Tkinter.text - 如何计算动态字符串的高度?



该小部件放置在垂直方向内panedwindow我想调整panedwindow的窗框显示整个字符串Text widget.


As the Text小部件配置为wrap='word',如何计算字符串高度(以像素为单位)以相应地调整窗扇?

我尝试使用text.dlineInfo('end -1c')[1] + text.dlineinfo('end -1c')[3](对于线的 y 坐标 + 高度)字符串加载到小部件后。问题是,如果最后一行不可见,则 dlineinfo 返回none.

我也尝试使用Font.measure例程,但这不包括换行方面Text widget.


import tkinter

from tkinter import scrolledtext

class GUI():
        def __init__(self, master):
                self.master = master

                self.body_frame = tkinter.PanedWindow(self.master, orient='vertical', sashwidth=4)
                self.body_frame.pack(expand=1, fill='both')

                self.canvas_frame = tkinter.Frame(self.body_frame)
                self.description_frame = tkinter.Frame(self.body_frame)
                self.body_frame.add(self.canvas_frame, sticky='nsew')
                self.body_frame.add(self.description_frame, sticky='nsew')

                tkinter.Button(self.canvas_frame, text='Update Text', command = lambda : self.update_text(""" 
                A very long string with new lines
                A very long string with new lines
                A very long string with new lines
                A very long string with new lines
                A very long string with new lines
                A very long string with new lines

                self.field_description = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self.description_frame, width=20, wrap='word')
                self.field_description.pack(expand=1, fill='both')

                self.body_frame.sash_place(0,0,self.body_frame.winfo_height() - 50)     # force sash to be lower

        def update_text(self, description):
                self.field_description.delete('1.0', 'end')
                self.field_description.insert('1.0', description)

                height = self.body_frame.winfo_height()
                lastline_index = self.field_description.index('end - 1c')
                text_height = self.field_description.dlineinfo(lastline_index)[1] + \
                self.body_frame.sash_place(0, 0, height - text_height)

root = tkinter.Tk()

my_gui = GUI(root)

我不知道有任何内置方法可以返回总行数(包括包裹线)在 tkinter 中Text widget.


# python 2.x
# from tkFont import Font

# python 3.x
from tkinter.font import Font

class LineCounter():
    def __init__(self):
        """" This class can count the total number of lines (including wrapped
        lines) in a tkinter Text() widget """

    def count_total_nb_lines(self, textWidget):
        # Get Text widget content and split it by unbroken lines
        textLines = textWidget.get("1.0", "end-1c").split("\n")
        # Get Text widget wrapping style
        wrap = text.cget("wrap")
        if wrap == "none":
            return len(textLines)
            # Get Text widget font
            font = Font(root, font=textWidget.cget("font"))
            totalLines_count = 0
            maxLineWidth_px = textWidget.winfo_width() - 2*text.cget("padx") - 1
            for line in textLines:
                totalLines_count += self.count_nb_wrapped_lines_in_string(line,
                                                    maxLineWidth_px, font, wrap)
            return totalLines_count

    def count_nb_wrapped_lines_in_string(self, string, maxLineWidth_px, font, wrap):
        wrappedLines_count = 1
        thereAreCharsLeftForWrapping = font.measure(string) >= maxLineWidth_px
        while thereAreCharsLeftForWrapping:
            wrappedLines_count += 1
            if wrap == "char":
                string = self.remove_wrapped_chars_from_string(string, 
                                                        maxLineWidth_px, font)
                string = self.remove_wrapped_words_from_string(string, 
                                                        maxLineWidth_px, font)
            thereAreCharsLeftForWrapping = font.measure(string) >= maxLineWidth_px
        return wrappedLines_count

    def remove_wrapped_chars_from_string(self, string, maxLineWidth_px, font):
        avgCharWidth_px = font.measure(string)/float(len(string))
        nCharsToWrap = int(0.9*maxLineWidth_px/float(avgCharWidth_px))
        wrapLine_isFull = font.measure(string[:nCharsToWrap]) >= maxLineWidth_px
        while not wrapLine_isFull:
            nCharsToWrap += 1
            wrapLine_isFull = font.measure(string[:nCharsToWrap]) >= maxLineWidth_px
        return string[nCharsToWrap-1:]

    def remove_wrapped_words_from_string(self, string, maxLineWidth_px, font):
        words = string.split(" ")
        nWordsToWrap = 0
        wrapLine_isFull = font.measure(" ".join(words[:nWordsToWrap])) >= maxLineWidth_px
        while not wrapLine_isFull:
            nWordsToWrap += 1
            wrapLine_isFull = font.measure(" ".join(words[:nWordsToWrap])) >= maxLineWidth_px
        if nWordsToWrap == 1:
            # If there is only 1 word to wrap, this word is longer than the Text
            # widget width. Therefore, wrapping switches to character mode
            return self.remove_wrapped_chars_from_string(string, maxLineWidth_px, font)
            return " ".join(words[nWordsToWrap-1:])


import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()
text = tk.Text(root, wrap='word')
text.insert("1.0", "The total number of lines in this Text widget is " + 
            "determined accurately, even when the text is wrapped...")
lineCounter = LineCounter()
label = tk.Label(root, text="0 lines", foreground="red")

def show_nb_of_lines(evt):
    nbLines = lineCounter.count_total_nb_lines(text)
    if nbLines < 2:
        label.config(text="{} line".format(nbLines))
        label.config(text="{} lines".format(nbLines))

text.pack(side="bottom", fill="both", expand=True)
text.bind("<Configure>", show_nb_of_lines)
text.bind("<KeyRelease>", show_nb_of_lines)



from tkinter.font import Font
lineCounter = LineCounter()
class GUI():
    def update_text(self, description):
        nbLines = lineCounter.count_total_nb_lines(self.field_description)
        font = Font(font=self.field_description.cget("font"))
        lineHeight = font.metrics("linespace")
        text_height = nbLines * lineHeight 

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