

我正在 Excel 2010 中运行 VBA 宏并进行大量计算,因此数据类型非常重要,以尽可能缩短宏执行时间。



语句在 Type 块之外无效


Ind2 As Double, BgrValP As Double, BgrRow As Double, M40eff As Double


' Develop fake data to at glance recognize whether program works.
' Source http://www.cpearson.com/excel/optimize.htm
Option Explicit

Private Sub Function1()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim userChoice As Variant
Dim strPath As String, strFileN As String, strDirN As String, strRangeNOut As String, strRangeNIn As String, strFilename As String, strTLCorn As String, strBRCorn As String, strSelectedFile As String, strtemp_name As String
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim vResMatrix(), vCPath, vFileN As Variant

'   MEeff = measure of efflux due to crudely purified HDL in scintillation
'   https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ae55hdtk.aspx

'   Give the user macro options based on how fast or slow the computer is
userChoice = MsgBox("This macro by default treats all numbers as doubles for maximum precision. If you are running this macro on an old computer, you may want to redeclare numbers as singles, to speed up the macro." & vbNewLine & "You can also use integers for a quick estimate of data results.")

If userChoice = "Double" Then
    Dim RangeNOut As Double, vRangeNIn As Double, Ind6 As Double, Ind4 As Double, Ind5 As Double
    Dim Step2 As Double, MRow As Double, ColIn As Double, Ind3 As Double, Mcol As Double
    Dim MxRNo As Double, BgrSum As Double, RowIn As Double, Ind As Double, M40eff As Double, Step As Double
    Dim ColNo As Double, Startcol As Double, Startrow As Double, MeanComp As Double
    Dim PlateNo As Double, MonoVal As Double, Ind1 As Double, EntryRow2 As Double, EntryRow As Double
    Ind2 As Double, BgrValP As Double, BgrRow As Double, M40eff As Double
    Dim BrgSum As Double, BgrVal As Double, RangeNIn As Double, RangeNOut As Double, TLCorn As Double
    Dim Volcorr As Double, BRCorn As Double, MEeff As Double, MediaVal As Double

ElseIf userChoice = "Integer" Then
    Dim RangeNOut As Integer, vRangeNIn As Integer, ecInd6 As Integer, Ind4 As Integer, Ind5 As Integer
    Dim Step2 As Integer, MRow As Integer, ColIn As Integer, Ind3 As Integer, Mcol As Integer
    Dim MxRNo As Integer, BgrSum As Integer, RowIn As Integer, Ind As Integer, M40eff As Integer
    Dim Step As Integer, ColNo As Integer, Startcol As Integer, Startrow As Integer, MeanComp As Integer
    Dim PlateNo As Integer, MonoVal As Integer, Ind1 As Integer, EntryRow2 As Integer, EntryRow As Integer
    Dim Ind2 As Integer, BgrValP As Integer, BgrRow As Integer, M40eff As Integer
    Dim BrgSum As Integer, BgrVal As Integer, RangeNIn As Integer, RangeNOut As Integer, TLCorn As Integer
    Dim Volcorr As Integer, BRCorn As Integer, MEeff As Integer, MediaVal As Integer

ElseIf userChoice = "Single" Then
    Dim RangeNOut As Single, vRangeNIn As Single, ecInd6 As Single, Ind4 As Single, Ind5 As Single
    Step2 As Single, MRow As Single, ColIn As Single, Ind3 As Single, Mcol As Single
    Dim MxRNo As Single, BgrSum As Single, RowIn As Single, Ind As Single, M40eff As Single, Step As Single
    Dim ColNo As Single, Startcol As Single, Startrow As Single, MeanComp As Single
    Dim PlateNo As Single, MonoVal As Single, Ind1 As Single, EntryRow2 As Single, EntryRow As Single
    Ind2 As Single, BgrValP As Single, BgrRow As Single, M40eff As Single
    Dim BrgSum As Single, BgrVal As Single, RangeNIn As Single, RangeNOut As Single, TLCorn As Single
    Volcorr As Single, BRCorn As Single, MEeff As Single, MediaVal As Single

    GoTo Function1
    MsgBox("This is not a supported data type: double, single, or integer.", vbCritical, "Unsupported Data Type")


Private Sub Function2(ByVal VarType As String)

Dim mVers As String
Dim userChoice As Variant

'   Give the user macro options based on how fast or slow the computer is using advanced conditional compliling
userChoice = MsgBox("This macro by default treats all numbers as doubles for maximum precision. If you are running this macro on an old computer, you may want to relare numbers as singles, to speed up the macro." & vbNewLine & "You can also use integers for a quick estimate of data results.")
userChoice = VarType

#If VarType = "Double" Or "double" Then
    Dim RangeNOut As Double, vRangeNIn As Double, Ind6 As Double, Ind4 As Double, Ind5 As Double
    Dim Step2 As Double, MRow As Double, ColIn As Double, Ind3 As Double, Mcol As Double
    Dim MxRNo As Double, BgrSum As Double, RowIn As Double, Ind As Double, M40eff As Double, Step As Double
    Dim ColNo As Double, Startcol As Double, Startrow As Double, MeanComp As Double
    Dim PlateNo As Double, MonoVal As Double, Ind1 As Double, EntryRow2 As Double, EntryRow As Double
    Dim Ind2 As Double, BgrValP As Double, BgrRow As Double, M40eff As Double
    Dim BrgSum As Double, BgrVal As Double, RangeNIn As Double, RangeNOut As Double, TLCorn As Double
    Dim Volcorr As Double, BRCorn As Double, MEeff As Double, MediaVal As Double
#ElseIf VarType = "Single" Or "single" Then
    Dim RangeNOut As Single, vRangeNIn As Single, ecInd6 As Single, Ind4 As Single, Ind5 As Single
    Step2 As Single, MRow As Single, ColIn As Single, Ind3 As Single, Mcol As Single
    Dim MxRNo As Single, BgrSum As Single, RowIn As Single, Ind As Single, M40eff As Single, Step As Single
    Dim ColNo As Single, Startcol As Single, Startrow As Single, MeanComp As Single
    Dim PlateNo As Single, MonoVal As Single, Ind1 As Single, EntryRow2 As Single, EntryRow As Single
    Dim Ind2 As Single, BgrValP As Single, BgrRow As Single, M40eff As Single
    Dim BrgSum As Single, BgrVal As Single, RangeNIn As Single, RangeNOut As Single, TLCorn As Single
    Dim Volcorr As Single, BRCorn As Single, MEeff As Single, MediaVal As Single
#ElseIf VarType = "Integer" Or "integer" Then
    Dim RangeNOut As Integer, vRangeNIn As Integer, ecInd6 As Integer, Ind4 As Integer, Ind5 As Integer
    Dim Step2 As Integer, MRow As Integer, ColIn As Integer, Ind3 As Integer, Mcol As Integer
    Dim MxRNo As Integer, BgrSum As Integer, RowIn As Integer, Ind As Integer, M40eff As Integer
    Dim Step As Integer, ColNo As Integer, Startcol As Integer, Startrow As Integer, MeanComp As Integer
    Dim PlateNo As Integer, MonoVal As Integer, Ind1 As Integer, EntryRow2 As Integer, EntryRow As Integer
    Dim Ind2 As Integer, BgrValP As Integer, BgrRow As Integer, M40eff As Integer
    Dim BrgSum As Integer, BgrVal As Integer, RangeNIn As Integer, RangeNOut As Integer, TLCorn As Integer
    Dim Volcorr As Integer, BRCorn As Integer, MEeff As Integer, MediaVal As Integer
    MsgBox "VarType " & VarType & " is not valid. Check spelling."
#End If

'   MEeff = measure of efflux due to crudely purified HDL in scintillation
MsgBox "For additional information about this macro:" & vbNewLine & "1. Go to tab Developer" & vbNewLine & "2. Select Visual Basic or Macro." & vbNewLine & "See the comments or MsgBoxes (message boxes)."

'   Start File Explorer to select file containing data (simple GUI, much easier than coding in the file)

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
    .AllowMultiSelect = True

'   Display paths of each file selected
    For lngCount = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count
    Next lngCount
    For Each strFilename In .SelectedItems
        MsgBox strFilename
End With

MsgBox "Error detected" & vbNewLine & "Error" & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error Handler: Error " & Err.Number
MsgBox "If you want to force the program to run, go to the line below and insert a ' mark to comment the line out." & vbNewLine & "On Error GoTo ErrorHandler", vbCritical, "Error Handler: Error " & Err.Number

End Sub


Dim RangeNOut as Double
Dim RangeNOut as Integer

虽然IF语句中有一个好主意,VBA 不会允许你这样做。它不进行条件“编译”,因为它不是编译语言。当 VBA 运行您的代码时,所有变量都会被声明(无论代码中的哪个位置)Dim语句位于),然后代码开始执行。

您想出的主意不错,但在 VBA 中尝试这一点就像在枪战中带一块 Silly Putty™ 一样 - 它根本无法完成这项工作。

另外,如果你是that如果您关心执行速度,VBA 也不是您选择的武器。我没有任何统计数据来支持它,但我怀疑您实际上会看到基于三种不同变量类型的执行速度有很大差异。


Private Sub Function1(ByVal VarType as String)

  #If VarType = "Double" then
  #ELSEIF VarType = "Single" then
  #ELSEIF VarType = "Integer" then
    MsgBox "You passed in a 'VarType' of " & VarType & " - that's not valid"

另外,我刚刚注意到在你的期末考试中Else你有Goto Function1。我不确定你想在那里完成什么,但是:

  1. 不要使用goto。除了 VBA 风格的错误处理之外,它是几乎从不必要的
  2. 您没有为以下定义的标签Goto无论如何,要跳到。

也可以看看VBA函数重载 https://hammondmason.wordpress.com/2015/06/23/object-oriented-vba-overloading/另一种可能的选择。

Notice:尽管有赞成票和已接受的答案状态,我还是尝试了以下操作,结果DOES NOT按照OP的要求工作:

Sub test()
  func "Double"
  func "Single"
  func "Integer"
  func "String"
End Sub

Function func(v As String)
  #If v = "Double" Then
    Dim myvar As Double
    Range("A1") = "MyVar type is: " & vartype(v)
  #ElseIf v = "Single" Then
    Dim myvar As Single
    Range("a2") = "MyVar type is: " & vartype(v)
  #ElseIf v = "Integer" Then
    Dim myvar As Integer
    Range("a3") = "MyVar type is: " & vartype(v)
    Range("A4") = "Invalid var type passed: " & v
  #End If

  MsgBox "Passed in " & v

End Function

所有来电Func()最终在#Else代码段,填充Range("A4")Invalid var type passed: text.



Sub Test()
  Dim VType as String

  While Vtype <> "Integer" and VType <> "Double" and VType <> "Single" and VType <> "Cancel"
    vType = msgBox("Enter variable type")

  If VType = "Integer" then
  ElseIf VType = "Double" then
  Elseif VType = "Single"
    MsgBox "Function call cancelled"
  End if
End Sub

Function MyFuncInt()
  Dim AllTheVars as Integer
End Function

Function MyFuncDouble()
  Dim AllTheVars as Double
End Function

Function MyFuncSingle()
  Dim AllTheVars as Single
End Function

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