如何在 Google Test 中使用不同模板测试多个模板类的相同行为?


我正在练习 C++ 17 中的排序算法,并按如下方式实现了我的单元测试(以下编译和所有测试都是绿色的):

template <typename T>
class SortingmethodTest : public ::testing::Test
    T sortingmethod;

    static constexpr int amount_test_data[7] = {0, 4, 8, 10, 256, 1000, 1234};

using sortingmethods = ::testing::Types<STLSort<int>,

TYPED_TEST_SUITE(SortingmethodTest, sortingmethods);

TYPED_TEST(SortingmethodTest, sort)
    for (const auto& amount : this->amount_test_data)
        Sortvector<int> test(amount);
        test.vul_random_zonder_dubbels(); // Fills the vector

        this->sortingmethod(test); // operator() of the sortmethod used (STLSort, InsertionSort, ...) sorts the vector

        ASSERT_TRUE(std::is_sorted(test.begin(), test.end()));

TYPED_TEST(SortingmethodTest, sort_reverse)
    // ...

TYPED_TEST(SortingmethodTest, sort_already_sorted)
    // ...

TYPED_TEST(SortingmethodTest, sort_empty)
    // ...






我怎样才能在 C++ 中使用 google test 尽可能干净地并尽可能多地重用呢?我在类型测试和类型参数化测试的丛林中迷失了方向 [1]:我什么时候应该使用其中之一?



[1] https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/docs/advanced.md#type-parameterized-tests https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/docs/advanced.md#type-parameterized-tests

令人沮丧的是,到目前为止 googletest API 并没有为我们提供更多的信息 利用现代C++使测试代码简洁,特别是对于 模板。但直到 v1.8.x(当前版本系列位于 截至目前)googletest 已致力于 C++98 兼容性,这就是主要原因。 即将发布的 1.9.x 将继续兼容 C++11,我们希望 以获得更强大的 API。

尽管如此,现在可以编写相当简洁和直接的 googletest 代码来 做你想要的事情:也就是说,对一致模板进行单元测试,以获取仅一个的不同值 模板参数。

有不止一种方法可以做到这一点。这是其中之一的一个有效示例, 使用类型参数化测试 https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/docs/advanced.md#type-parameterized-tests.


template<typename T> struct (AA|BB|CC) {...};


Name::Name(T const & u);
Name::operator int() const;
Name Name::operator+(Name const & u) const;
Name & Name::operator+=(Name const & u);
Name Name::operator-(Name const & u) const;
Name & Name::operator-=(Name const & u);

for Name = (AA|BB|CC)。我们想 对每个接口进行单元测试(AA|BB|CC),每个实例化为 六种类型中的每一种:

char, int, float, AA<char>, BB<int>, CC<float>

因此需要测试 18 个实例:

AA<char>, AA<int>, AA<float>, AA<AA<char>>, AA<BB<int>>, AA<CC<float>>
BB<char>, BB<int>, BB<float>, BB<AA<char>>, BB<BB<int>>, BB<CC<float>>
CC<char>, CC<int>, CC<float>, CC<AA<char>>, CC<BB<int>>, CC<CC<float>>

为了简单起见,我们将只实现两个通用测试。对于物体a, b and c任何实例化测试类型:

  • After a = b + c; b += c, then a == b.
  • Given b != c, after a = b - c; c -= b, then a != c.

(至少,只要操作不溢出或不溢出,这些属性就应该保持 失去精度,我会避免这种情况)。

所以我们预计会看到 36 项测试。

对于这个插图我不在乎什么AA, BB and CC除了它们的通用接口之外, 所以我只是从一个模型中以相同的方式导出它们,如下所示:


#pragma once

#include <type_traits>

namespace detail {
    template<typename T>
    struct bottom_type {
        using type = T;

    template<template<typename ...> class C, typename ...Ts>
    struct bottom_type<C<Ts...>> {
        using type = typename C<Ts...>::type;

template<typename T>
using bottom_t = typename detail::bottom_type<T>::type;

    typename T,
    typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<bottom_t<T>>>
struct model
    using type = bottom_t<T>;

    model() = default;
    model(model const &) = default;
    model(T const & t)
    : _t{t}{}

    operator type() const { return _t; }

    auto operator+(model const & u) const {
        return _t + u;

    auto & operator+=(model const & u) {
        _t += u;
        return *this;

    auto operator-(model const & u ) const {
        return _t - u;

    auto & operator-=(model const & u ) {
        _t -= u;
        return *this;

    type _t = 0;

template<typename T> struct AA : model<T>{ using model<T>::model; };
template<typename T> struct BB : model<T>{ using model<T>::model; };
template<typename T> struct CC : model<T>{ using model<T>::model; };



#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>
#include <type_traits>
#include <limits>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "some_types.h"

template<typename T>
struct fixture : public ::testing::Test

    template<typename U>
    static auto const & test_data() {
        using type = bottom_t<U>;
        static std::array<type,1000> data;
        static bool called;
        if (!called) {
            std::default_random_engine gen;
            auto low = std::numeric_limits<type>::min() / 2;
            auto high = std::numeric_limits<type>::max() / 2;
            auto dist = [&low,&high](){
                if constexpr (std::is_floating_point_v<type>) {
                    return std::uniform_real_distribution<type>(low,high);
                } else {
                    return std::uniform_int_distribution<type>(low,high);
                data.begin(),data.end(),[&dist,&gen](){ return dist(gen); });
            called = true;
        return data;

template<template<typename> class C, typename ...Ts>
using test_types = ::testing::Types<C<Ts>...>;

using AA_test_types = test_types<AA,char,int,float,AA<char>,BB<int>,CC<float>>;
using BB_test_types = test_types<BB,char,int,float,AA<char>,BB<int>,CC<float>>;
using CC_test_types = test_types<CC,char,int,float,AA<char>,BB<int>,CC<float>>;


TYPED_TEST_P(fixture, addition)
    using wrapped_type = typename TypeParam::type;
    auto const & data = this->template test_data<wrapped_type>();
    auto fi = data.begin(); auto ri = data.rbegin();
    for ( ; fi != ri.base(); ++fi, ++ri)
        TypeParam lhs{*fi}, rhs{*ri};
        auto sum = lhs + rhs;
        lhs += rhs;

TYPED_TEST_P(fixture, subtraction)
    using wrapped_type = typename TypeParam::type;
    auto const & data = this->template test_data<wrapped_type>();
    auto fi = data.begin(); auto ri = data.rbegin();
    for ( ; fi != ri.base(); ++fi, ++ri) {
        TypeParam lhs{*fi}, rhs{*ri};
        if (lhs != rhs) {
            auto diff = lhs - rhs;
            rhs -= lhs;

INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(AA_tests, fixture, AA_test_types);
INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(BB_tests, fixture, BB_test_types);
INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(CC_tests, fixture, CC_test_types);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();


template<template<typename> class C, typename ...Ts>
using test_types = ::testing::Types<C<Ts>...>;

在这里,我正在制作test_types的模板别名::testing::Types<SomeType...>列表 在哪里SomeType将是正在测试的模板之一的实例。正如它 发生了,我的模板AA, BB, CC(像你的一样)都是以下形式:

template<typename T> class;



然后我定义了 3 个具体类型别名:

using AA_test_types = test_types<AA,char,int,float,AA<char>,BB<int>,CC<float>>;
using BB_test_types = test_types<BB,char,int,float,AA<char>,BB<int>,CC<float>>;
using CC_test_types = test_types<CC,char,int,float,AA<char>,BB<int>,CC<float>>;


::testing::Types<AA<char>, AA<int>, AA<float>, AA<AA<char>>, AA<BB<int>>, AA<CC<float>>>;
::testing::Types<BB<char>, BB<int>, BB<float>, BB<AA<char>>, BB<BB<int>>, BB<CC<float>>>;
::testing::Types<CC<char>, CC<int>, CC<float>, CC<AA<char>>, CC<BB<int>>, CC<CC<float>>>;




TYPED_TEST_P(fixture, addition)
    using wrapped_type = typename TypeParam::type;
    auto const & data = this->template test_data<wrapped_type>();
    auto fi = data.begin(); auto ri = data.rbegin();
    for ( ; fi != ri.base(); ++fi, ++ri)
        TypeParam lhs{*fi}, rhs{*ri};
        auto sum = lhs + rhs;
        lhs += rhs;

TYPED_TEST_P(fixture, subtraction)
    using wrapped_type = typename TypeParam::type;
    auto const & data = this->template test_data<wrapped_type>();
    auto fi = data.begin(); auto ri = data.rbegin();
    for ( ; fi != ri.base(); ++fi, ++ri) {
        TypeParam lhs{*fi}, rhs{*ri};
        if (lhs != rhs) {
            auto diff = lhs - rhs;
            rhs -= lhs;

然后我在每次实例化时注册这两个模式以进行实例化 的fixture:


然后我创建了 3 个实例,名为(AA|BB|CC)_tests of fixture为了 测试类型列表(AA|BB|CC)_test_types分别:

INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(AA_tests, fixture, AA_test_types);
INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(BB_tests, fixture, BB_test_types);
INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(CC_tests, fixture, CC_test_types);


$ g++ -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -o gtester main.cpp -lgtest -pthread


[==========] Running 36 tests from 18 test suites.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 2 tests from AA_tests/fixture/0, where TypeParam = AA<char>
[ RUN      ] AA_tests/fixture/0.addition
[       OK ] AA_tests/fixture/0.addition (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] AA_tests/fixture/0.subtraction
[       OK ] AA_tests/fixture/0.subtraction (1 ms)
[----------] 2 tests from AA_tests/fixture/0 (1 ms total)

[----------] 2 tests from AA_tests/fixture/1, where TypeParam = AA<int>
[ RUN      ] AA_tests/fixture/1.addition
[       OK ] AA_tests/fixture/1.addition (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] AA_tests/fixture/1.subtraction
[       OK ] AA_tests/fixture/1.subtraction (0 ms)
[----------] 2 tests from AA_tests/fixture/1 (0 ms total)
[----------] 2 tests from CC_tests/fixture/4, where TypeParam = CC<BB<int> >
[ RUN      ] CC_tests/fixture/4.addition
[       OK ] CC_tests/fixture/4.addition (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] CC_tests/fixture/4.subtraction
[       OK ] CC_tests/fixture/4.subtraction (0 ms)
[----------] 2 tests from CC_tests/fixture/4 (0 ms total)

[----------] 2 tests from CC_tests/fixture/5, where TypeParam = CC<CC<float> >
[ RUN      ] CC_tests/fixture/5.addition
[       OK ] CC_tests/fixture/5.addition (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] CC_tests/fixture/5.subtraction
[       OK ] CC_tests/fixture/5.subtraction (0 ms)
[----------] 2 tests from CC_tests/fixture/5 (0 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 36 tests from 18 test suites ran. (4 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 36 tests.

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  • 在函数 (group_by) 中使用 dplyr 时出现问题

    我想使用 dplyr 进行一些数据操作 背景 我有一个调查权重和一堆变量 主要是李克特项目 我想对有和没有调查权重的每个类别的频率和百分比进行求和 举个例子 让我们只使用性别变量的频率 结果应该是这样的 gender freq freq w
  • 哪个 .NET 库具有写时复制集合?

    我正在搜索要在 C 程序中使用的 NET 写时复制集合 例如列表 字典等 哪些集合具有该属性 包括参考FSharp Core 然后你就可以访问多种不可变的集合 Set List Map etc 这些位于Microsoft FSharp Co
  • 如何在 Google Test 中使用不同模板测试多个模板类的相同行为?

    我正在练习 C 17 中的排序算法 并按如下方式实现了我的单元测试 以下编译和所有测试都是绿色的 template