使用自定义哈希函数插入 unordered_set



struct Interval {
  unsigned int begin;
  unsigned int end;
  bool updated;   //true if concat.  initially false
  int patternIndex;  //pattern index. valid for single pattern
  int proteinIndex;   //protein index.  for retrieving the pattern

struct Hash {
  size_t operator()(const Interval &interval);

size_t Hash::operator()(const Interval &interval){
  string temp = to_string(interval.begin) + to_string(interval.end) + to_string(interval.proteinIndex);
  return hash<string>()(temp);

unordered_set<Interval, string, Hash> test;


for(list<Interval>::iterator i = concat.begin(); i != concat.end(); ++i){


note: candidate is:
note: size_t Hash::operator()(const Interval&)
note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided  

我以为我只提供了 1 个参数...


这是新的实例化代码:unordered_set<Interval, Hash> test;但是,我仍然收到大量错误消息,例如:

note: candidate is:
note: size_t Hash::operator()(const Interval&) <near match>
note:   no known conversion for implicit ‘this’ parameter from ‘const Hash*’ to ‘Hash*’


你正在路过string作为实例化的第二个模板参数unordered_set<>类模板。第二个参数应该是哈希函数的类型 http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/unordered_set, and std::string不是可调用对象。


unordered_set<Interval, /* string */ Hash> test;
//                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^
//                      Why this?

另外,我建议使用除begin and end为您的(成员)变量,因为这些是 C++ 标准库的算法名称。


你应该记住,哈希函数应该被限定为const http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/unordered_set/hash_function,所以你的函子应该是:

struct Hash {
   size_t operator() (const Interval &interval) const {
   //                                           ^^^^^
   //                                           Don't forget this!
     string temp = to_string(interval.b) + 
                   to_string(interval.e) + 
     return (temp.length());


最后,如果你想要的话std::unordered_set能够使用类型的对象Interval,您需要定义一个与您的哈希函数一致的相等运算符。默认情况下,如果不指定任何类型参数作为第三个参数std::unordered_set类模板,operator ==将会被使用。

您当前没有任何超载operator ==为你的班级Interval,所以你应该提供一个。例如:

inline bool operator == (Interval const& lhs, Interval const& rhs)
    return (lhs.b == rhs.b) && 
           (lhs.e == rhs.e) && 
           (lhs.proteinIndex == rhs.proteinIndex); 



#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <list>

using namespace std;

struct Interval {
  unsigned int b;
  unsigned int e;
  bool updated;   //true if concat.  initially false
  int patternIndex;  //pattern index. valid for single pattern
  int proteinIndex;   //protein index.  for retrieving the pattern

bool operator == (Interval const& lhs, Interval const& rhs)
    return (lhs.b == rhs.b) && (lhs.e == rhs.e) && (lhs.proteinIndex == rhs.proteinIndex); 

struct Hash {
   size_t operator()(const Interval &interval) const {
     string temp = to_string(interval.b) + to_string(interval.e) + to_string(interval.proteinIndex);
     return (temp.length());

int main()
   unordered_set<Interval, Hash> test;
  list<Interval> concat;
  for(list<Interval>::iterator i = concat.begin(); i != concat.end(); ++i){


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