当单词不存在时,将 0 分配给某些单词


这是我在 stackoverflow 上发表的第一篇文章,我对编码还比较陌生。所以,请耐心听我说。


TOPIC:topic_0 5892.0
site 0.0371690427699
Internet 0.0261371350984
online 0.0229124236253
web 0.0218940936864
say 0.0159538357094
image 0.015105227427

TOPIC:topic_1 12366.0
Mr 0.150331554262
s 0.0517548115801
say 0.0451237263464

TOPIC:topic_2 ....

TOPIC:topic_3 1066.0
say 0.062
word 0.182


在本文档中,有些单词要么出现在所有主题中,要么只出现在少数主题中。因此,我想执行一个过程,如果一个单词不存在于一个主题中,我希望该单词在该主题中的值为 0。也就是说,单词 BBC 存在于主题 2 中,但不存在于主题 2 中。主题 1,所以我希望我的列表为:

TOPIC:topic_0 5892.0
site 0.0371690427699
Internet 0.0261371350984
online 0.0229124236253
web 0.0218940936864
say 0.0159538357094
image 0.015105227427
Mr 0
s 0
president 0
tell 0

TOPIC:topic_1 12366.0
Mr 0.150331554262
s 0.0517548115801
say 0.0451237263464
president 0.0153647096879
tell 0.0135856380398
BBC 0.0135856380398
site 0
Internet 0
online 0
web 0
say 0
image 0


from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import groupby, imap

d = defaultdict(list)
with open("doc1") as f,open("doc2") as f2:
values = map(float, f2.read().split()) 
for line in f:
    if line.strip() and not line.startswith("TOPIC"):
        name, val = line.split()

for k,v in d.items():
     print("Prob for {} is {}".format(k ,sum(i*j for i, j in zip(v,values)) ))

我的 doc2 的格式为:

  0.566667 0.0333333 0.133333 0 0 0  2.43333 0 0.13333......... till 100 values. 

上面的代码考虑了单词“say”。它检查该单词是否在 3 个主题中,并将它们的值收集在一个列表中,如 [0.015, 0.45, 0.062]。该列表与 doc2 中的值相乘,其中值 0.015 乘以 doc2 中的第 0 个值、0.45 * doc2 中的第一个值和 0.062* doc2 中的第二个值。但这不是我想要的。我们可以看到topic_2中没有“SAY”这个词。这里的列表必须包含 [0.015, 0.45, 0, 0.062]。因此,当这些值与 doc2 中各自的位置值相乘时,它们将给出

P(SAY) = (0.566667*0.015) + (0.0333333*0.045) + (0.133333 *0) + (0*0.062)


问题是您将主题视为一个整体,如果您希望各个部分使用groupby https://stackoverflow.com/a/31506466/2141635原始答案中的代码首先获取一组所有名称,然后将这组名称与 defaultdict 键进行比较,以找出每个部分中的差异:

from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(float)
from itertools import groupby, imap

with open("doc1") as f,open("doc2") as f2:
    values = imap(float, f2.read().split())
    # find every word in every TOPIC
    all_words = {line.split()[0] for line in f if line.strip() and not line.startswith("TOPIC")}
    f.seek(0) # rset pointer
    # lambda x: not(x.strip()) will split into groups on the empty lines
    for ind, (k, v) in enumerate(groupby(f, key=lambda x: not(x.strip()))):
        if not k:
            topic = next(v)
            #  get matching float from values
            f = next(values)
            # iterate over the group
            for s in v:
                name, val = s.split()
                d[name] += (float(val) * f)
            # get difference in all_words vs words in current TOPIC
            # giving 0 as default for missing values
            for word in all_words - d.viewkeys():
                d[word] = 0
            for k,v in d.iteritems():
                print("Prob for {} is {}".format(k,v))
            d = defaultdict(float)


from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(float)
from itertools import groupby, imap
with open("doc1") as f,open("doc2") as f2:
    values = imap(float, f2.read().split())
    all_words = {line.split()[0] for line in f if line.strip() and not line.startswith("TOPIC")}
    out = []
    # lambda x: not(x.strip()) will split into groups on the empty lines
    for ind, (k, v) in enumerate(groupby(f, key=lambda x: not(x.strip()))):
        if not k:
            topic = next(v)
            #  get matching float from values
            f = next(values)
            # iterate over the group
            for s in v:
                name, val = s.split()
                d[name] += (float(val) * f)
            for word in all_words - d.viewkeys():
                d[word] = 0
            d = defaultdict(float)


for top in out:
  for k,v in top.iteritems():
            print("Prob for {} is {}".format(k,v))

或者忘记 defualtdict 并使用 dict.fromkeys:

from itertools import groupby, imap

with open("doc1") as f,open("doc2") as f2:
    values = imap(float, f2.read().split())
    all_words = [line.split()[0] for line in f if line.strip() and not line.startswith("TOPIC")]
    out, d = [], dict.fromkeys(all_words ,0.0)
    # lambda x: not(x.strip()) will split into groups on the empty lines
    for ind, (k, v) in enumerate(groupby(f, key=lambda x: not(x.strip()))):
        if not k:
            topic = next(v)
            #  get matching float from values
            f = next(values)
            # iterate over the group
            for s in v:
                name, val = s.split()
                d[name] += (float(val) * f)
            d = dict.fromkeys(all_words ,0)

如果您总是希望末尾缺少单词,请使用 collections.OrderedDict 并使用第一种方法在字典末尾添加缺少的值:

from collections import OrderedDict

from itertools import groupby, imap
with open("doc1") as f,open("doc2") as f2:
    values = imap(float, f2.read().split())
    all_words = {line.split()[0] for line in f if line.strip() and not line.startswith("TOPIC")}
    out = []
    # lambda x: not(x.strip()) will split into groups on the empty lines
    for  (k, v) in groupby(f, key=lambda x: not(x.strip())):
        if not k:
            topic = next(v)
            #  get matching float from values
            f = next(values)
            # iterate over the group
            for s in v:
                name, val = s.split()
                d.setdefault(name, (float(val) * f))
            for word in all_words.difference(d):
                    d[word] = 0
            d = OrderedDict()

for top in out:
    for k,v in top.iteritems():
         print("Prob for {} is {}".format(k,v))


from collections import OrderedDict

from itertools import groupby, imap

with open("doc1") as f,open("doc2") as f2:
    values = imap(float, f2.read().split())
    all_words = {line.split()[0] for line in f if line.strip() and not line.startswith("TOPIC")}
    out = OrderedDict()
    # lambda x: not(x.strip()) will split into groups on the empty lines
    for (k, v) in groupby(f, key=lambda x: not(x.strip())):
        if not k:
            topic = next(v).rstrip()
            # create OrderedDict for each topic
            out[topic] = OrderedDict()
            #  get matching float from values
            f = next(values)
            # iterate over the group
            for s in v:
                name, val = s.split()
                out[topic].setdefault(name, (float(val) * f))
            # find words missing from TOPIC and  set to 0
            for word in  all_words.difference(out[topic]):
                    out[topic][word] = 0

for k,v in out.items():
    print(k) # each TOPIC
    for k,v in v.iteritems():
        print("Prob for {} is {}".format(k,v)) # the OrderedDict items


TOPIC:topic_0 5892.0
site 0.0371690427699
Internet 0.0261371350984
online 0.0229124236253
web 0.0218940936864
say 0.0159538357094
image 0.015105227427

TOPIC:topic_1 12366.0
Mr 0.150331554262
s 0.0517548115801
say 0.0451237263464
president 0.0153647096879
tell 0.0135856380398
BBC 0.0135856380398


0.345 0.566667


TOPIC:topic_0 5892.0
Prob for site is 0.0128233197556
Prob for Internet is 0.00901731160895
Prob for online is 0.00790478615073
Prob for web is 0.00755346232181
Prob for say is 0.00550407331974
Prob for image is 0.00521130346231
Prob for BBC is 0
Prob for Mr is 0
Prob for s is 0
Prob for president is 0
Prob for tell is 0

TOPIC:topic_1 12366.0
Prob for Mr is 0.085187930859
Prob for s is 0.0293277438137
Prob for say is 0.0255701266375
Prob for president is 0.00870667394471
Prob for tell is 0.0076985327511
Prob for BBC is 0.0076985327511
Prob for web is 0
Prob for image is 0
Prob for online is 0
Prob for site is 0
Prob for Internet is 0

您可以使用常规 for 循环应用完全相同的逻辑,groupby 只是为您完成所有分组工作。


from itertools import groupby, imap
with open("doc1") as f,open("doc2") as f2,open("prob.txt","w") as f3:
    values = imap(float, f2.read().split())
    all_words = {line.split()[0] for line in f if line.strip() and not line.startswith("TOPIC")}
    for (k, v) in groupby(f, key=lambda x: not(x.strip())):
        if not k:
            topic, words  = next(v), []
            flt = next(values)
            for s in v:
                name, val = s.split()
                f3.write("{} {}\n".format(name, (float(val) * flt)))
            for word in all_words.difference(words):
                  f3.write("{} {}\n".format(word, 0))


TOPIC:topic_0 5892.0
site 0.0128233197556
Internet 0.00901731160895
online 0.00790478615073
web 0.00755346232181
say 0.00550407331974
image 0.00521130346231
Mr 0
s 0
president 0
tell 0

TOPIC:topic_1 12366.0
Mr 0.085187930859
s 0.0293277438137
say 0.0255701266375
president 0.00870667394471
tell 0.0076985327511
BBC 0.0076985327511
web 0
image 0
online 0
site 0
Internet 0

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