

我在一项作业中被要求实现正确调用“ping”和“pong”(意思是在 ping 之前没有 pong)10 次的乒乓球游戏。意思是,控制台中的最终输出应该是:“ping!(1)”,“pong!(1)”,“ping!(2)”,“pong!(2)”等。




// Import the necessary Java synchronization and scheduling classes.
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;

 * @class PingPongRight
 * @brief This class implements a Java program that creates two
 *        instances of the PlayPingPongThread and start these thread
 *        instances to correctly alternate printing "Ping" and "Pong",
 *        respectively, on the console display.
public class PingPongRight
     * @class SimpleSemaphore
     * @brief This class provides a simple counting semaphore
     *        implementation using Java a ReentrantLock and a
     *        ConditionObject.
    static public class SimpleSemaphore
        private int mPermits;
        private ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
        private Condition isZero = lock.newCondition();

         * Constructor initialize the data members. 
        public SimpleSemaphore (int maxPermits)
            mPermits = maxPermits;

         * Acquire one permit from the semaphore.
        public void acquire() throws InterruptedException
            while (mPermits == 0)

         * Return one permit to the semaphore.
        void release() throws InterruptedException
            try {
            } finally {

     * Number of iterations to run the test program.
    public static int mMaxIterations = 10;

     * Latch that will be decremented each time a thread exits.
    public static CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(2);

     * @class PlayPingPongThread
     * @brief This class implements the ping/pong processing algorithm
     *         using the SimpleSemaphore to alternate printing "ping"
     *         and "pong" to the console display.
    public static class PlayPingPongThread extends Thread
        private String message;
        private SimpleSemaphore semaphore;

         * Constructor initializes the data member.
        public PlayPingPongThread (String msg, SimpleSemaphore pingOrPong)
            message = msg;
            semaphore = pingOrPong;

         * Main event loop that runs in a separate thread of control
         * and performs the ping/pong algorithm using the
         * SimpleSemaphores.
        public void run () 
            for (int i = 1 ; i <= mMaxIterations ; i++) {
                try {
                    System.out.println(message + "(" + i + ")");
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

     * The main() entry point method into PingPongRight program. 
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {         
            // Create the ping and pong SimpleSemaphores that control
            // alternation between threads.
            SimpleSemaphore pingSemaphore = new SimpleSemaphore(mMaxIterations);
            SimpleSemaphore pongSemaphore = new SimpleSemaphore(mMaxIterations);


            // Create the ping and pong threads, passing in the string
            // to print and the appropriate SimpleSemaphores.
            PlayPingPongThread ping = new PlayPingPongThread("Ping!", pingSemaphore);
            PlayPingPongThread pong = new PlayPingPongThread("Pong!", pongSemaphore);

            // Initiate the ping and pong threads, which will call the run() hook method.

            // Use barrier synchronization to wait for both threads to finish.
        catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e)




我认为你的问题是 ping 和 pong 线程都在获取和释放自己的信号量。我认为你需要通过both两个线程的信号量。每个线程调用acquire() on the acquireSemaphore and release() on the releaseSemaphore.

  System.out.println(message + "(" + i + ")");


public PlayPingPongThread (String msg, SimpleSemaphore acquireSemaphore,
        SimpleSemaphore releaseSemaphore)


// ping acquires on the ping, releases the pong
PlayPingPongThread ping = new PlayPingPongThread("Ping!", pingSemaphore, pongSemaphore);
// pong acquires on the pong, releases the ping
PlayPingPongThread pong = new PlayPingPongThread("Pong!", pongSemaphore, pingSemaphore);

The pingSemaphore应从 1 许可证开始,而 pong 许可证应从 0 开始。

  1. ping第一次通话acquire() on the pingSemaphore它被给予了。
  2. ping打印出 ping。
  3. ping calls release() on the pongSemaphore.
  4. 这一下醒了pong(当然假设你的信号量代码有效)。
  5. pong prints pong.
  6. pong calls release() on the pingSemaphore.
  7. 重复...

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