JSON 错误我无法修复? (预期为“STRING”、“NUMBER”、“NULL”、“TRUE”、“FALSE”、“{”、“[”,结果为“未定义”)



块引用 错误:第 1660 行解析错误: ...,“描述”:“心理咨询师 ----------------------^ 需要“STRING”、“NUMBER”、“NULL”、“TRUE”、“FALSE”、“{”、“[”,但得到“未定义”


        "ItemNum": "289",
        "ItemStartDate": "01.07.2008",
        "Category": "1",
        "Group": "A8",
        "ItemType": "S",
        "FeeType": "N",
        "NewItem": "N",
        "ItemChange": "N",
        "AnaesChange": "N",
        "DescriptorChange": "N",
        "FeeChange": "N",
        "EMSNChange": "N",
        "EMSNCap": "P",
        "BenefitType": "C",
        "BenefitStartDate": "01.07.2008",
        "FeeStartDate": "01.11.2012",
        "ScheduleFee": "263.90",
        "Benefit75": "197.95",
        "Benefit85": "224.35",
        "EMSNStartDate": "01.11.2012",
        "EMSNMaximumCap": "500.00",
        "EMSNPercentageCap": "300.00",
        "DescriptionStartDate": "01.11.2011",
        "Description": "consultant psychiatrist, referred consultation for assessment, diagnosis and development of a treatment and management plan for autism or any other pervasive developmental disorder - surgery or hospital professional attendance of at least 45 minutes duration, at consulting rooms or hospital, by a consultant physician in his or her specialty of psychiatry, for assessment, diagnosis and the preparation of a treatment and management plan for a child aged under 13 years, with autism or any other pervasive developmental disorder, who has been referred to the consultant psychiatrist by a referring practitioner, if the consultant psychiatrist does the following:(a) undertakes a comprehensive assessment of the child and forms a diagnosis (using the assistance of one or more  allied health providers where appropriate)(b) develops a treatment and management plan which must include the following: (i) the outcomes of the assessment; (ii) the diagnosis or diagnoses; (iii) opinion on risk assessment; (iv) treatment options and decisions; (v) appropriate medication recommendations, where necessary.(c) provides a copy of the treatment and management plan to the: (i) referring practitioner; and (ii) relevant allied health providers (where appropriate).not being an attendance on a child in respect of whom payment has previously been made under this item or items 135, 137 or 139."


This error causes because of quotes we have used in our JSON. Maybe somewhere you have used “ instead of " in your JSON. For resolving this error you have to replace all “ quotes with ".Please find validation checking result of your JSON as followenter image description here


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