更新 Popup.Animated 以播放 gif 直到外部任务完成 (PYSimpleGUI)


我希望创建一个 UI,在执行另一项任务时显示动画弹出窗口。完成后将退出。我正在使用 PYSimpleGUI 并使用列出的示例here https://github.com/PySimpleGUI/PySimpleGUI/blob/master/DemoPrograms%20old/Demo_Threaded_Work.py为我的工作奠定基础。一旦我启动代码并在任务完成后退出,我就可以显示动画的单帧,但无法让它播放整个 gif。代码:

    import queue
    import threading
    import time
    import PySimpleGUI as sg

    # ############################# User callable CPU intensive code #############################
    # Put your long running code inside this "wrapper"
    # NEVER make calls to PySimpleGUI from this thread (or any thread)!
    # Create one of these functions for EVERY long-running call you want to make

    def long_function_wrapper(work_id, gui_queue):
      # LOCATION 1
      # this is our "long running function call"
      #time.sleep(10)  # sleep for a while as a simulation of a long-running computation

     x = 0
     while True:
         x = x + 1
         if x == 5: 

    # at the end of the work, before exiting, send a message back to the GUI indicating end
    gui_queue.put('{} ::: done'.format(work_id))
    # at this point, the thread exits

    def the_gui():
    gui_queue = queue.Queue()  # queue used to communicate between the gui and long-running code

    layout = [[sg.Text('Multithreaded Work Example')],
              [sg.Text('This is a Test.', size=(25, 1), key='_OUTPUT_')],
              [sg.Button('Go'), sg.Button('Exit')], ]

    window = sg.Window('Multithreaded Window').Layout(layout)

    # --------------------- EVENT LOOP ---------------------
    work_id = 0
    while True:
        event, values = window.Read(timeout=100)  # wait for up to 100 ms for a GUI event

        if event is None or event == 'Exit':
        if event == 'Go':           # clicking "Go" starts a long running work item by starting thread
            window.Element('_OUTPUT_').Update('Starting long work %s'%work_id)

            # LOCATION 2
            # STARTING long run by starting a thread
            thread_id = threading.Thread(target=long_function_wrapper, args=(work_id, gui_queue,), daemon=True)
            #for i in range(200000):

            work_id = work_id+1 if work_id < 19 else 0

            #while True:
            sg.PopupAnimated(sg.DEFAULT_BASE64_LOADING_GIF, background_color='white', time_between_frames=100)    
                #if message == None:
        # --------------- Read next message coming in from threads ---------------
            message = gui_queue.get_nowait()    # see if something has been posted to Queue

        except queue.Empty:                     # get_nowait() will get exception when Queue is empty
            message = None                      # nothing in queue so do nothing

        # if message received from queue, then some work was completed
        if message is not None:
            # LOCATION 3
            # this is the place you would execute code at ENDING of long running task
            # You can check the completed_work_id variable to see exactly which long-running function completed
            completed_work_id = int(message[:message.index(' :::')])

        #window['_GIF_'].update_animation(sg.DEFAULT_BASE64_LOADING_GIF, time_between_frames=100)
        #window.read(timeout = 1000)

    # if user exits the window, then close the window and exit the GUI func

    ############################# Main #############################

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        print('Exiting Program'


您在仅执行一次的“if”语句内调用了 popup_animated。

您必须为要显示的每一帧调用 popup_animated。它不会作为在后台运行的任务而分离出来。


import queue
import threading
import time
import PySimpleGUI as sg

# ############################# User callable CPU intensive code #############################
# Put your long running code inside this "wrapper"
# NEVER make calls to PySimpleGUI from this thread (or any thread)!
# Create one of these functions for EVERY long-running call you want to make

def long_function_wrapper(work_id, gui_queue):
    # LOCATION 1
    # this is our "long running function call"
    # time.sleep(10)  # sleep for a while as a simulation of a long-running computation

    x = 0
    while True:
        x = x + 1
        if x == 5:
    # at the end of the work, before exiting, send a message back to the GUI indicating end
    gui_queue.put('{} ::: done'.format(work_id))
    # at this point, the thread exits

def the_gui():

    gui_queue = queue.Queue()  # queue used to communicate between the gui and long-running code

    layout = [[sg.Text('Multithreaded Work Example')],
              [sg.Text('This is a Test.', size=(25, 1), key='_OUTPUT_')],
              [sg.Text(size=(25, 1), key='_OUTPUT2_')],
              [sg.Button('Go'), sg.Button('Exit')], ]

    window = sg.Window('Multithreaded Window').Layout(layout)

    # --------------------- EVENT LOOP ---------------------
    work_id = 0
    while True:
        event, values = window.Read(timeout=100)  # wait for up to 100 ms for a GUI event

        if event is None or event == 'Exit':
            # sg.PopupAnimated(None)
        if event == 'Go':  # clicking "Go" starts a long running work item by starting thread
            window.Element('_OUTPUT_').Update('Starting long work %s' % work_id)
            # LOCATION 2
            # STARTING long run by starting a thread
            thread_id = threading.Thread(target=long_function_wrapper, args=(work_id, gui_queue,), daemon=True)
            # for i in range(200000):

            work_id = work_id + 1 if work_id < 19 else 0

            # while True:
            # if message == None:
            # break
        # --------------- Read next message coming in from threads ---------------
            message = gui_queue.get_nowait()  # see if something has been posted to Queue
        except queue.Empty:  # get_nowait() will get exception when Queue is empty
            message = None  # nothing in queue so do nothing
        # if message received from queue, then some work was completed
        if message is not None:
            # LOCATION 3
            # this is the place you would execute code at ENDING of long running task
            # You can check the completed_work_id variable to see exactly which long-running function completed
            completed_work_id = int(message[:message.index(' :::')])
            window.Element('_OUTPUT2_').Update('Finished long work %s' % completed_work_id)
            work_id -= 1
            if not work_id:

        if work_id:
            sg.PopupAnimated(sg.DEFAULT_BASE64_LOADING_GIF, background_color='white', time_between_frames=100)

        # window['_GIF_'].update_animation(sg.DEFAULT_BASE64_LOADING_GIF, time_between_frames=100)
        # window.read(timeout = 1000)

    # if user exits the window, then close the window and exit the GUI func

############################# Main #############################

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Exiting Program')


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