Arch Linux中通过AUR安装Redis Desktop Manager失败


笔者在安装Redis Desktop Manager时出现了Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out错误,具体见文末。



➜  ~ yaourt redis-desktop-manager

1 aur/redis-desktop-manager 0.9.0_alpha5-1 (13) (0.00)

    Open source cross-platform Redis Desktop Manager based on Qt 5

2 aur/redis-desktop-manager-bin 0.9.0_alpha4-1 (7) (0.00)

    Cross-platform open source Redis DB management tool

==> Enter n° of packages to be installed (e.g., 1 2 3 or 1-3)

==> ---------------------------------------------------------

==> 1

==> Downloading redis-desktop-manager PKGBUILD from AUR...



x fix.patch

x rdm.desktop


vyachkonovalov commented on 2016-09-08 08:35


I haven't seen that error before. It doesn't look like something is missing. Better ask rdm developers. Let me know if you fix it.

mentos1386 commented on 2017-10-22 13:38

Hey, im having an issue with building:


[reduced make log...]

In file included from src/client/linux/crash_generation/

./src/client/linux/handler/exception_handler.h:194:21: error: field ‘context’ has incomplete type ‘google_breakpad::ucontext’

struct ucontext context;


./src/client/linux/handler/exception_handler.h:194:12: note: forward declaration of ‘struct google_breakpad::ucontext’

struct ucontext context;


make: *** [Makefile:4986: src/client/linux/crash_generation/crash_generation_server.o] Error 1

make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

== ERROR: A failure occurred in build().



Any idea what's wrong?

vyachkonovalov commented on 2017-10-24 21:19

Hi, should be fixed by now

Nirvandil commented on 2018-01-12 11:16

vyachkonovalov commented on 2018-01-12 15:04

redis-desktop-manager 0.9.0_alpha5-1  (2017-10-24 21:18)

( Unsupported package: Potentially dangerous ! )

==> Edit PKGBUILD ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort)

==> ------------------------------------

==> n

==> redis-desktop-manager dependencies:

 - qt5-base (already installed)

 - qt5-charts (already installed)

 - qt5-imageformats (already installed)

 - qt5-tools (already installed)

 - qt5-declarative (already installed)

 - qt5-quickcontrols (already installed)

 - qt5-graphicaleffects (already installed)

 - qt5-svg (already installed)

 - libssh2 (already installed)

 - git (already installed) [makedepend]

 - gcc (already installed) [makedepend]

==> Continue building redis-desktop-manager ? [Y/n]

==> -----------------------------------------------


==> Building and installing package

==> Making package: redis-desktop-manager 0.9.0_alpha5-1 (Thu Feb  1 19:25:05 CST 2018)

==> Checking runtime dependencies...

==> Checking buildtime dependencies...

==> Retrieving sources...

  -> Cloning rdm git repo...

Cloning into bare repository '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-zhuxiaoxi/aur-redis-desktop-manager/rdm'...

remote: Counting objects: 16449, done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (78/78), done.

remote: Total 16449 (delta 57), reused 56 (delta 31), pack-reused 16340

Receiving objects: 100% (16449/16449), 70.88 MiB | 67.00 KiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (9784/9784), done.

  -> Found fix.patch

  -> Found

  -> Found rdm.desktop

==> Validating source files with sha256sums...

    rdm ... Skipped

    fix.patch ... Passed ... Passed

    rdm.desktop ... Passed

==> Extracting sources...

  -> Creating working copy of RedisDesktopManager git repo...

Cloning into 'rdm'...


Switched to a new branch 'makepkg'

==> Starting prepare()...

Submodule '3rdparty/crashreporter' ( registered for path '3rdparty/crashreporter'

Submodule '3rdparty/easyloggingpp' ( registered for path '3rdparty/easyloggingpp'

Submodule '3rdparty/gbreakpad' ( registered for path '3rdparty/gbreakpad'

Submodule '3rdparty/qredisclient' ( registered for path '3rdparty/qredisclient'

Cloning into '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-zhuxiaoxi/aur-redis-desktop-manager/src/rdm/3rdparty/crashreporter'...

Cloning into '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-zhuxiaoxi/aur-redis-desktop-manager/src/rdm/3rdparty/easyloggingpp'...

Cloning into '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-zhuxiaoxi/aur-redis-desktop-manager/src/rdm/3rdparty/gbreakpad'...

Cloning into '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-zhuxiaoxi/aur-redis-desktop-manager/src/rdm/3rdparty/qredisclient'...

Submodule path '3rdparty/crashreporter': checked out '34553088c463aa83744848bf0f84ba08c84f04f9'

Submodule path '3rdparty/easyloggingpp': checked out 'f926802dfbde716d82b64b8ef3c25b7f0fcfec65'

Submodule path '3rdparty/gbreakpad': checked out 'aa7115cfdef1c4641830cee5621d2c919dc417b8'

Submodule path '3rdparty/qredisclient': checked out '510662851fa0ecdf36d92e96687fcf4ec43b37ed'

Submodule '3rdparty/hiredis' ( registered for path '3rdparty/qredisclient/3rdparty/hiredis'

Cloning into '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-zhuxiaoxi/aur-redis-desktop-manager/src/rdm/3rdparty/qredisclient/3rdparty/hiredis'...

Submodule path '3rdparty/qredisclient/3rdparty/hiredis': checked out '53c32439bf89279ec62fda0bfd28ed9805b24614'

Cloning into '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-zhuxiaoxi/aur-redis-desktop-manager/src/rdm/3rdparty/linux-syscall-support'...

fatal: unable to access '': Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out

fatal: clone of '' into submodule path '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-zhuxiaoxi/aur-redis-desktop-manager/src/rdm/3rdparty/linux-syscall-support' failed

==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare().


==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build redis-desktop-manager.

==> Restart building redis-desktop-manager ? [y/N]

==> ----------------------------------------------


➜  ~



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