无法读取 PNG 文件的 IHDR 块


I have read PNG file specification and learnt that after the first 8 bytes of PNG signature, we have the IHDR chunk. This image states that we have IHDR with length of 13(0x0000000D) bytes. enter image description here

我已经用 swift 编写了一段代码来读取相同的 png 文件并打印字节,但它不会给我一个 IHDR,其长度等于 PNG 签名后块的前 4 个字节的 13 个字节。控制台中代码的输出是

PNG Signature Bytes: 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A 
File offset: 8
IHDR length bytes: 00 00 00 04 
File offset: 12
IHDR Chunktype bytes: 43 67 42 49 
File offset: 16
IHDR Data byte: 50 00 20 02 
File offset: 20
pngImageWidth: 1342185474
pngImageWidth: 20480
pngImageHeight: 8194


前 8 个字节实际上是 PNG 签名字节。 IHDR 字节是我没有获得预期长度和块类型的地方(IHDR 的宽度、高度和其他字节对于不同的文件是可变的,但长度和块类型应该与我的阅读相同)。

读取 png 文件的代码很简单,如下所示:

enum PNGFileAnatomyConstants {
    static let pngSignatureLength = 8
    static let ihdrLength = 4
    static let chunkTypeLength = 4
    static let chunkCRCLength = 4
    static let imageWidthLength = 4
    static let imageHeigthLength = 4

func anatomyOfPNGFile() {
    let bundle = Bundle.main

    guard let pngFileUrl = bundle.url(forResource: "PNGFileSignature", withExtension: "png") else { fatalError() }

    do {
        // Signature start------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        let readFileHandle = try FileHandle(forReadingFrom: pngFileUrl)
        defer {
        let pngSignatureData = readFileHandle.readData(ofLength: PNGFileAnatomyConstants.pngSignatureLength)
        let signatureString  = pngSignatureData.hexEncodedString(options: [Data.HexEncodingOptions.upperCase])
        if signatureString != "89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A " {
            fatalError(" Not a png")
        print("PNG Signature Bytes: \(signatureString)")
        print("File offset: \(readFileHandle.offsetInFile)")
        // Signature ebd------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // IHDR Length start------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        let ihdrLengthDataBigEndian = readFileHandle.readData(ofLength: PNGFileAnatomyConstants.ihdrLength)

        let ihdrLength: UInt32
        if PlatformEndianess.isLittleEndian {
            ihdrLength = Data(ihdrLengthDataBigEndian.reversed()).withUnsafeBytes({ (unsafePointer: UnsafePointer<UInt32>) -> UInt32 in
                return unsafePointer.pointee
        } else {
            ihdrLength = ihdrLengthDataBigEndian.withUnsafeBytes({ (unsafePointer: UnsafePointer<UInt32>) -> UInt32 in
                return unsafePointer.pointee

        let ihdrLengthDataBigEndianString = ihdrLengthDataBigEndian.hexEncodedString(options: [.upperCase])
        print("IHDR length bytes: \(ihdrLengthDataBigEndianString)")
        print("File offset: \(readFileHandle.offsetInFile)")
        // IHDR Length end------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // IHDR chunk type start------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        let ihdrChunkTypeData = readFileHandle.readData(ofLength: PNGFileAnatomyConstants.chunkTypeLength)
        let ihdrChunkTypeDataString  = ihdrChunkTypeData.hexEncodedString(options: [Data.HexEncodingOptions.upperCase])
        print("IHDR Chunktype bytes: \(ihdrChunkTypeDataString)")
        print("File offset: \(readFileHandle.offsetInFile)")
        // IHDR chunk type end------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // IHDR data byte start------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        let ihdrData = readFileHandle.readData(ofLength: Int(ihdrLength))
        let ihdrDataString = ihdrData.hexEncodedString(options: [.upperCase])
        print("IHDR Data byte: \(ihdrDataString)")
        print("File offset: \(readFileHandle.offsetInFile)")
        // IHDR data byte end------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        do {
            let pngImageWidth: UInt32
            if PlatformEndianess.isLittleEndian {
                pngImageWidth = Data(ihdrData.reversed()).withUnsafeBytes({ (unsafePointer: UnsafePointer<UInt32>) -> UInt32 in
                    return unsafePointer.pointee
            } else {
                pngImageWidth = ihdrData.withUnsafeBytes({ (unsafePointer: UnsafePointer<UInt32>) -> UInt32 in
                    return unsafePointer.pointee

            print("pngImageWidth: \(pngImageWidth)")

        do {
            let pngImageWidth: UInt16
            let widthData = Data(bytes: [ihdrData[0], ihdrData[1]])
            if PlatformEndianess.isLittleEndian {

                pngImageWidth = Data(widthData.reversed()).withUnsafeBytes({ (unsafePointer: UnsafePointer<UInt16>) -> UInt16 in
                    return unsafePointer.pointee
            } else {
                pngImageWidth = widthData.withUnsafeBytes({ (unsafePointer: UnsafePointer<UInt16>) -> UInt16 in
                    return unsafePointer.pointee

            print("pngImageWidth: \(pngImageWidth)")//20480

            let pngImageHeight: UInt16
            let heightData = Data(bytes: [ihdrData[2], ihdrData[3]])
            if PlatformEndianess.isLittleEndian {

                pngImageHeight = Data(heightData.reversed()).withUnsafeBytes({ (unsafePointer: UnsafePointer<UInt16>) -> UInt16 in
                    return unsafePointer.pointee
            } else {
                pngImageHeight = heightData.withUnsafeBytes({ (unsafePointer: UnsafePointer<UInt16>) -> UInt16 in
                    return unsafePointer.pointee

            print("pngImageHeight: \(pngImageHeight)")//20480

    } catch {

extension Data {
    struct HexEncodingOptions: OptionSet {
        let rawValue: Int
        static let upperCase = HexEncodingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 0)

    func hexEncodedString(options: HexEncodingOptions = []) -> String {
        let hexDigits = Array((options.contains(.upperCase) ? "0123456789ABCDEF " : "0123456789abcdef ").utf16)
        var chars: [unichar] = []
        chars.reserveCapacity(3 * count)
        for byte in self {
            chars.append(hexDigits[Int(byte / 16)])
            chars.append(hexDigits[Int(byte % 16)])
        return String(utf16CodeUnits: chars, count: chars.count)

class PlatformEndianess {
    static var isLittleEndian: Bool = {
        var integer: UInt16 = 0x0001
        return withUnsafeBytes(of: &integer, { (rawBufferPointer) -> Bool in
            return rawBufferPointer.first == 0x01

正如所指出的MartinR https://stackoverflow.com/users/1187415/martin-rPNG 文件存在一个名为CgBI http://iphonedevwiki.net/index.php/CgBI_file_format.

普通 PNG 文件的结构是 PNG 签名后跟 IHDR 块。

下面是普通 PNG 文件的十六进制表示形式的字节示例( xx 是具有变量值的占位符字节):

PNG Signature(8 bytes): 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A
=======Chunk start=======
IHDR Chunk:
    IHDR chunk length(4 bytes): 00 00 00 0D
    IHDR chunk type(Identifies chunk type to be IHDR): 49 48 44 52
    Image width in pixels(variable 4): xx xx xx xx
    Image height in pixels(variable 4): xx xx xx xx
    Flags in the chunk(variable 5 bytes): xx xx xx xx xx
    CRC checksum(variable 4 bytes): xx xx xx xx 
=======Chunk end=======

具有 CgBI 扩展名的 PNG 文件具有这样的结构:PNG 签名后跟 CgBI 块,然后是 IHDR 块。

当我说扩展名时,请不要将其与“filename.png、filename.cgbi”混淆。它实际上是 PNG 文件结构方式的扩展。

下面是带有 CgBI 扩展名的 PNG 文件的十六进制表示的字节示例( xx 是具有变量值的占位符字节):

PNG Signature(8 bytes): 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A
=======Chunk start=======
CgBI Chunk:
    CgBI chunk length(4 bytes): 00 00 00 04
    CgBI chunk type(Identifies chunk type to be CgBI): 43 67 42 49
    CgBI info flags(4 bytes): xx xx xx xx
    CRC checksum(variable 4 bytes): xx xx xx xx 
=======Chunk end=======
=======Chunk start=======
IHDR Chunk:
    IHDR chunk length(4 bytes): 00 00 00 0D
    IHDR chunk type(Identifies chunk type to be IHDR): 49 48 44 52
    Image width in pixels(variable 4): xx xx xx xx
    Image height in pixels(variable 4): xx xx xx xx
    Flags in the chunk(variable 5 bytes): xx xx xx xx xx
    CRC checksum(variable 4 bytes): xx xx xx xx 
=======Chunk end=======

虽然 PNG 文件会在所有图像查看器上呈现,但扩展名 CgBI 可能会也可能不会在所有图像查看器上呈现,具体取决于它们为此类文件提供的支持。

MacOS 预览可以显示此类图像,iOS 上的 UIImageView 也可以显示我的示例图像集中的文件(带有 CgBI 扩展名的 PNG)。


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