Jest:测试类型或 null


我有一个测试,我想测试我收到的对象值类型是否与架构匹配。问题是对于某些键我可能会收到一些东西或 null


  const attendeeSchema = {
  birthDate: expect.extend(toBeTypeOrNull("Date")),
  contact: expect.extend(toBeTypeOrNull(String)),
  createdAt: expect.any(Date),
  firstName: expect.any(String),
  id: expect.any(Number),
  idDevice: expect.extend(toBeTypeOrNull(Number)),
  information: expect.extend(toBeTypeOrNull(String)),
  lastName: expect.any(String),
  macAddress: expect.extend(toBeTypeOrNull(String)),
  updatedAt: expect.any(Date),
  // state: toBeTypeOrNull()

    const toBeTypeOrNull = (received, argument) => {
  const pass = expect(received).toEqual(expect.any(argument));
  if (pass || received === null) {
    return {
      message: () => `Ok`,
      pass: true
  } else {
    return {
      message: () => `expected ${received} to be ${argument} type or null`,
      pass: false



我也尝试过 tobeEqual 和其他东西......


TypeError: any() expects to be passed a constructor function. Please pass one or use anything() to match any object.

我不知道在这里做什么.. 如果有人有想法 谢谢



  nullOrAny(received, expected) {
    if (received === null) {
      return {
        pass: true,
        message: () => `expected null or instance of ${this.utils.printExpected(expected) }, but received ${ this.utils.printReceived(received) }`

    if (expected == String) {
      return {
        pass: typeof received == 'string' || received instanceof String,
        message: () => `expected null or instance of ${this.utils.printExpected(expected) }, but received ${ this.utils.printReceived(received) }`

    if (expected == Number) {
      return {
        pass: typeof received == 'number' || received instanceof Number,
        message: () => `expected null or instance of ${this.utils.printExpected(expected)}, but received ${this.utils.printReceived(received)}`

    if (expected == Function) {
      return {
        pass: typeof received == 'function' || received instanceof Function,
        message: () => `expected null or instance of ${this.utils.printExpected(expected)}, but received ${this.utils.printReceived(received)}`

    if (expected == Object) {
      return {
        pass: received !== null && typeof received == 'object',
        message: () => `expected null or instance of ${this.utils.printExpected(expected)}, but received ${this.utils.printReceived(received)}`

    if (expected == Boolean) {
      return {
        pass: typeof received == 'boolean',
        message: () => `expected null or instance of ${this.utils.printExpected(expected)}, but received ${this.utils.printReceived(received)}`

    /* jshint -W122 */
    /* global Symbol */
    if (typeof Symbol != 'undefined' && this.expectedObject == Symbol) {
      return {
        pass: typeof received == 'symbol',
        message: () => `expected null or instance of ${this.utils.printExpected(expected)}, but received ${this.utils.printReceived(received)}`
    /* jshint +W122 */

    return {
      pass: received instanceof expected,
      message: () => `expected null or instance of ${this.utils.printExpected(expected)}, but received ${this.utils.printReceived(received)}`


const schema = {
  person: expect.nullOrAny(Person),
  age: expect.nullOrAny(Number)



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