Shutil.rmtree:FileNotFoundError:[Errno 2]没有这样的文件或目录:'._xxx'



import shutil
import os

filteredCleaned = 

if os.path.exists(filteredCleaned):

^ 显示隐藏文件(按shift+command+。)并且其他目录显示隐藏文件(如果存在)。

runfile('/Users/ksb7640/Documents/UBC_Academic/Raymond_Lab/448/rotarod/svm_all/', wdir='/Users/ksb7640/Documents/UBC_Academic/Raymond_Lab/448/rotarod/svm_all')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3417, in run_code
    exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
  File "<ipython-input-2-b9676f9bf96c>", line 1, in <module>
    runfile('/Users/ksb7640/Documents/UBC_Academic/Raymond_Lab/448/rotarod/svm_all/', wdir='/Users/ksb7640/Documents/UBC_Academic/Raymond_Lab/448/rotarod/svm_all')
  File "/Applications/", line 197, in runfile
    pydev_imports.execfile(filename, global_vars, local_vars)  # execute the script
  File "/Applications/", line 18, in execfile
    exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc)
  File "/Users/ksb7640/Documents/UBC_Academic/Raymond_Lab/448/rotarod/svm_all/", line 21, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection/3.8.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/", line 715, in rmtree
    _rmtree_safe_fd(fd, path, onerror)
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection/3.8.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/", line 672, in _rmtree_safe_fd
    onerror(os.unlink, fullname, sys.exc_info())
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection/3.8.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/", line 670, in _rmtree_safe_fd
    os.unlink(, dir_fd=topfd)
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '._filtered_combined_Experiment2-190630_Day4_145m2_rotarod2_Cam2onRotarodDeepCut_resnet50_rotarod3Jul17shuffle1_1030000.csv'



我确实用过df.to_csv(csv, index=False)创造filtered_combined_Experiment2-190630_Day4_145m2_rotarod2_Cam2onRotarodDeepCut_resnet50_rotarod3Jul17shuffle1_1030000.csv in filtered_cleaned_WT_cleaned_YAC128但我从来没有用过chmod隐藏它们。




import shutil

from export_df_to_csv import export_df_to_csv
from extract_parent_current import extract_parent_current
from import_df import *

prefix = 'filtered_'

bound = 0.9

# make a directory for output files
cleanedWT = '/Volumes/Extreme_SSD/Raymond_Lab/Day_4_Rotarod_Videos_Rotated_if_Necessary_copy/cleaned_WT'
cleanedYAC128 = '/Volumes/Extreme_SSD/Raymond_Lab/Day_4_Rotarod_Videos_Rotated_if_Necessary_copy/cleaned_YAC128'

cleanedWTParentDir, WTdir = extract_parent_current(cleanedWT)
cleanedYAC128ParentDir, YAC128dir = extract_parent_current(cleanedYAC128)

filteredCleaned = os.path.join(cleanedYAC128ParentDir, prefix + WTdir + '_' + YAC128dir)

if os.path.exists(filteredCleaned):

csvs_labels_arr = import_csvs(cleanedWT, cleanedYAC128)
paths_dfs_labels_arr = csvs_to_paths_dfs_labels_arr(csvs_labels_arr)
for path_df_label in paths_dfs_labels_arr:
    _, dfFileName = extract_parent_current(path_df_label[0])
    df = path_df_label[1]

    # filter out rows below bound
    df = df[
        (df['Rightpaw likelihood'] > bound) & (df['Leftpaw likelihood'] > bound) & (df['Tail likelihood'] > bound)]

    export_df_to_csv(df, os.path.join(filteredCleaned, prefix + dfFileName))


input_file = '/Volumes/Extreme SSD/Raymond Lab/Day_4_Rotarod_Videos_Rotated_if_Necessary copy/cleaned_WT/cleaned_Experiment2-190630_Day4_145m1_rotarod3_Cam2onRotarodDeepCut_resnet50_rotarod3Jul17shuffle1_1030000.csv'
output_file = '/Volumes/Extreme SSD/Raymond Lab/Day_4_Rotarod_Videos_Rotated_if_Necessary copy/cleaned_WT/cleaned_Experiment2-190630_Day4_145m1_rotarod3_Cam2onRotarodDeepCut_resnet50_rotarod3Jul17shuffle1_1030000.csv'

def export_df_to_csv(df, csv):
    df.to_csv(csv, index=False)

import os

def extract_parent_current(dir):
    if str.endswith(dir, '/'):
        dir = dir[:-1]
    return os.path.split(dir)


import os
import random
from copy import deepcopy
import pandas as pd

def import_csvs(WT_file_path, YAC_file_path):
    csv_paths_arr = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(WT_file_path, topdown=False):
        for file in files:
            if not file.startswith('.'):
                csv_paths_arr.append([os.path.join(root, file), 0])

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(YAC_file_path, topdown=False):
        for file in files:
            if not file.startswith('.'):
                csv_paths_arr.append([os.path.join(root, file), 1])

    return csv_paths_arr

def csvs_to_paths_dfs_labels_arr(csvpaths_labels_arr):
    paths_dfs_labels_arr = deepcopy(csvpaths_labels_arr)
    for i, csvpath_label_arr in enumerate(csvpaths_labels_arr):
        (paths_dfs_labels_arr[i])[0] = pd.read_csv(csvpath_label_arr[0], encoding='unicode_escape')
        paths_dfs_labels_arr[i].insert(0, csvpath_label_arr[0])
    return paths_dfs_labels_arr

def import_df(WT_file_path, YAC_file_path):
    csv_paths_arr = import_csvs(WT_file_path, YAC_file_path)
    dfs_labels = csvs_to_paths_dfs_labels_arr(csv_paths_arr)
    return dfs_labels


The /Volumes/Extreme_SSD/路径表明您使用的是 Mac OSX,并且您的目录至少部分位于非 Mac 文件系统上(即不是 HFS+)。在这些文件上,Mac 文件系统驱动程序会自动创建前缀为的二进制伴随文件._去记录所谓的扩展属性(解释于,但也如下图所示),在日常操作(例如使用默认 OSX 查看器查看文件)期间。

rmtree在不支持文件描述符的系统上os.scandir(如 Mac OSX)现在不安全地创建一个条目列表,然后逐一取消它们的链接(创建一个已知的竞争条件:。不幸的是,两个单独的行为每次都使这个条件成立:

  1. 原始文件始终列在扩展属性一之前,并且
  2. 当原始文件取消链接时(test.txt)元文件(._test.txt)同时被删除。


我认为这个错误最好的解决方法是cpython#14064,其目的是忽略FileNotFoundErrors in rmtree一般来说。



def ignore_extended_attributes(func, filename, exc_info):
    is_meta_file = os.path.basename(filename).startswith("._")
    if not (func is os.unlink and is_meta_file):

shutil.rmtree(path_dir, onerror=ignore_extended_attributes)

Macos 扩展属性展示

为了说明这一点,您可以创建一个小的 ExFAT 磁盘映像并将其安装到/Volumes/Untitled用命令

hdiutil create -size 5m -fs exfat test.dmg
hdiutil attach test.dmg            # mounts at /Volumes/Untitled
cd /Volumes/Untitled

mkdir test                         # create a directory to remove
cd test
touch test.txt
open test.txt                      # open the test.txt file in the standard editor 


/Volumes/Untitled/test $ ls -a
.          ..         ._test.txt test.txt
/Volumes/Untitled/test $ xattr test.txt


/Volumes/Untitled/test $ rm test.txt
/Volumes/Untitled/test $ ls -a
.          ..

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    代码和错误 减少 如果您想查看完整代码 请参阅最后一节 import shutil import os filteredCleaned Volumes Extreme SSD Raymond Lab Day 4 Rotarod Videos