogDetails {

        private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResourceLogDetails.class);

        private static final Comparator<EndpointLogLine> COMPARATOR
                = Comparator.comparing((EndpointLogLine e) -> e.path)
                .thenComparing((EndpointLogLine e) -> e.httpMethod);

        private final Set<EndpointLogLine> logLines = new TreeSet<>(COMPARATOR);

        private void log() {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\nAll endpoints for Jersey application\n");
            logLines.stream().forEach((line) -> {

        private void addEndpointLogLines(Set<EndpointLogLine> logLines) {

    private static class EndpointLogLine {

        private static final String DEFAULT_FORMAT = "   %-7s %s";
        final String httpMethod;
        final String path;
        final String format;

        private EndpointLogLine(String httpMethod, String path, String format) {
            this.httpMethod = httpMethod;
            this.path = path;
            this.format = format == null ? DEFAULT_FORMAT : format;

        public String toString() {
            return String.format(format, httpMethod, path);

然后你只需要向 Jersey 注册监听器即可。您可以从以下位置获取应用程序路径JerseyProperties。您需要在 Spring Boot 中设置它application.properties财产下spring.jersey.applicationPath。这将是根路径,就像您要使用@ApplicationPath在你的ResourceConfig子类

public ResourceConfig getResourceConfig(JerseyProperties jerseyProperties) {
    return new JerseyConfig(jerseyProperties);
public class JerseyConfig extends ResourceConfig {

    public JerseyConfig(JerseyProperties jerseyProperties) {
        register(new EndpointLoggingListener(jerseyProperties.getApplicationPath()));

需要注意的一件事是,Jersey servlet 上默认未设置启动时加载。这意味着 Jersey 在第一次请求之前不会在启动时加载。因此,在第一个请求之前您不会看到侦听器被触发。我已经打开了an issue https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/5100以获得配置属性,但与此同时,您有几个选择:

  1. 将 Jersey 设置为过滤器,而不是 servlet。过滤器将在启动时加载。对于大多数帖子来说,使用 Jersey 作为过滤器的行为实际上没有任何不同。要配置它,您只需在中添加一个 Spring Boot 属性application.properties

  2. 另一种选择是覆盖 JerseyServletRegistrationBean并设置其loadOnStartup财产。这是一个配置示例。一些实现是直接取自JerseyAutoConfiguration https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/blob/master/spring-boot-autoconfigure/src/main/java/org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/jersey/JerseyAutoConfiguration.java#L77

    public class JerseyApplication {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            SpringApplication.run(JerseyApplication.class, args);
        public ResourceConfig getResourceConfig(JerseyProperties jerseyProperties) {
            return new JerseyConfig(jerseyProperties);
        public ServletRegistrationBean jerseyServletRegistration(
            JerseyProperties jerseyProperties, ResourceConfig config) {
            ServletRegistrationBean registration = new ServletRegistrationBean(
                    new ServletContainer(config), 
            addInitParameters(registration, jerseyProperties);
            return registration;
        private static String parseApplicationPath(String applicationPath) {
            if (!applicationPath.startsWith("/")) {
                applicationPath = "/" + applicationPath;
            return applicationPath.equals("/") ? "/*" : applicationPath + "/*";
        private void addInitParameters(RegistrationBean registration, JerseyProperties jersey) {
            for (Entry<String, String> entry : jersey.getInit().entrySet()) {
                registration.addInitParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());


所以看起来 Spring Boot 将会add the load-on-startup财产 https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/5100#event-606583303,所以我们不必覆盖 JerseyServletRegistrationBean。将在Boot 1.4.0中添加


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