在 while_loop 的上下文中使用 TensorArray 来累加值


下面是 Tensorflow RNN Cell 的实现,旨在模拟本文中 Alex Graves 的算法 ACT:http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.08983 http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.08983.

在通过 rnn.rnn 调用的序列中的单个时间步(使用静态 sequence_length 参数,因此 rnn 是动态展开的 - 我使用固定批量大小 20),我们递归调用 ACTStep,生成 size(1,200) 的输出,其中RNN 单元的隐藏维度为 200,批量大小为 1。

使用 Tensorflow 中的 while 循环,我们进行迭代,直到累积的停止概率足够高。所有这些工作都相当顺利,但我在 while 循环内累积状态、概率和输出时遇到问题,我们需要这样做才能创建这些的加权组合作为最终的单元输出/状态。

我尝试使用一个简单的列表,如下所示,但是当编译图时,由于输出不在同一帧中,因此会失败(是否可以使用 control_flow_ops 中的“switch”函数将张量转发到它们是必需的,即在我们返回值之前的 add_n 函数?)。我也尝试过使用 TensorArray 结构,但我发现这很难使用,因为它似乎破坏了形状信息,并且手动替换它不起作用。我还没有找到太多关于 TensorArrays 的文档,我想它们可能主要供内部 TF 使用。

任何有关如何正确累积 ACTStep 生成的变量的建议将不胜感激。

class ACTCell(RNNCell):
"""An RNN cell implementing Graves' Adaptive Computation time algorithm"""
def __init__(self, num_units, cell, epsilon, max_computation):

    self.one_minus_eps = tf.constant(1.0 - epsilon)
    self._num_units = num_units
    self.cell = cell
    self.N = tf.constant(max_computation)
def input_size(self):
    return self._num_units
def output_size(self):
    return self._num_units
def state_size(self):
    return self._num_units

def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):

    with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):

        # define within cell constants/ counters used to control while loop
        prob = tf.get_variable("prob", [], tf.float32,tf.constant_initializer(0.0))
        counter = tf.get_variable("counter", [],tf.float32,tf.constant_initializer(0.0))
        tf.assign(counter, 0.0)

        # the predicate for stopping the while loop. Tensorflow demands that we have
        # all of the variables used in the while loop in the predicate.
        pred = lambda prob,counter,state,input,\
            tf.logical_and(tf.less(prob,self.one_minus_eps), tf.less(counter,self.N))

        acc_probs = []
        acc_outputs = []
        acc_states = []

        _,iterations,_,_,acc_states,acc_output,acc_probs = \

    # TODO:fix last part of this, need to use the remainder.
    # TODO: find a way to accumulate the regulariser

    # here we take a weighted combination of the states and outputs 
    # to use as the actual output and state which is passed to the next timestep.

    next_state = tf.add_n([tf.mul(x,y) for x,y in zip(acc_probs,acc_states)])
    output = tf.add_n([tf.mul(x,y) for x,y in zip(acc_probs,acc_outputs)])

    return output, next_state

def ACTStep(self,prob,counter,state,input, acc_states,acc_outputs,acc_probs):

    output, new_state = rnn.rnn(self.cell, [input], state, scope=type(self.cell).__name__)

    prob_w = tf.get_variable("prob_w", [self.cell.input_size,1])
    prob_b = tf.get_variable("prob_b", [1])
    p = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(prob_w,new_state) + prob_b)


    return [tf.add(prob,p),tf.add(counter,1.0),new_state, input,acc_states,acc_outputs,acc_probs]


首先,在 ACTStep 函数中,您调用rnn.rnn对于一个时间步(定义为[input]。如果您正在执行单个时间步,那么简单地使用实际的时间步可能会更有效self.cell通话功能。您将看到张量流中使用相同的机制细胞包装器 https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/python/ops/rnn_cell.py#L708

你提到你已经尝试过使用TensorArrays。您是否正确打包和解包张量数组?这里有一个repo https://github.com/ofirnachum/sequence_gan/blob/master/model.py你会在哪里找到model.py张量数组已正确打包和解包。

您还问是否有一个功能control_flow_ops这将需要累积所有张量。我想你正在寻找tf.control_dependencies https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/r0.9/api_docs/python/framework.html#control_dependencies

您可以在 control_dependicies 中列出所有输出张量操作,这将需要张量流来计算该点之前的所有张量。


另外我相信 Remainder 函数应该在您的脚本中:

remainder = 1.0 - tf.add_n(acc_probs[:-1])
#note that there is a -1 in the list as you do not want to grab the last probability


class ACTCell(RNNCell):
    """An RNN cell implementing Graves' Adaptive Computation time algorithm
    Notes: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s189/sh/fd165646-b630-48b7-844c-86ad2f07fcda/c9ab960af967ef847097f21d94b0bff7

    def __init__(self, num_units, cell, max_computation = 5.0, epsilon = 0.01):

        self.one_minus_eps = tf.constant(1.0 - epsilon) #episolon is 0.01 as found in the paper
        self._num_units = num_units
        self.cell = cell
        self.N = tf.constant(max_computation)

    def input_size(self):
        return self._num_units
    def output_size(self):
        return self._num_units
    def state_size(self):
        return self._num_units

    def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):

        with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):

            # define within cell constants/ counters used to control while loop
            prob = tf.constant(0.0, shape = [batch_size]) 
            counter = tf.constant(0.0, shape = [batch_size])

            # the predicate for stopping the while loop. Tensorflow demands that we have
            # all of the variables used in the while loop in the predicate.
            pred = lambda prob,counter,state,input,acc_states,acc_output,acc_probs:\
                tf.logical_and(tf.less(prob,self.one_minus_eps), tf.less(counter,self.N))

            acc_probs, acc_outputs, acc_states  = [], [], []

            _,iterations,_,_,acc_states,acc_output,acc_probs = \
            self.ACTStep, #looks like he purposely makes the while loop here
            [prob, counter, state, input, acc_states, acc_outputs, acc_probs])

        '''mean-field updates for states and outputs'''
        next_state = tf.add_n([x*y for x,y in zip(acc_probs,acc_states)])
        output = tf.add_n([x*y for x,y in zip(acc_probs,acc_outputs)])

        remainder = 1.0 - tf.add_n(acc_probs[:-1]) #you take the last off to avoid a negative ponder cost #the problem here is we need to take the sum of all the remainders
        tf.add_to_collection("ACT_remainder", remainder) #if this doesnt work then you can do self.list based upon timesteps
        tf.add_to_collection("ACT_iterations", iterations)
        return output, next_state 

    def ACTStep(self,prob, counter, state, input, acc_states, acc_outputs, acc_probs):

        '''run rnn once'''
        output, new_state = rnn.rnn(self.cell, [input], state, scope=type(self.cell).__name__)

        prob_w = tf.get_variable("prob_w", [self.cell.input_size,1]) 
        prob_b = tf.get_variable("prob_b", [1])
        halting_probability = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(prob_w,new_state) + prob_b) 


        return [p + prob, counter + 1.0, new_state, input,acc_states,acc_outputs,acc_probs]

    def PonderCostFunction(self, time_penalty = 0.01):
        note: ponder is completely different than probability and ponder = roe

        the ponder cost function prohibits the rnn from cycling endlessly on each timestep when not much is needed
        n_iterations = tf.get_collection_ref("ACT_iterations")
        remainder = tf.get_collection_ref("ACT_remainder")
        return tf.reduce_sum(n_iterations + remainder) #completely different from probability

这是一篇我自己一直在努力实现的复杂论文。我不介意与您合作在 Tensorflow 中完成它。如果您有兴趣,请在 Skype 上添加我的 LeavesBreathe,我们可以从那里开始。


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