在 C++ 的动态内存分配(堆)中,“删除”运算符实际上是如何在幕后工作的?


我不明白“删除”运算符在 C++ 中是如何在幕后实际实现的。例如:

class Node{
  int i;
  Node *left,*right;

int main()    {
  Node* a = new Node; // somehow the object 'a' is initialised with its data members
  delete a;

到底是做什么的delete a;做幕后?就像是 有没有调用任何默认析构函数或者什么?另外,如a包含左指针和右指针,是对象a->left and a->right也删除了? 发生了什么核心机级别?


根据C++标准§12.4 析构函数/p4,p6,p7,p8,p12 [class.dtor] (强调我的):

4 If a class has no user-declared destructor, a destructor is implicitly declared as defaulted (8.4). An implicitly declared destructor is an inline public member of its class.

6 A destructor is trivial if it is not user-provided and if:

(6.1) — the destructor is not virtual,

(6.2) — all of the direct base classes of its class have trivial destructors, and

(6.3) — for all of the non-static data members of its class that are of class type (or array thereof), each such class has a trivial destructor.


7 A destructor that is defaulted and not defined as deleted is implicitly defined when it is odr-used (3.2) or when it is explicitly defaulted after its first declaration.

12 A destructor is invoked implicitly

(12.1) — for a constructed object with static storage duration (3.7.1) at program termination (3.6.4),

(12.2) — for a constructed object with thread storage duration (3.7.2) at thread exit,

(12.3) — for a constructed object with automatic storage duration (3.7.3) when the block in which an object is created exits (6.7),

(12.4) — for a constructed temporary object when its lifetime ends (4.4, 12.2). In each case, the context of the invocation is the context of the construction of the object. A destructor is also invoked implicitly through use of a delete-expression (5.3.5) for a constructed object allocated by a new-expression (5.3.4); the context of the invocation is the delete-expression. [ Note: An array of class type contains several subobjects for each of which the destructor is invoked. — end note ] A destructor can also be invoked explicitly. A destructor is potentially invoked if it is invoked or as specified in 5.3.4, 12.6.2, and 15.1. A program is ill-formed if a destructor that is potentially invoked is deleted or not accessible from the context of the invocation.


在 C++ 中如果class, struct or union没有用户声明的析构函数,那么编译器将始终为其隐式声明一个简单的析构函数。也就是说,虽然您还没有为您的析构函数声明Node根据 C++ 标准,编译器有义务为您声明一个简单的类。


Calling delete upon a Node先前分配的对象new将调用其隐式定义的析构函数和为该对象分配的堆存储new将被回收(即释放)。

由于隐式声明的析构函数很简单,因此成员指针指向的任何存储left and right根本不会被触动。这意味着,如果您分配了仅由left and righta 的成员指针Node目的。对该对象调用删除后,成员指针所指向的内存left and right将是孤儿(即,您将发生内存泄漏)。


核心机器级别发生的情况可能因供应商、操作系统和机器而异,因为 C++ 标准未指定删除表达式的核心行为。只要可观察的行为符合 C++ 标准,任何编译器供应商都可以做任何想做的事情(例如,优化)。


class Node {
  int i;
  Node *left, *right;

int main() {
  Node *n = new Node;
  delete n;

上述代码为 GCC 6.2 版编译器生成的汇编代码为:

        push    rbp
        mov     rbp, rsp
        sub     rsp, 16
        mov     edi, 24
        call    operator new(unsigned long)
        mov     QWORD PTR [rbp-8], rax
        mov     rax, QWORD PTR [rbp-8]
        mov     esi, 24
        mov     rdi, rax
        call    operator delete(void*, unsigned long)
        mov     eax, 0


sub     rsp, 16
mov     edi, 24
call    operator new(unsigned long)
mov     QWORD PTR [rbp-8], rax



rax, QWORD PTR [rbp-8]
mov     esi, 24
mov     rdi, rax
call    operator delete(void*, unsigned long)



现在正确的问题是到底在哪里operator delete is?

为了保留这个答案的命名风格,让我们引用 C++ 标准§3.7.4 Dynamic storage duration [basic.stc.dynamic]\p1, p2 (重点我的):

1 Objects can be created dynamically during program execution (1.9), using new-expressions (5.3.4), and destroyed using delete-expressions (5.3.5). A C++ implementation provides access to, and management of, dynamic storage via the global allocation functions operator new and operator new[] and the global deallocation functions operator delete and operator delete[]. [ Note: The non-allocating forms described in do not perform allocation or deallocation. — end note ]

2 The library provides default definitions for the global allocation and deallocation functions. Some global allocation and deallocation functions are replaceable (18.6.2). A C++ program shall provide at most one definition of a replaceable allocation or deallocation function. Any such function definition replaces the default version provided in the library ( The following allocation and deallocation functions (18.6) are implicitly declared in global scope in each translation unit of a program.

void* operator new(std::size_t); 
void* operator new(std::size_t, std::align_val_t); void operator delete(void*) noexcept; 
void operator delete(void*, std::size_t) noexcept;
void operator delete(void*, std::align_val_t) noexcept;
void operator delete(void*, std::size_t, std::align_val_t) noexcept;
void* operator new[](std::size_t);
void* operator new[](std::size_t, std::align_val_t);
void operator delete[](void*) noexcept;
void operator delete[](void*, std::size_t) noexcept;
void operator delete[](void*, std::align_val_t) noexcept;
void operator delete[](void*, std::size_t, std::align_val_t) noexcept;

这些隐式声明仅引入函数名称运算符new, operator new[], operator delete, and operator delete[]。 [ 注意:隐式声明不引入名称std, std::size_t, std::align_val_t,或图书馆认为的任何其他名称 用于声明这些名称。因此,新表达式、删除表达式 或引用这些函数之一的函数调用,而无需 包括标题格式良好。但是,参考标准 或 std::size_t 或 std::align_val_t 格式错误,除非名称具有 通过包含适当的标头来声明。 ——尾注] 分配和/或释放函数也可以被声明和 为任何类定义(12.5)。



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