tightvnc 远程开机_如何在Linux中安装和访问TightVNC远程桌面?


tightvnc 远程开机

TightVNC is a very handy remote desktop application which is based on VNC protocol. TightVNC is mostly used for Linux systems in order to manage a remote desktop environment with GUI. In this tutorial, we will look at how to install and configure properly to run desktop environments like KDE, GNOME, XFCE, etc. with TightVNC.

TightVNC是基于VNC协​​议的非常方便的远程桌面应用程序。 TightVNC主要用于Linux系统,以便使用GUI管理远程桌面环境。 在本教程中,我们将研究如何正确安装和配置以运行带有TightVNC的桌面环境,例如KDE,GNOME,XFCE等。

安装Ubuntu,Debian,Mint,Kali (Install Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali)

We can use the following command to install deb based distributions.


$ sudo apt install tightvncserver
Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali
Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali

安装CentOS,Fedora,RHEL (Install CentOS, Fedora, RHEL)

We can use the following command to install rpm based distributions.


$ sudo yum install tightvncserver

启动VNC服务器 (Start VNC Server)

Now we need to specify a desktop environment for our VNC session. Actually, we have not created a VNC session yet but we will create a new one to create default configuration files. We run the following command by providing a password for the VNC session.

现在,我们需要为VNC会话指定一个桌面环境。 实际上,我们尚未创建VNC会话,但将创建一个新会话来创建默认配置文件。 我们通过提供VNC会话的密码来运行以下命令。

$ vncserver
Create VNC Session
Create VNC Session

We can see that during VNC server start a password is specified which will be asked to the VNC clients want to connect this VNC server. Then the question wheter we want to create a view-only password. View-only password can be used to only view VNC sessions but can not control it. New VNC server session is create with the number 1 which means the server port is 5901 which is also called as ubuntu:1.

我们可以看到,在VNC服务器启动期间,指定了一个密码,该密码将被询问给要连接此VNC服务器的VNC客户端。 然后,我们想创建一个仅查看密码的问题。 仅查看密码可用于仅查看VNC会话,但无法控制它。 使用数字1创建新的VNC服务器会话,这意味着服务器端口为5901 ,也称为ubuntu:1

xstartup配置文件 (xstartup Configuration File)

All VNC Server related configuration is held in a file named xstartup which is located in the user’s home directory .vnc folder. Let’s print the default configuration. In this case, the VNC configuration file is located /home/ismail/.vnc/xstartup.

所有与VNC Server相关的配置都保存在名为xstartup的文件中,该文件位于用户的主目录.vnc文件夹中。 让我们打印默认配置。 在这种情况下,VNC配置文件位于/home/ismail/.vnc/xstartup

$ cat .vnc/xstartup
xstartup Configuration File
xstartup Configuration File

为KDE设置桌面环境(Set Desktop Environment For KDE)

In order to enable KDE desktop environment with a new VNC session, we need to add the following line to the xstartup file.


startkde &

为GNOME设置桌面环境 (Set Desktop Environment For GNOME)

In order to enable GNOME desktop environment with a new VNC session, we need to add the following line to the xstartup file.


gnome-session &

设置XFCE的桌面环境 (Set Desktop Environment For XFCE)

In order to enable GNOME desktop environment with a new VNC session, we need to add the following line to the xstartup file.


startxfce4 &

设置LXDE的桌面环境 (Set Desktop Environment For LXDE)

In order to enable GNOME desktop environment with a new VNC session, we need to add the following line to the xstartup file.


lxsession &

杀死VNC服务器或会话 (Kill VNC Server or Session)

As we have started a VNC server or session to create default configuration files. We need to kill it we can kill the VNC server with the -k option and the session ID. In this example, we will kill the session ID 1 .

当我们启动VNC服务器或会话以创建默认配置文件时。 我们需要杀死它,我们可以使用-k选项和会话ID杀死VNC服务器。 在此示例中,我们将终止会话ID 1

$ vncserver -kill :1
Kill VNC Server or Session
Kill VNC Server or Session

启动服务器或会话(Start Server or Session)

Now we can start a new server with the command vncserver where the default configured desktop will be fired-up.


$ vncserver

与VNC客户端连接 (Connect with VNC Client)

VNC servers start with port number 5900 and count one by one with the session ID. For example, if we have given session ID 3 the port number will be configured as 5903 . We can connect with a VNC client which is explained in the following tutorial in detail.

VNC服务器以端口号5900开头,并以会话ID逐一计数。 例如,如果我们给了会话ID 3,则端口号将配置为5903 。 我们可以连接VNC客户端,下面的教程对此进行了详细说明。

LEARN MORE  Compare Lubuntu vs Xubuntu
了解更多信息比较Lubuntu vs Xubuntu

Best VNC Viewer Clients For Linux

适用于Linux的最佳VNC Viewer客户端
Connect with VNC Client
Connect with VNC Client

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/how-to-install-and-access-tightvnc-remote-desktop-in-linux/

tightvnc 远程开机


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