Spring Social Facebook:如何从 Post 获取大照片?


Post 对象有一个属性 getPicture()。其中包含一个非常小的 (130 × 130) 图像的 URL。

如何获取 Facebook 帖子的整体情况?



替换 url 中的 s130x130 没有帮助,因为这在新的 Graph API 中不起作用。

我尝试使用graphApi.mediaOperations()但我没有看到接受 postId 的方法。有graphApi.mediaOperations().getPhotos(objectID)但根据文档,此 objectID 必须是 AlbumID 或 UserID,并且此方法会引发异常:

org.springframework.social.UncategorizedApiException: (#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (photos) on node type (Photo)


byte[] photo = graphApi.mediaOperations().getAlbumImage(post.getObjectId(), ImageType.NORMAL);

但现在我得到一个 byte[] 而不是 url,所以现在我必须将图像存储在某个地方:(

我没有得到任何直接的方法来使用 Spring Social 框架获取 Facebook 帖子的 full_picture。我使用 Facebook 的图形 API 来了解全貌。我添加的代码仅供参考。您需要根据您的需要进行定制。

FacebookTemplate facebook = new FacebookTemplate("<fb token>");

String[] ALL_POST_FIELDS = { "id", "actions", "admin_creator", "application", "caption", "created_time", "description", "from", "icon",
        "is_hidden", "is_published", "link", "message", "message_tags", "name", "object_id", "picture", "full_picture", "place", "privacy",
        "properties", "source", "status_type", "story", "to", "type", "updated_time", "with_tags", "shares", "likes.limit(1).summary(true)" };

URIBuilder uriBuilder = URIBuilder.fromUri(facebook.getBaseGraphApiUrl() + request.getAccountId() + "/posts");
uriBuilder = uriBuilder.queryParam("limit", String.valueOf(request.getRecordCount()));
uriBuilder.queryParam("fields", org.springframework.util.StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(ALL_POST_FIELDS));
URI uri = uriBuilder.build();
LOGGER.info("facebook URL :{} ", uri);
JsonNode jsonNode = (JsonNode) facebook.getRestTemplate().getForObject(uri, JsonNode.class);
LOGGER.debug("facebook URL :{}, response: {} ", uri, jsonNode);
// you can cast jsonnode as required into your format or below line can be used to cast into PagedList<Post> format
PagedList<Post> posts = new DeserializingPosts().deserializeList(jsonNode, null, Post.class, true);

Then jsonNode代码被转换成您需要的格式。或者你也可以将其投射到PagedList<Post>使用下面DeserializingPosts class.

public class DeserializingPosts extends AbstractOAuth2ApiBinding {

    private ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(DeserializingPosts.class);

    public <T> PagedList<T> deserializeList(JsonNode jsonNode, String postType, Class<T> type, boolean accountFlag) {
        JsonNode dataNode = jsonNode.get("data");
        return deserializeList(dataNode, postType, type);

    public <T> PagedList<T> deserializeList(JsonNode jsonNode, String postType, Class<T> type) {
        List posts = new ArrayList();
        for (Iterator iterator = jsonNode.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            posts.add(deserializePost(postType, type, (ObjectNode) iterator.next()));
        if (jsonNode.has("paging")) {
            JsonNode pagingNode = jsonNode.get("paging");
            PagingParameters previousPage = PagedListUtils.getPagedListParameters(pagingNode, "previous");
            PagingParameters nextPage = PagedListUtils.getPagedListParameters(pagingNode, "next");
            return new PagedList(posts, previousPage, nextPage);

        return new PagedList(posts, null, null);

    public <T> T deserializePost(String postType, Class<T> type, ObjectNode node) {
        try {
            if (postType == null) {
                postType = determinePostType(node);

            node.put("postType", postType);
            node.put("type", postType);
            MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter converter = super.getJsonMessageConverter();
            this.objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
            this.objectMapper.registerModule(new FacebookModule());
            return this.objectMapper.reader(type).readValue(node.toString());
        } catch (IOException shouldntHappen) {
            throw new UncategorizedApiException("facebook", "Error deserializing " + postType + " post" + shouldntHappen.getMessage(),

    private String determinePostType(ObjectNode node) {
        if (node.has("type")) {
            try {
                String type = node.get("type").textValue();
                return type;
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                LOGGER.error("Error occured while determining post type: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                return "post";
        return "post";


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