CakePHP 验证不起作用


我是 cakephp 的新手,我需要验证表单。

这是代码: 控制器:

class TasksController extends AppController {
    var $name = 'Tasks';
    var $helpers = array('Html','Form','Session');
     public function index(){
    function add_task()
        if(!empty($this->data)) {
            if ($this->Task->validates()) {
                // it validated logic
                //echo "ttt";
            } else {
                // didn't validate logic
                echo $errors = $this->Task->validationErrors;


    class Task extends AppModel
        public var $name = 'Task';
        var $useDbConfig = 'travanco_erp';
        public var $useTable = 'tbl_tasks'; // This model uses a database table 'exmp'
        public var $validate = array(
                    'task_title_mm' => array(
                            'rule' => 'notEmpty',
                            'required' => true,
                            'message' => 'The title field is required'
                    'task_description_mm' => array(
                            'rule' => 'notEmpty',
                            'required' => true,
                            'message' => 'The description field is required'
                    'task_from_mm' => array(
                            'rule' => 'notEmpty',
                            'required' => true,
                            'message' => 'The from date field is required'
                    'task_to_mm' => array(
                            'rule' => 'notEmpty',
                            'required' => true,
                            'message' => 'The to date field is required'



<div class="employeeForm" style="width:64%; padding:10px 30%;"> 

            <?php echo $this->Form->create('test', array('class'=>'form'));?>
            <fieldset style="width:36em; padding:0px 0px;">
                    <div style="width:475px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:16px; color:#333333; font-weight:bold; margin-left:20px; margin-top:10px;">Add Task</div>
                    /*echo $this->Form->input('task_ids_mm',        array(  'div'=>'frm_filed_new',
                                                                    'error' => array(   'wrap' => 'div',
                                                                                        'class' => 'formerror'
                                                                    'label' => 'Task ID',

                    echo $this->Form->input('task_title_mm',        array(  'div'=>'frm_filed_new',
                                                                    'error' => array(   'wrap' => 'div',
                                                                                        'class' => 'formerror'
                                                                    'label' => 'Title',

                    echo $this->Form->input('task_description_mm',  array(  'type' => 'textarea',
                                                                        'rows' => 5,
                                                                        'error' => array(   'wrap' => 'div',
                                                                                            'class' => 'formerror'
                                                                        'label' => 'Description',

                    echo $this->Form->input('task_from_mm',     array(  'div'=>'frm_filed_new','id'=>'task_from_mm','value'=>'',
                                                                    'error' => array(   'wrap' => 'div',
                                                                                        'class' => 'formerror'
                                                                    'label' => 'From',
                    echo $this->Form->input('task_to_mm',   array(  'div'=>'frm_filed_new','id'=>'task_to_mm','value'=>'',
                                                                    'error' => array(   'wrap' => 'div',
                                                                                        'class' => 'formerror'
                                                                    'label' => 'To',

                <?php echo $this->Form->button('Submit', array('type'=>'submit','escape'=>true)); ?>
            <?php echo $this->Form->end(); ?>



我的代码有什么错误? 我该如何解决这个问题?



这是错误数组:Array ( [task_title_mm] => Array ( [0] => The title field is required ) [task_description_mm] => Array ( [0] => The description field is required ) [task_from_mm] => Array ( [0] => The from date field is required ) [task_to_mm] => Array ( [0] => The to date field is required ) )


CakePHP 旨在自动验证模型并显示验证错误。自动验证在模型保存时运行。在你的情况下:


上面将触发验证。无需运行: $this->Task->validates() - 如果这样做,您还必须自己负责显示验证错误。所以我认为你应该尝试:

class TasksController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Tasks';
  var $helpers = array('Html','Form','Session');

  function add_task()

    if ($this->request->is('post')) {
      // If the form data can be validated and saved...
      if ($this->Task->save($this->request->data)) {
         //saved and validated

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