Angularfire2,startAfter() 不适用于分页


根据 firebase 文档,这是如何做到的:

var first = db.collection("cities")

return first.get().then(function (documentSnapshots) {
  // Get the last visible document
  var lastVisible =[];
  console.log("last", lastVisible);

  // Construct a new query starting at this document,
  // get the next 25 cities.
  var next = db.collection("cities")

但问题是我看不到使用 get 函数甚至使用snapshotChanges()得到长度然后减去它作为下一次获取的参考。任何提示将非常感谢!



   getNewsCollectionNext() {
    this.newsCollectionRef = this.afDB.collection('news', ref => 
    ref.where('news_is_deleted', '==', false).orderBy('news_timestamp_post_created', 'desc')
    this.newsCollection = this.newsCollectionRef.snapshotChanges().pipe(
      map(actions => => {
        const data = as News;
        const id =;
        return { id, };
    return this.newsCollection;

虽然这个返回 3 项

   getNewsCollection() {
    this.newsCollectionRef = this.afDB.collection('news', ref => 
    ref.where('news_is_deleted', '==', false).orderBy('news_timestamp_post_created', 'desc'));
    this.newsCollection = this.newsCollectionRef.snapshotChanges().pipe(
      map(actions => => {
        const data = as News;
        const id =;
        return { id, };
    return this.newsCollection;
    // console.log(this.newsList);

更新 2:我使“下一个”功能起作用了!

tl;dr:所以我所做的就是打开文档 有效负载并将我的可观察类型更改为任何以防止冲突:) 这是我在服务中的代码

  getNewsCollection() {
    this.newsCollectionSubscription = this.newsService.getNewsCollection().
    subscribe(newsCollection => {
      this.newsCollection = newsCollection;
      console.log('t2est',newsCollection[newsCollection.length - 1].doc);
        this.snapshot = newsCollection[newsCollection.length - 1].doc;

  getNextNewsCollection() {
    this.newsCollectionSubscription = this.newsService.getNextNewsCollection(this.snapshot).
    subscribe(newsCollection => {
      this.newsCollection = newsCollection;
      // console.log('t2est',newsCollection[1].doc);

在我的 news-card.component.ts 上

  getNewsCollection() {
    this.newsCollectionSubscription = this.newsService.getNewsCollection().
    subscribe(newsCollection => {
      this.newsCollection = newsCollection;
      console.log('t2est',newsCollection[newsCollection.length - 1].doc);
        this.snapshot = newsCollection[newsCollection.length - 1].doc;

  getNextNewsCollection() {
    this.newsCollectionSubscription = this.newsService.getNextNewsCollection(this.snapshot).
    subscribe(newsCollection => {
      this.newsCollection = newsCollection;
      // console.log('t2est',newsCollection[1].doc);

看一下下面的 HTML 页面,它显示了(在纯 Javascript 中)如何修改query以便逐页显示文档。

您可以将其下载到本地文件夹/目录,调整配置对象并使用浏览器打开它。单击该按钮将在控制台中显示 3 x 3 的文档。

请注意,在这个简单的 POC 中,当分页到达集合末尾时没有错误处理。

        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>

        <button id="myBtn">Display next subset</button>

            document.getElementById("myBtn").addEventListener("click", function () {
          // Initialize Firebase
          var config = {
            apiKey: "....",
            authDomain: "....",
            databaseURL: "....",
            projectId: "...."

          var db = firebase.firestore();
          var query = db.collection("cities")

          function displayNextPaginationSubset() {

              query.get().then(function (documentSnapshots) {

                  documentSnapshots.forEach(function(doc) {
                      // is never undefined for query doc snapshots
                      console.log(, " => ",;

                  // Get the last visible document
                  var lastVisible =[];
                  console.log("last", lastVisible);

                  // Construct a new query starting at this document,
                  // get the next 3 cities.
                  query = db.collection("cities")




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