C# - 通过相同的方法传递不同类型的对象



所以我有这 3 个对象......

public class obj1
  public int Id { get; set; }
  public string Name { get; set; }

public class obj2
  public int AccNum { get; set; }
  public string Name { get; set; }

public class obj3
  public string Email { get; set; }
  public string Phone { get; set; }



    public class NotificationHelper: INotificationHelper

        public bool SendNotification<TNotInfo>(TNotInfo obj) where TNotInfo : class
            if (contract.GetType() == typeof (obj1))
                var sender = new SendSMS();
                return sender.Send(obj);
            if (contract.GetType() == typeof(obj2))
                var sender = new SendPush();
                return sender.Send(obj);
                var sender = new SendEmail();
                return sender.Send(obj);

但我收到错误“无法从 TNotInfo 转换为 Models.obj1”。有什么办法可以克服这个问题吗?或者我必须改变我的逻辑?



using System;

namespace EmailNotifications

    public interface IEmailNotification
        void SendEmailNotification();

    public class EmailNotificationA : IEmailNotification

        public void SendEmailNotification(Contract1 a)
            Console.WriteLine($"Sending EmailNotificationA ({a})");

    public class EmailNotificationB : IEmailNotification
        public void SendEmailNotification(Contract2 b)
            Console.WriteLine($"Sending EmailNotificationB ({b})");

    public class EmailNotificationC : IEmailNotification

        public void SendEmailNotification(Contrac3 c)
            Console.WriteLine($"Sending EmailNotificationC ({c})");

    public class EmailNotificationService
        private readonly IEmailNotification _emailNotification;

        public EmailNotificationService(IEmailNotification emailNotification)
            this._emailNotification = emailNotification;

        public void ServiceHelper()

上述解决方案是我应用策略设计模式试图实现的目标。但我无法设法让我的接口方法接收不同的对象,这是必需的,因为每个通知都有自己的实现。正如上面的无工作示例所示,我对同一方法有 3 种不同的实现,它们都接收不同的对象。知道如何使这个逻辑发挥作用吗?


public interface INotifier
    bool Notify();


public class obj1 : INotifier
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public bool Notify()
        var sender = new SendSMS();
        return sender.Send(this);

public class obj2 : INotifier
    public int AccNum { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public bool Notify()
        var sender = new SendPush();
        return sender.Send(this);

public class obj3 : INotifier
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public string Phone { get; set; }

    public bool Notify()
        var sender = new SendEmail();
        return sender.Send(this);


public class NotificationHelper : INotificationHelper
    public bool SendNotification(INotifier obj)
        return obj.Notify();


我正在重新审视这个答案,因为它似乎得到了相当多的关注。 OP 可能早已继续前进,但对于其他可能偶然发现这个答案的人来说,这是另一个解决方案。

我仍然相信接口是正确的出路。然而,上面建议的接口非常通用,最终并不是很有用。它还遇到了一些 DRY 违规,因为正如 Fabio 在评论中所说,如果两个objX类以相同的方式实现通知,这种方法迫使您在它们之间复制代码。

不是一个全局接口,而是为每个特定通知任务提供接口,即ISMSNotification, IPushNotification, IEmailNotification。然后,您可以使用 mixin 模式为每个接口实例提供 send 方法的默认实现:

interface ISmsNotifier
  int SmsId { get; }
  string SmsName { get; }

static class ISmsNotifierExtensions 
  public static bool NotifySms(this ISmsNotifier obj) 
    var sender = new SendSMS();
    return sender.Send(obj);

// ---------------------------------------------

interface IPushNotifier 
  int PushAccNum { get; }
  string PushName { get; }

static class IPushNotifierExtensions 
  public static bool NotifyPush(this IPushNotifier obj) 
    var sender = new SendEmail();
    return sender.Send(obj);

// ---------------------------------------------

interface IEmailNotifier 
  string EmailAddress { get; }
  string EmailPhone { get; }

static class IEmailNotifierExtensions 
  public static bool NotifyEmail(this IEmailNotifier obj) 
    var sender = new SendEmail();
    return sender.Send(obj);


public class obj1 : INotifier, ISmsNotifier 
  public int SmsId { get; set; }
  public string SmsName { get; set; }

  public bool Notify() => this.NotifySms();

public class obj2 : INotifier, IPushNotifier
    public int PushAccNum { get; set; }
    public string PushName { get; set; }

    public bool Notify() => this.NotifyPush();

public class obj3 : INotifier, IEmailNotifier
    public string EmailAddress { get; set; }
    public string EmailPhone { get; set; }

    public bool Notify() => this.NotifyEmail();


public class obj4 : INotifier, IEmailNotifier, IPushNotifier
    public int PushAccNum { get; set; }
    public string PushName { get; set; }
    public string EmailAddress { get; set; }
    public string EmailPhone { get; set; }

    public bool Notify() => this.NotifyEmail() && this.NotifyPush();


C#8 注意:

C# 8 的一项拟议功能是能够为接口提供接口定义本身内方法的默认实现。当(如果)发生这种情况时,您不需要再使用 mixin 模式,并且可以直接在接口中定义默认方法实现。该功能尚未最终确定,但它可能看起来像这样:

interface ISmsNotifier 
  int SmsId { get; }
  string SmsName { get; }

  public bool NotifySms() 
    var sender = new SendSMS();
    return sender.Send(this);

// ---------------------------------------------

interface IPushNotifier 
  int PushAccNum { get; }
  string PushName { get; }

  public bool NotifyPush() 
    var sender = new SendEmail();
    return sender.Send(this);

// ---------------------------------------------

interface IEmailNotifier 
  string EmailAddress { get; }
  string EmailPhone { get; }

  public bool NotifyEmail() 
    var sender = new SendEmail();
    return sender.Send(this);

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