使用自定义 WCF 正文反序列化而不更改 URI 模板反序列化


From 这篇博文 http://blogs.msdn.com/b/carlosfigueira/archive/2011/05/03/wcf-extensibility-message-formatters.aspx,我能够创建自定义 WCFIDispatchMessageFormatter使用 JSON.NET 序列化。它效果很好,但有一个警告:使用它UriTemplate不一定按预期工作。


class NewtonsoftJsonDispatchFormatter : IDispatchMessageFormatter
    private readonly OperationDescription od;
    private readonly ServiceEndpoint ep;
    private readonly Dictionary<string, int> parameterNames = new Dictionary<string, int>();

    public NewtonsoftJsonDispatchFormatter(OperationDescription od, ServiceEndpoint ep, bool isRequest)
        this.od = od;
        this.ep = ep;
        if (isRequest)
            int operationParameterCount = od.Messages[0].Body.Parts.Count;
            if (operationParameterCount > 1)
                this.parameterNames = new Dictionary<string, int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < operationParameterCount; i++)
                    this.parameterNames.Add(od.Messages[0].Body.Parts[i].Name, i);
    public void DeserializeRequest(Message message, object[] parameters)
        if (message.IsEmpty) 

        object bodyFormatProperty;

        if (!message.Properties.TryGetValue(WebBodyFormatMessageProperty.Name, out bodyFormatProperty) ||
            (bodyFormatProperty as WebBodyFormatMessageProperty).Format != WebContentFormat.Raw)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Incoming messages must have a body format of Raw. Is a ContentTypeMapper set on the WebHttpBinding?");

        XmlDictionaryReader bodyReader = message.GetReaderAtBodyContents();
        byte[] rawBody = bodyReader.ReadContentAsBase64();

        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(rawBody))
        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms))
            if (parameters.Length == 1)
                parameters[0] = Helper.serializer.Deserialize(sr, od.Messages[0].Body.Parts[0].Type);
                // multiple parameter, needs to be wrapped
                using (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader(sr))
                    if (reader.TokenType != Newtonsoft.Json.JsonToken.StartObject)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Input needs to be wrapped in an object");
                    while (reader.TokenType == Newtonsoft.Json.JsonToken.PropertyName)
                        string parameterName = reader.Value as string;
                        if (this.parameterNames.ContainsKey(parameterName))
                            int parameterIndex = this.parameterNames[parameterName];
                            parameters[parameterIndex] = Helper.serializer.Deserialize(reader, this.od.Messages[0].Body.Parts[parameterIndex].Type);

     public Message SerializeReply(MessageVersion messageVersion, object[] parameters, object result) { ... }

基本上,object[] parameters in the DeserializeMethod签名是out该方法需要实例化的参数。

因此,这可以很好地处理如下所示的 REST 端点:

[WebInvoke(Method="POST", UriTemplate="foo/")]
public Foo MakeFoo(Foo foo) { ... }


[WebInvoke(Method="POST", UriTemplate="FooBar/")]
public FooBar FooBar(Foo foo, Bar bar) { .. }

但目前它不会将 URI 模板参数映射到方法参数,例如像这样的东西:

public Foo GetFoo(string id) { ... }

微软在重写中写道GetRequestDispatchFormatter https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.servicemodel.description.webhttpbehavior.getrequestdispatchformatter(v=vs.110).aspx:

这是一个扩展点,派生行为可以使用它来提供自己的 IDispatchMessageFormatter 实现,调用该实现来从请求消息中反序列化服务操作的输入参数。服务操作的 UriTemplate 中指定的参数必须从请求消息的 To URI 中反序列化,其他参数必须从请求消息的正文中反序列化。

很好。我更新了消息正文中参数的反序列化。但我不想覆盖反序列化中的参数UriTemplate。有没有办法使用现有代码以默认方式将传入的 URI 请求映射到参数UriTemplate被处理?

看来我需要使用类似的东西UriTemplateDispatchFormatter http://referencesource.microsoft.com/#System.ServiceModel.Web/System/ServiceModel/Dispatcher/UriTemplateDispatchFormatter.cs但我不知道如何实现这一点,而且它是非公开的。



class UriTemplateDispatchFormatter : IDispatchMessageFormatter
    internal Dictionary<int, string> pathMapping;
    internal Dictionary<int, KeyValuePair<string, Type>> queryMapping;
    Uri baseAddress;
    IDispatchMessageFormatter bodyFormatter;
    string operationName;
    QueryStringConverter qsc;
    int totalNumUTVars;
    UriTemplate uriTemplate;

    public UriTemplateDispatchFormatter(OperationDescription operationDescription, IDispatchMessageFormatter bodyFormatter, QueryStringConverter qsc, string contractName, Uri baseAddress)
        this.bodyFormatter = bodyFormatter;
        this.qsc = qsc;
        this.baseAddress = baseAddress;
        this.operationName = operationDescription.Name;
            out this.pathMapping,
            out this.queryMapping,
            out this.totalNumUTVars,
            out this.uriTemplate,

    public void DeserializeRequest(Message message, object[] parameters)
        object[] bodyParameters = new object[parameters.Length - this.totalNumUTVars];

        if (bodyParameters.Length != 0)
            this.bodyFormatter.DeserializeRequest(message, bodyParameters);
        int j = 0;
        UriTemplateMatch utmr = null;
        string UTMRName = "UriTemplateMatchResults";
        if (message.Properties.ContainsKey(UTMRName))
            utmr = message.Properties[UTMRName] as UriTemplateMatch;
            if (message.Headers.To != null && message.Headers.To.IsAbsoluteUri)
                utmr = this.uriTemplate.Match(this.baseAddress, message.Headers.To);
        NameValueCollection nvc = (utmr == null) ? new NameValueCollection() : utmr.BoundVariables;
        for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; ++i)
            if (this.pathMapping.ContainsKey(i) && utmr != null)
                parameters[i] = nvc[this.pathMapping[i]];
            else if (this.queryMapping.ContainsKey(i) && utmr != null)
                string queryVal = nvc[this.queryMapping[i].Key];
                parameters[i] = this.qsc.ConvertStringToValue(queryVal, this.queryMapping[i].Value);
                parameters[i] = bodyParameters[j];

    public Message SerializeReply(MessageVersion messageVersion, object[] parameters, object result)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    private static void Populate(out Dictionary<int, string> pathMapping,
    out Dictionary<int, KeyValuePair<string, Type>> queryMapping,
    out int totalNumUTVars,
    out UriTemplate uriTemplate,
    OperationDescription operationDescription,
    QueryStringConverter qsc,
    string contractName)
        pathMapping = new Dictionary<int, string>();
        queryMapping = new Dictionary<int, KeyValuePair<string, Type>>();
        string utString = GetUTStringOrDefault(operationDescription);
        uriTemplate = new UriTemplate(utString);
        List<string> neededPathVars = new List<string>(uriTemplate.PathSegmentVariableNames);
        List<string> neededQueryVars = new List<string>(uriTemplate.QueryValueVariableNames);
        Dictionary<string, byte> alreadyGotVars = new Dictionary<string, byte>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        totalNumUTVars = neededPathVars.Count + neededQueryVars.Count;
        for (int i = 0; i < operationDescription.Messages[0].Body.Parts.Count; ++i)
            MessagePartDescription mpd = operationDescription.Messages[0].Body.Parts[i];
            string parameterName = XmlConvert.DecodeName(mpd.Name);
            if (alreadyGotVars.ContainsKey(parameterName))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            List<string> neededPathCopy = new List<string>(neededPathVars);
            foreach (string pathVar in neededPathCopy)
                if (string.Compare(parameterName, pathVar, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    if (mpd.Type != typeof(string))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException();
                    pathMapping.Add(i, parameterName);
                    alreadyGotVars.Add(parameterName, 0);
            List<string> neededQueryCopy = new List<string>(neededQueryVars);
            foreach (string queryVar in neededQueryCopy)
                if (string.Compare(parameterName, queryVar, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    if (!qsc.CanConvert(mpd.Type))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException();
                    queryMapping.Add(i, new KeyValuePair<string, Type>(parameterName, mpd.Type));
                    alreadyGotVars.Add(parameterName, 0);
        if (neededPathVars.Count != 0)
            throw new InvalidOperationException();
        if (neededQueryVars.Count != 0)
            throw new InvalidOperationException();
    private static string GetUTStringOrDefault(OperationDescription operationDescription)
        string utString = GetWebUriTemplate(operationDescription);
        if (utString == null && GetWebMethod(operationDescription) == "GET")
            utString = MakeDefaultGetUTString(operationDescription);
        if (utString == null)
            utString = operationDescription.Name;
        return utString;
    private static string MakeDefaultGetUTString(OperationDescription od)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(XmlConvert.DecodeName(od.Name));
        //sb.Append("/*"); // note: not + "/*", see 8988 and 9653
        if (!IsUntypedMessage(od.Messages[0]))
            foreach (MessagePartDescription mpd in od.Messages[0].Body.Parts)
                string parameterName = XmlConvert.DecodeName(mpd.Name);
            sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
        return sb.ToString();
    private static bool IsUntypedMessage(MessageDescription message)

        if (message == null)
            return false;
        return (message.Body.ReturnValue != null && message.Body.Parts.Count == 0 && message.Body.ReturnValue.Type == typeof(Message)) ||
            (message.Body.ReturnValue == null && message.Body.Parts.Count == 1 && message.Body.Parts[0].Type == typeof(Message));
    private static void EnsureOk(WebGetAttribute wga, WebInvokeAttribute wia, OperationDescription od)
        if (wga != null && wia != null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException();
    private static string GetWebUriTemplate(OperationDescription od)
        // return exactly what is on the attribute
        WebGetAttribute wga = od.Behaviors.Find<WebGetAttribute>();
        WebInvokeAttribute wia = od.Behaviors.Find<WebInvokeAttribute>();
        EnsureOk(wga, wia, od);
        if (wga != null)
            return wga.UriTemplate;
        else if (wia != null)
            return wia.UriTemplate;
            return null;
    private static string GetWebMethod(OperationDescription od)
        WebGetAttribute wga = od.Behaviors.Find<WebGetAttribute>();
        WebInvokeAttribute wia = od.Behaviors.Find<WebInvokeAttribute>();
        EnsureOk(wga, wia, od);
        if (wga != null)
            return "GET";
        else if (wia != null)
            return wia.Method ?? "POST";
            return "POST";



class NewtonsoftJsonBehavior : WebHttpBehavior
    protected override IDispatchMessageFormatter GetRequestDispatchFormatter(OperationDescription operationDescription, ServiceEndpoint endpoint)
        return new UriTemplateDispatchFormatter(
            new NewtonsoftJsonDispatchFormatter(operationDescription, endpoint, true),

    protected override IDispatchMessageFormatter GetReplyDispatchFormatter(OperationDescription od, ServiceEndpoint ep)
        return new NewtonsoftJsonDispatchFormatter(od, ep, false);




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