应用程序在设备上崩溃,但在模拟器 iOS 上运行


App wasn't developed by me, but now I have to add some features. Code compiles add launches on simulator but immediately crash on real device (didFinishLaunchingWithOptions never calls). Xcode doesn't show any errors. I think the problem may be in pods and frameworks but don't know how to check if this so. I reinstalled pods and recreated framework dependences in project but no app still crash. I have only this info from Xcode enter image description here enter image description here


UPD1: stacktrace enter image description here

UPD2:iOS9 和 iOS10 上的应用程序崩溃,因此 NSCameraUsageDescription 不是问题


结果我只需要 plist 中的“NSMicrophoneUsageDescription”键


应用程序在设备上崩溃,但在模拟器 iOS 上运行 的相关文章
