具有 Autofac 依赖项的工厂


我想编写一个工厂来创建各种类型的“xxNotification”类。我的具体“xxNotification”具有使用 AutoFac 注册的依赖项。我想使用 Autofac 获取/解析“xxNotification”的实例。怎么做?

public interface INotification
    void Notify(string Action, int OrderID);

public class MagentoOrderStateNotification : INotification
    private readonly GenericRepository<Order> _orderRepository;
    private readonly OMRestIntegrationService _oMRestIntegrationService;

    public MagentoOrderStateNotification(GenericRepository<Order> orderRepository, OMRestIntegrationService oMRestIntegrationService)
        _orderRepository = orderRepository;
        _oMRestIntegrationService = oMRestIntegrationService;

    public void Notify(string Action, int OrderID)

public class NotificationFactory
    public INotification GetNotification(string NotificationName)
        switch (NotificationName)
            case "MagentoOrderStateNotification":
                //resolve instance of MagentoOrderStateNotification

这看起来是一个很好的候选人策略模式 https://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/strategy.


public interface INotification
    void Notify(string Action, int OrderID);
    bool AppliesTo(string NotificationName);

public interface INotificationStrategy
    void Notify(string NotificationName, string Action, int OrderID);

INotification 实现

public class MagentoOrderStateNotification : INotification
    private readonly GenericRepository<Order> _orderRepository;
    private readonly OMRestIntegrationService _oMRestIntegrationService;

    public MagentoOrderStateNotification(GenericRepository<Order> orderRepository, OMRestIntegrationService oMRestIntegrationService)
        _orderRepository = orderRepository;
        _oMRestIntegrationService = oMRestIntegrationService;

    public void Notify(string Action, int OrderID)

    public bool AppliesTo(string NotificationName)
        // Note that you can make the criteria to use this
        // service as advanced as you need to. You could even
        // design your strategy to use multiple services in specific
        // scenarios. But putting that logic here has many advantages
        // over a switch case statement.
        return NotificationName == "a";

public class FooOrderStateNotification : INotification
    public void Notify(string Action, int OrderID)

    public bool AppliesTo(string NotificationName)
        return NotificationName == "b";


public class NotificationStrategy : INotificationStrategy
    private readonly IEnumerable<INotification> oNotifications;

    public MessageStrategy(IEnumerable<INotification> oNotifications)
        if (oNotifications == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("oNotifications");
        this.oNotifications = oNotifications;

    public void Notify(string NotificationName, string Action, int OrderID)
        var notification = this.oNotifications
            .FirstOrDefault(x => x.AppliesTo(NotificationName));

        // Possible alternative: get multiple implementations and
        // then loop through them, executing each one.
        // var notifications = this.oNotifications
        //     .Where(x => x.AppliesTo(NotificationName)).ToArray();

        if (notification == null)
            throw new Exception("No notification type registered for " + NotificationName);

        notification.Notify(Action, OrderID);


public class SomeService : ISomeService
    private readonly INotificationStrategy oNotificationStrategy;

    public SomeService(INotificationStrategy oNotificationStrategy)
        if (oNotificationStrategy == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("oNotificationStrategy");
        this.oNotificationStrategy = oNotificationStrategy;

    public void DoSomething()
        this.oNotificationStrategy.Notify("a", "Hello", 1234);

请注意,另一种方法可能是使用一些基于 OrderID 的“OrderType”状态来查找要使用的服务(不确定将 OrderID 传递到 Notify() 方法实际上是否有意义)。但无论你如何划分,这都是一个应用程序设计问题,而不是 DI 问题。


有几种方法 http://docs.autofac.org/en/latest/faq/select-by-context.html您可以配置 Autofac 来注册同一接口的多个实现,以便在NotificationStrategy构造函数。这里有几个例子:


// Note you may need more than one registration if you are spanning
// multiple assemblies.
   .Where(x => typeof(INotification).IsAssignableFrom(x))

当以这种方式注册实现时,Autofac 将隐式地将所有实现注入到任何IEnumerable<INotification>构造函数参数。



                (p, c) => p.Name == "oNotifications",
                (p, c) => new[]

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