Spring Data Mongodb 的性能问题


我在 spring data mongodb 上遇到了一个问题,在一种方法中,我请求一个简单的“查找”来检索 ~1000 个文档。


Query myquery = query(where("ipp").is(ipp).and(CODE_MESURE).in(codes).and(DATE_MESURE).gte(iDateDebut).lt(iDateFin));
return template.find(myquery, MessageMongo.class);

And with JProfiler, I've got ~1,4sec in the "find" method of MongoTemplate class. Note: The request to MongoDB is not the problem, execution take less than 20ms. enter image description here

但如果尝试通过传统方式使用 mongo java 驱动程序请求相同的查询:

final DBCollection collection = template.getCollection(Constantes.MONGO_COLLECTION_MESSAGES_PARAMETRES_VITAUX);
 final DBCursor cursor = collection.find(myquery.getQueryObject());
final List<MessageMongo> tab = new ArrayList<>();
 while (cursor.hasNext()) {
  final DBObject d = cursor.next();
  tab.add(new MessageMongo((String) d.get("origine"), (String) d.get("appareil"),
      (String) d.get("chambre"), (String) d.get("lit"), (String) d.get("uf"), (String) d.get("ipp"),
      (String) d.get("domaineIpp"), (String) d.get("iep"), (String) d.get("domaineIep"), (String) d.get("ej"),
      ((Date) d.get("dateReception")).toInstant(), (String) d.get("codeMesure"),
      (String) d.get("uniteMesure"), (Double) d.get("valeurMesure"), ((Date) d.get("dateMesure")).toInstant()));
return tab;

My method execute in ~140ms (10x faster than mongoTemplate style !) enter image description here is there a bug in Spring Data Mongo, or I missed something to configure? I prefer to write with, it is easier to read, but performance is so poor.


public class MessageMongo implements MessageModel {
  private String id;
  private final String origine;
  private final String appareil;
  private final String chambre;
  private final String lit;
  private final String uf;
  private final String ipp;
  private final String domaineIpp;
  private final String iep;
  private final String domaineIep;
  private final String ej;
  private final Instant dateReception;
  private final String codeMesure;
  private final String uniteMesure;
  private final Double valeurMesure;
  private final Instant dateMesure;
. . .

EDIT: 1,67sec如果我将 MongoRepository 与指定方法一起使用:

public List<MessageMongo> findByIppAndCodeMesureInAndDateMesureBetween(final String ipp, final List<String> codesMesure, final Instant from, final Instant to);

编辑2: 弹簧数据日志:

2017/12/04 15:44:59,455 INFO  [nio-8180-exec-4] fr.sib.sillage.biometrie.service.impl.MongoMessageService    : findByIppAndCodesBetweenDate ipp=102828799, codes=[147842], dateDebut=2017-12-02T13:46:59,dateFin=2017-12-03T01:46:59  
2017/12/04 15:44:59,482 DEBUG [nio-8180-exec-4] o.s.data.mongodb.repository.query.MongoQueryCreator          : Created query Query: { "ipp" : "102828799", "codeMesure" : { "$in" : [ "147842"]}, "dateMesure" : { "$gt" : { $java : 2017-12-02T12:46:59Z }, "$lt" : { $java : 2017-12-03T00:46:59Z } } }, Fields: null, Sort: null
2017/12/04 15:44:59,517 DEBUG [nio-8180-exec-4] org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoTemplate          : find using query: { "ipp" : "102828799" , "codeMesure" : { "$in" : [ "147842"]} , "dateMesure" : { "$gt" : { "$date" : "2017-12-02T12:46:59.000Z"} , "$lt" : { "$date" : "2017-12-03T00:46:59.000Z"}}} fields: null for class: class fr.sib.sillage.biometrie.model.MessageMongo in collection: parametresVitaux
2017/12/04 15:44:59,517 DEBUG [nio-8180-exec-4] org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoDbUtils           : Getting Mongo Database name=[LilleNoSQLDatabase]
2017/12/04 15:44:59,567 INFO  [nio-8180-exec-4] org.mongodb.driver.connection                                : Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:6, serverValue:3003}] to hades:27017
2017/12/04 15:44:59,567 DEBUG [nio-8180-exec-4] org.mongodb.driver.protocol.command                          : Sending command {find : BsonString{value='parametresVitaux'}} to database LilleNoSQLDatabase on connection [connectionId{localValue:6, serverValue:3003}] to server hades:27017
2017/12/04 15:44:59,592 DEBUG [nio-8180-exec-4] org.mongodb.driver.protocol.command                          : Command execution completed
2017/12/04 15:44:59,796 DEBUG [nio-8180-exec-4] org.mongodb.driver.protocol.command                          : Sending command {getMore : BsonInt64{value=63695089133}} to database LilleNoSQLDatabase on connection [connectionId{localValue:5, serverValue:3004}] to server hades:27017
2017/12/04 15:44:59,862 DEBUG [nio-8180-exec-4] org.mongodb.driver.protocol.command                          : Command execution completed
2017/12/04 15:45:01,213 INFO  [nio-8180-exec-4] fr.sib.sillage.biometrie.service.impl.MongoMessageService    : findByIppAndCodesBetweenDate size=1281

I've expand the call Tree with org.springframework in full view in JProfiler, so I can view what's wrong with Spring Data MongoDB, and here is the majority of time spent: enter image description here 2,5 sec total with

  • 1,290 个电话
    org.springframework.data.convert.DefaultTypeMapper.readType (1,462

  • 1,290 个电话 org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.convert.MappingMongoConverter.read (1,026 毫秒)

And what's the composition of two methods : A majority of Class.forName (erk !) in the first readType enter image description here

And it's less clear on the second call to MappingMongoConverter.read enter image description here


我不确定这是否适用于您的具体情况,但我遇到了非常相似的情况,并且浪费了很多时间ClassUtils.forName() and ClassLoader.load().

我已经检查了调试器下的情况,我的情况的根本原因是我试图反序列化文档的类已移至不同的包。在这种情况下,Spring Data 无法正确缓存类型信息并发出缓慢而昂贵的问题ClassLoader.load()于 坚持_class field 对于每个文档!

当然,这个类加载注定会失败,因为它引用了一个不再存在于存储 int 的位置的类。_class文档的字段。


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