DataGridView - 父子数据库关系 - 更新子 DataGridView 数据


有人愿意帮助我完成以下事项吗?我有两个 DataGridView 对象,每个对象显示一个 DataTable,其中两个数据表与以下代码相关:

DataSet dSet = new DataSet();
DataTable ParentList = ListToDataTable(_listOfAllAlbumObjects);
DataTable ChildList = ListToDataTable(_listOfAllTrackObjects);
dSet.Tables.AddRange(new DataTable[]{ParentList, ChildList});
DataColumn parentRelationColumn = ParentList.Columns["AlbumId"];
DataColumn childRelationColumn = ChildList.Columns["AlbumId"];
dSet.Relations.Add("ParentToChild", parentRelationColumn, childRelationColumn);
ParentDataGridView.DataSource = dSet;
ParentDataGridView.DataMember = "ParentList";
ChildDataGridView.DataSource = ???;
ChildDataGridView.DataMember = "ParentToChild";

两个 DataTable 实际上都是通过以下方式将 List 转换为 DataTable:`

    public static DataTable ListToDataTable<T>( IList<T> data)
              var props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(T));
              var table = new DataTable();
              for (var i = 0; i < props.Count; i++)
                  PropertyDescriptor prop = props[i];
                  table.Columns.Add(prop.Name, prop.PropertyType);
              var values = new object[props.Count];
              foreach (T item in data)
                  for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) 
                  { values[i] = props[i].GetValue(item); }
              return table;

最初,每个 DataGridView 似乎都适当地显示了数据;但是,子 DataGridView 不会随着父 DataGridView 中记录的任何更改而更新。



有一篇 MSDN 文章显示了您想要执行的操作:

如何:使用两个 Windows 窗体 DataGridView 控件创建主表/详细信息窗体


通过设计器或通过代码将两个 BindingSource 添加到项目中:parentBindingSource 和 childBindingSource。然后尝试用这个代替您拥有的代码。

// Associate your BSs with your DGVs.
ParentDataGridView.DataSource = parentBindingSource;
ChildDataGridView.DataSource = childBindingSource;

// (Most of) your code here:
DataSet dSet = new DataSet();
DataTable ParentList = ListToDataTable(_listOfAllAlbumObjects);
DataTable ChildList = ListToDataTable(_listOfAllTrackObjects);
dSet.Tables.AddRange(new DataTable[]{ParentList, ChildList});
DataColumn parentRelationColumn = ParentList.Columns["AlbumId"];
DataColumn childRelationColumn = ChildList.Columns["AlbumId"];
dSet.Relations.Add("ParentToChild", parentRelationColumn, childRelationColumn);

// Let's name this DT to make clear what we're referencing later on.
ParentList.TableName = "ParentListDT";

// Rather than set the data properties on your DGVs, set them in your BindingSources.
parentBindingSource.DataSource = dSet;
parentBindingSource.DataMember = "ParentListDT";

childBindingSource.DataSource = parentBindingSource;
childBindingSource.DataMember = "ParentToChild";

DataGridView - 父子数据库关系 - 更新子 DataGridView 数据 的相关文章
