使用 EnableDelayedExpansion 时变量修饰符的正确语法


我希望能够执行 %~p 来仅查看文件的路径。但在循环中使用它时我无法获得正确的语法(使用 EnableDelayedExpansion)


@echo off
set "dir1=%TMP%\opt"
set "dir2=c:\opt"
set "empty="

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f %%F in ('dir  /a:-d /s /b /r "%dir1%"') do (
  set "file_path=%%F"
  set "file_name=%%~nF"
  set "new_path=!file_path:%dir1%=%dir2%!"
  set "new_path=!new_path:!file_name!=%empty%" //This command is problematic
  echo !new_path!



@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set "dir1=%TMP%\opt"
set "dir2=c:\opt"

pushd "%dir1%" && for /f %%F in ('dir /a:-d /b /r /s') do (
    set "file_path=%%~dpF"
    set "new_path=!file_path:%dir1%=%dir2%!"
    echo !new_path!
) & popd

exit /b 0



您对 dir1 替换的使用是正确的,但您的文件名替换是错误的。通过使用~dp修饰符我们可以完全跳过文件名替换部分。

The pushd之前只被调用一次for循环开始设置工作目录。


  • 将工作目录设置为dir1
  • 循环遍历该目录和子目录中的所有文件。
  • 对于每个文件,仅获取文件路径C:\Path\opt\sub not C:\path\opt\sub\file.ext
  • 更换C:\path\opt with C:\opt
  • 显示结果。
  • popd会将工作目录恢复到之前的状态pushd.

这是所有变量修饰符的列表for /?帮助文本。

In addition, substitution of FOR variable references has been enhanced.
You can now use the following optional syntax:

%~I         - expands %I removing any surrounding quotes (")
%~fI        - expands %I to a fully qualified path name
%~dI        - expands %I to a drive letter only
%~pI        - expands %I to a path only
%~nI        - expands %I to a file name only
%~xI        - expands %I to a file extension only
%~sI        - expanded path contains short names only
%~aI        - expands %I to file attributes of file
%~tI        - expands %I to date/time of file
%~zI        - expands %I to size of file
%~$PATH:I   - searches the directories listed in the PATH
               environment variable and expands %I to the
               fully qualified name of the first one found.
               If the environment variable name is not
               defined or the file is not found by the
               search, then this modifier expands to the
               empty string

The modifiers can be combined to get compound results:

%~dpI       - expands %I to a drive letter and path only
%~nxI       - expands %I to a file name and extension only
%~fsI       - expands %I to a full path name with short names only
%~dp$PATH:I - searches the directories listed in the PATH
               environment variable for %I and expands to the
               drive letter and path of the first one found.
%~ftzaI     - expands %I to a DIR like output line

In the above examples %I and PATH can be replaced by other valid
values.  The %~ syntax is terminated by a valid FOR variable name.
Picking upper case variable names like %I makes it more readable and
avoids confusion with the modifiers, which are not case sensitive.

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