如何使用 C# 更好地查询 Active Directory 中的多个域?


我正在尝试将 LDAP/AD 搜索从仅搜索当前登录的域扩展到搜索 AD 中的所有域。该方法接受带有查询的字符串并返回 LDAPInformation 对象。


    public static LDAPInformation[] GetGlobalAddressListVIAName(string nameQuery)
        var currentForest = Forest.GetCurrentForest();
        var globalCatalog = currentForest.FindGlobalCatalog();

        using (var searcher = globalCatalog.GetDirectorySearcher())
            using (var entry = new DirectoryEntry(searcher.SearchRoot.Path))
                searcher.Filter = "(&(mailnickname=*)(objectClass=user)(displayName=" + nameQuery + "))";
                searcher.PropertyNamesOnly = true;
                searcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;
                searcher.Sort.Direction = SortDirection.Ascending;
                searcher.Sort.PropertyName = "displayName";
                return searcher.FindAll().Cast<SearchResult>().Select(result => new LDAPInformation(result.GetDirectoryEntry())).ToArray();


    class LDAPInformation
    internal LDAPInformation(DirectoryEntry entry)
        //Section: HASH
        this.sAMAccountName = (string)entry.Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value;

        //Section: Email
        this.Mail = (string)entry.Properties["mail"].Value;

        //Section: Organziation
        this.Description = (string)entry.Properties["description"].Value;
        this.Company = (string)entry.Properties["company"].Value;
        this.Title = (string)entry.Properties["title"].Value;
        this.Department = (string)entry.Properties["department"].Value;

        //Section: Name
        this.DisplayName = (string)entry.Properties["displayName"].Value;
        this.FirstName = (string)entry.Properties["firstName"].Value;
        this.MiddleName = (string)entry.Properties["middleName"].Value;
        this.LastName = (string)entry.Properties["lastName"].Value;

        //Section: Address
        this.StreetAddress = (string)entry.Properties["streetAddress"].Value;
        this.City = (string)entry.Properties["city"].Value;
        this.State = (string)entry.Properties["state"].Value;
        this.PostalCode = (string)entry.Properties["postalCode"].Value;
        this.TelephoneNumber = (string)entry.Properties["telephoneNumber"].Value;

    public string DisplayName
        private set;

    public string Mail
        private set;

    public string sAMAccountName
        private set;

    public string Description
        private set;

    public string Company
        private set;

    public string Title
        private set;

    public string Department
        private set;

    public string FirstName
        private set;

    public string MiddleName
        private set;

    public string LastName
        private set;

    public string StreetAddress
        private set;

    public string City
        private set;

    public string State
        private set;

    public string PostalCode
        private set;

    public string TelephoneNumber
        private set;

@Brian Desmond 和@lordzero。可能有点晚了,但我最近自己也在研究这类东西,所以我想分享一下。

为了回答您的问题“您的搜索根是什么?”,lordzero,您可以在不知道 AD 服务器的情况下从它们中找到它。域注册的 PC 将知道 AD 基础设施/森林等。

首先,为“GC://rootDSE”创建一个 DirectoryEntry 您可以从中提取命名上下文、rootDomainNamingContext 或其他。您可以转储第一个根 DSE DirectoryEntry 的所有属性以查看可用的内容。


这是取自 DirectorySearcher 包装类


DirectorySearcher directorySearcher;


        using (DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry(DirectoryConstants.RootDSE))
            // Create a Global Catalog Directory Service Searcher
            string strRootName = directoryEntry.Properties[DirectoryConstants.RootDomainNamingContext].Value.ToString();
            using (DirectoryEntry usersBinding = new DirectoryEntry(DirectoryConstants.GlobalCatalogProtocol + strRootName))
                directorySearcher.SearchRoot = usersBinding;
                directorySearcher.ClientTimeout = timeout;
                directorySearcher.CacheResults = true;
                result = true;
                initialized = true;

DirectoryConstants 类属性

public static string RootDSE { get { return @"GC://rootDSE"; } }
public static string RootDomainNamingContext { get { return "rootDomainNamingContext"; } }
public static string GlobalCatalogProtocol { get { return @"GC://"; } }

我确信这仅适用于登录到域注册 PC 的域用户。身份验证在幕后自动处理。如果您的用户登录到本地帐户或计算机不在域中,您很可能会收到 DirectoryServicesCOMException。

希望这可以帮助。如果您不担心处置和 StyleCop/Sonar 编码违规,请放弃“使用”结构!

上述代码所在的 DirectorySearcherWrapper 类随后由服务提供者代码使用。它像这样分开,因此很容易被模拟,因为不能保证构建机器在执行我们的单元测试时注册到域。

...大部分来自 MSDN/.Net 文档。


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