将 SOMbrero 包中的集群和节点添加到训练数据中


我正在玩一点SOMbrero https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/SOMbrero/SOMbrero.pdf包裹。我想附上像这样创建的簇号(取自here https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/SOMbrero/vignettes/doc-numericSOM.html):

my.sc <- superClass(iris.som, k=3)

以及 SOM 节点到训练数据集的 X 和 Y 坐标。

在某些代码中,我使用 kohonen 包,创建如下集群:

range01 <- function(x){(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))}

ind <- sapply(SubsetData, is.numeric)
SubsetData[ind] <- lapply(SubsetData[ind], range01)

TrainingMatrix <- as.matrix(SubsetData)

GridDefinition <- somgrid(xdim = 4, ydim = 4, topo = "rectangular", toroidal = FALSE)

SomModel <- som(
    data = TrainingMatrix,
    grid = GridDefinition,
    rlen = 10000,
    alpha = c(0.05, 0.01),
    keep.data = TRUE

nb <- table(SomModel$unit.classif)
groups = 5
tree.hc = cutree(hclust(d=dist(SomModel$codes[[1]]),method="ward.D2",members=nb),groups)

plot(SomModel, type="codes", bgcol=rainbow(groups)[tree.hc])

add.cluster.boundaries(SomModel, tree.hc)
result <- OrginalData
result$Cluster <- tree.hc[SomModel$unit.classif]
result$X <- SomModel$grid$pts[SomModel$unit.classif,"x"]
result$Y <- SomModel$grid$pts[SomModel$unit.classif,"y"]

write.table(result, file = "FinalData.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, quote = FALSE)


可以找到一些使用 iris 数据集的示例代码here https://github.com/cran/SOMbrero/blob/master/demo/numeric.R.


我玩了一下上面引用的 iris 代码,认为我已经成功提取了集群、节点 ID 和原型(请参阅下面的代码)。缺少的是坐标 X 和 Y。我认为它们在这里:





#iris.som <- trainSOM(x.data=iris[,1:4],dimension=c(10,10), maxit=100000, scaling="unitvar", radius.type="gaussian")
iris.som <- trainSOM(x.data=iris[,1:4],dimension=c(3,3), maxit=100000, scaling="unitvar", radius.type="gaussian")

# perform a hierarchical clustering
## with 3 super clusters
iris.sc <- superClass(iris.som, k=3)

# compute the projection quality indicators

iris1 <- iris
iris1$Cluster = iris.sc$cluster[iris.sc$som$clustering]
iris1$Node = iris.sc$som$clustering
iris1$Pt1Sepal.Length = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,1]
iris1$Pt2Sepal.Width = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,2]
iris1$Pt3Petal.Length = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,3]
iris1$Pt4Petal.Width = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,4]

write.table(iris1, file = "Iris.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, quote = FALSE)

我想我已经使用 iris 示例弄清楚了(请更正/改进代码!-我对 R 不太流利):



iris.som <- trainSOM(x.data=iris[,1:4],dimension=c(5,5), maxit=10000, scaling="unitvar", radius.type="letremy")

# perform a hierarchical clustering
# with 3 super clusters
iris.sc <- superClass(iris.som, k=3)

# compute the projection quality indicators

iris1 <- iris
iris1$Cluster = iris.sc$cluster[iris.sc$som$clustering]
iris1$Node = iris.sc$som$clustering
iris1$Pt1Sepal.Length = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,1]
iris1$Pt2Sepal.Width = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,2]
iris1$Pt3Petal.Length = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,3]
iris1$Pt4Petal.Width = iris.sc$som$prototypes[iris.sc$som$clustering,4]
iris1$X = iris.som$parameters$the.grid$coord[iris.sc$som$clustering,1]
iris1$Y = iris.som$parameters$the.grid$coord[iris.sc$som$clustering,2]

write.table(iris1, file = "Iris.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, quote = FALSE)

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