我的 Flex 文件输出错误


我编写了一个 .l 文件并希望输出“c17.isc”中的内容。


这是 c17.isc 文件 内容的意思是

number  gate_name  gate_type  output_number  input_number  fault

带“from”的行表示扇出。 有2个数字的行仅表示输入列表。

*c17 iscas example (to test conversion program only)
*  total number of lines in the netlist ..............    17
*  simplistically reduced equivalent fault set size =     22
*        lines from primary input  gates .......     5
*        lines from primary output gates .......     2
*        lines from interior gate outputs ......     4
*        lines from **     3 ** fanout stems ...     6
*        avg_fanin  =  2.00,     max_fanin  =  2
*        avg_fanout =  2.00,     max_fanout =  2
    1     1gat inpt    1   0      >sa1
    2     2gat inpt    1   0      >sa1
    3     3gat inpt    2   0 >sa0 >sa1
    8     8fan from     3gat      >sa1
    9     9fan from     3gat      >sa1
    6     6gat inpt    1   0      >sa1
    7     7gat inpt    1   0      >sa1
   10    10gat nand    1   2      >sa1
     1     8
   11    11gat nand    2   2 >sa0 >sa1
     9     6
   14    14fan from    11gat      >sa1
   15    15fan from    11gat      >sa1
   16    16gat nand    2   2 >sa0 >sa1
     2    14
   20    20fan from    16gat      >sa1
   21    21fan from    16gat      >sa1
   19    19gat nand    1   2      >sa1
    15     7
   22    22gat nand    0   2 >sa0 >sa1
    10    20
   23    23gat nand    0   2 >sa0 >sa1
    21    19



# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stdlib.h>

# define INPT 1
# define NOR 2
# define NAND 3
# define NOT 4
# define XOR 5
# define AND 6
# define BUFF 7
# define FROM 8

其次,这是 Flex 文件:

# include "declare.h"

/*gi=1,it's input;gi=7,it's fanout;otherwise,it's gate*/
int gi=-1;
int inum=0;
int val;

    char *symbol;
    int val;
} symtab[]={
"inpt", INPT,
"nor", NOR,
"nand", NAND,
"not", NOT,
"xor", XOR,
"and", AND,
"buff", BUFF,

extern FILE *yyin;

%start A B C D E

DIGITS [0-9]+
BLANK [ \t\n]+
ALPHA [a-z]+


"*".*\n     {ECHO; BEGIN A;}

<A>{BLANK}{DIGITS} {printf("num=%s\t",yytext); BEGIN B;}
<B>{BLANK}{DIGITS}{ALPHA} {printf("name=%s",yytext); BEGIN C;}
<C>{BLANK}{DIGITS} {printf("op=%s\t",yytext);BEGIN D;}
<D>{BLANK}{DIGITS} {inum=atoi(yytext);
                    {BEGIN A;}
                    {BEGIN E;}

<E>{BLANK}{DIGITS} {inum--;
                    {printf("num=%s\t",yytext); BEGIN B;}
                    {printf("il=%s\t",yytext); BEGIN E;} 

{ALPHA} {gi=lookup(yytext);
         if(gi!=0) printf("\tty=%d\t",gi);
         else ECHO;


{BLANK}">sa"[0-1] {val=atoi(&yytext[yyleng-1]);printf("\tfl=%d",val);}

{BLANK}    ;

char* s;
{int i;
for (i=0;symtab[i].val!=0;i++)

FILE *x=fopen("c17.isc","r");


例如,图中第一行错误的行应该是“num=10”,第二个错误行应该是“il=1 il=8" etc.


num=1  name=1gat  ty=1  op=1  ip=0  fl=1
num=2  name=2gat  ty=1  op=1  ip=0  fl=1
num=3  name=3gat  ty=1  op=2  ip=0  fl=0  fl=1
num=8  name=8fan  ty=8  3gat  fl=1
num=9  name=9fan  ty=8  3gat  fl=1
num=6  name=6gat  ty=1  op=1  ip=0  fl=1
num=7  name=7gat  ty=1  op=1  ip=0  fl=1
**il=10**  name=10gat  ty=3  op=1  ip=2  fl=1
**num=1**  il=8
**il=11**  name=11gat  ty=3  op=2  ip=2  fl=0  fl=1
**num=9**  il=6
**num=4**  ...
**num=5**  ...
**il=16**  ...
**num=2**  il=14
**num=0**  ...
**num=1**  ...
**il=19**  ...
**num=15** il=7
**il=22**  ...
**il=23**  ...


#include "declare.h"

/*gi=1, it's input;gi=7, it's fanout;otherwise, it's gate*/
static int gi = -1;
static int inum = 0;

extern int lookup(const char *s);

    char *symbol;
    int val;
} symtab[]=
    {   "inpt", INPT },
    {   "nor",  NOR  },
    {   "nand", NAND },
    {   "not",  NOT  },
    {   "xor",  XOR  },
    {   "and",  AND  },
    {   "buff", BUFF },
    {   "from", FROM },
    {   "0",    0    },

extern FILE *yyin;

%start A B C D E

DIGITS [0-9]+
BLANK [ \t\n]+
ALPHA [a-z]+


"*".*\n              {ECHO; BEGIN A;}

<A>{DIGITS}          {printf("\nnum1=%s\t", yytext); BEGIN B;}
<B>{DIGITS}{ALPHA}   {printf(" name=%s\t",  yytext); BEGIN C;}
<C>{DIGITS}          {printf(" op=%s\t",    yytext); BEGIN D;}
<D>{DIGITS}          {
                     printf(" ip=%s\t", yytext);
                     if (gi==1)
                     {BEGIN A;}
                     if (gi!=1)
                     {BEGIN E;}

<E>{DIGITS}          {inum--;
                     if (inum<0)
                     {printf("\nnum2=%s\t", yytext); BEGIN B;}
                     {printf(" il=%s\t", yytext); BEGIN E;} 

{ALPHA}              {
                     gi = lookup(yytext);
                     if (gi!=0) printf(" ty=%d (%s)\t", gi, yytext);
                     else { printf("Lookup failed: "); ECHO; }

">sa"[0-1]           {int val=atoi(&yytext[yyleng-1]);printf(" fl=%d", val);}

{BLANK}              ;
.                    { printf("Unmatched: %s\n", yytext); }

int lookup(const char *s)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; symtab[i].val != 0; i++)
        if (strcmp(symtab[i].symbol, s) == 0)

int main(void)
    FILE *x=fopen("c17.isc", "r");


*c17 iscas example (to test conversion program only)
*  total number of lines in the netlist ..............    17
*  simplistically reduced equivalent fault set size =     22
*        lines from primary input  gates .......     5
*        lines from primary output gates .......     2
*        lines from interior gate outputs ......     4
*        lines from **     3 ** fanout stems ...     6
*        avg_fanin  =  2.00,     max_fanin  =  2
*        avg_fanout =  2.00,     max_fanout =  2

num1=1   name=1gat   ty=1 (inpt)     op=1    ip=0    fl=1
num1=2   name=2gat   ty=1 (inpt)     op=1    ip=0    fl=1
num1=3   name=3gat   ty=1 (inpt)     op=2    ip=0    fl=0 fl=1
num1=8   name=8fan   ty=8 (from)    3gat fl=1
num1=9   name=9fan   ty=8 (from)    3gat fl=1
num1=6   name=6gat   ty=1 (inpt)     op=1    ip=0    fl=1
num1=7   name=7gat   ty=1 (inpt)     op=1    ip=0    fl=1
num1=10  name=10gat  ty=3 (nand)     op=1    ip=2    fl=1 il=1   il=8   
num2=11  name=11gat  ty=3 (nand)     op=2    ip=2    fl=0 fl=1 il=9  il=6   
num2=14  name=14fan  ty=8 (from)    11gat fl=1
num1=15  name=15fan  ty=8 (from)    11gat fl=1
num1=16  name=16gat  ty=3 (nand)     op=2    ip=2    fl=0 fl=1 il=2  il=14  
num2=20  name=20fan  ty=8 (from)    16gat fl=1
num1=21  name=21fan  ty=8 (from)    16gat fl=1
num1=19  name=19gat  ty=3 (nand)     op=1    ip=2    fl=1 il=15  il=7   
num2=22  name=22gat  ty=3 (nand)     op=0    ip=2    fl=0 fl=1 il=10     il=20  
num2=23  name=23gat  ty=3 (nand)     op=0    ip=2    fl=0 fl=1 il=21     il=19

该行与num1=10 has il=1 and il=8与之相关,这似乎反映了数据。 (我修改了打印输出以包括类型名称和类型编号。)

我不确定哪些变化是重要的。失去了{BLANK}我认为,匹配数字和 alpha 的部分规则简化了事情(扫描仪基本上忽略间距是很常见的)。


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