VS Code:选择或删除未选择文本的块注释的快捷方式


I know there is a shortcut for comment and uncomment code block (SHIFT + ALT + A), but is there a way to quickly select (or even remove without select) block comment without using mouse or keyboard to select and press the delete/backspace button? For example:

This is a large block of code with at least 50 lines of code!



首先,使用优秀的选择依据 https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=rioj7.select-by扩展名 (@rioV8),用于选择块注释标记之间(包括块注释标记)的文本/* and */。将其放入您的设置中:

"selectby.regexes": {

  "BlockCommentSelect": {
    "backward": "\/\\*",
    "forward": "\\*\/",
    "forwardInclude": true,
    "backwardInclude": true,
    "showSelection": true


  "key": "alt+s",           // whatever keybinding you wish
  "command": "selectby.regex",
  "args": ["BlockCommentSelect"],
  "when": "editorTextFocus"

You could stop here and use your keybinding to select the text and then Shift+Alt+A to toggle off the block comment.

或者你可以添加selectby.regex1到宏并一步完成选择和切换。这里使用宏扩展多命令 https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ryuta46.multi-command将其放入您的设置以及上面的设置中selectby.regexes环境:

"multiCommand.commands": [

  "command": "multiCommand.BlockCommentOff",
  "sequence": [
      "command": "selectby.regex",
      "args": ["BlockCommentSelect"] 

然后是一个键绑定来触发该宏(在您的 keybindings.json 中):

  "key": "shift+alt+A",    // trigger the macro with whatever keybinding if you wish
  "command": "extension.multiCommand.execute",
  "args": { "command": "multiCommand.BlockCommentOff" },
  "when": "editorTextFocus && !editorHasSelection"

Here I used Shift+Alt+A to trigger the macro. And I used the when clause !editorHasSelection because if you have a selection maybe you want to block comment only that selection (inside another block comment!!).

演示:(1) 只是第一种方法selectby选择您的文本并手动将其关闭,然后 (2) 使用宏版本一步完成此操作。


VS Code:选择或删除未选择文本的块注释的快捷方式 的相关文章
