boost::asio 干净地断开连接


有时 boost::asio 似乎在我想要之前断开连接,即在服务器正确处理断开连接之前。我不确定这是怎么可能的,因为客户端似乎认为它完全发送了消息,但是当服务器发出错误时,它甚至没有读取消息头......在测试期间,这种情况可能只发生五分之一,服务器收到客户端关闭消息,并干净地断开客户端连接。



void disconnect()
    boost::system::error_code error;
    //just creates a simple buffer with a shutdown header
    boost::uint8_t *packet = createPacket(PC_SHUTDOWN,0);
    //sends it
        //didnt get here in my tests, so its not that the write failed...
            std::string("Error sending shutdown message.\n")
            + boost::system::system_error(error).what());

    //actaully disconnect
bool sendBlocking(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket &socket,
    boost::uint8_t *data, boost::system::error_code* error)
    //get the length section from the message
    boost::uint16_t len = *(boost::uint16_t*)(data - 3);
    //send it
    asio::write(socket, asio::buffer(data-3,len+3),
        asio::transfer_all(), *error);
    return !(*error);


void Client::clientShutdown()
    //not getting here in problem cases
void Client::packetHandler(boost::uint8_t type, boost::uint8_t *data,
    boost::uint16_t len, const boost::system::error_code& error)
        //error handled here
        delete[] data;
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "Error recieving packet.\n";
        ss << logInfo() << "\n";
        ss << "Error: " << boost::system::system_error(error).what();

        //call handlers based on type, most will then call startRead when
        //done to get the next packet. Note however, that clientShutdown
        //does not

void startRead(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket &socket, PacketHandler handler)
    boost::uint8_t *header = new boost::uint8_t[3];
void handleReadHeader(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket *socket, PacketHandler handler,
    boost::uint8_t *header, size_t len, const boost::system::error_code& error)
        //error "thrown" here, len always = 0 in problem cases...
        delete[] header;
        assert(len == 3);
        boost::uint16_t payLoadLen  = *((boost::uint16_t*)(header + 0));
        boost::uint8_t  type        = *((boost::uint8_t*) (header + 2));
        delete[] header;
        boost::uint8_t *payLoad = new boost::uint8_t[payLoadLen];

void handleReadBody(ip::tcp::socket *socket, PacketHandler handler,
    boost::uint8_t type, boost::uint8_t *payLoad, boost::uint16_t len,
    size_t readLen, const boost::system::error_code& error)
        delete[] payLoad;
        assert(len == readLen);
        //delete[] payLoad;

我想你应该打电话给socket.shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ec)在打电话之前在那里socket.close().

The basic_stream_socket::close 的 boost::asio 文档 states:

对于与正常关闭已连接套接字相关的可移植行为,请在关闭套接字之前调用 shutdown()。

这应该确保在调用 socket.close 之前正确取消套接字上的任何挂起操作并刷新所有缓冲区。


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