Auth 过滤器重定向回 Laravel 中的原始 POST 请求


看来 Redirect::guest('login') 只适用于 GET 请求。 IE。它会将经过身份验证的用户重定向到原始预期 URL (GET)。

在存在 POST 请求的情况下,是否有办法让身份验证过滤器在用户成功登录后继续 POST 到 URL?

一个简单的例子:我想显示一个可供任何人查看的表单。点击提交按钮后,身份验证过滤器将启动,将访客带到登录页面。身份验证成功后,我希望继续提交请求(即 POST 请求)。

我也有同样的愿望,希望使用原始输入重定向回 POST 请求。除了通过 GET 重定向到预期的 URL 之外,我在 Laravel 中找不到现有的方法来执行此操作。

拉拉维尔 5

我首先按照下面的大纲在 Laravel 4 中解决了这个问题,但发现完全相同的设置在 Laravel 5 中不起作用。按照 Laravel 4 的大纲,但不是创建 IntendedUrlServiceProvider,而是创建一个中间件。

  1. 问题是,在 Laravel 5 中,会话似乎是通过 StartSession 启动的,该 StartSession 在所有 ServiceProviders 之后运行。


<?php namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Request;
use Session;

class IntendedUrl {

     * This loads saved POST input data and changes the method to POST if a visitor tried to access a page
     * but was blocked via an auth filter. Auth filter saves data via the Redirect::guest() and after
     * login it needs to be repopulated to simulate a POST.
     * GET requests also may pass through here. I am less certain if it is required for them but shouldn't hurt
     * and may help load any input data.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \Closure  $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        // Check to see if we were redirected to this page with the Redirect::intended().
        //      We extended the class to track when the redirect occurs so we know to reload additional request data
        if (Session::has('intended.load')) {
            // intended.load could be set without these being set if we were redirected to the default page
            //      if either exists, both should exist but checking separately to be safe
            if (Session::has('intended.method')) {
            if (Session::has('intended.input')) {
            // Erase all session keys created to track the intended request

            // Laravel 5.2+ uses separate global and route middlewares. Dispatch altered request as the route type changed. *Credit to Munsio in answer below
            return \Route::dispatch($request);

        return $next($request);

  1. 然后,不要像下面的步骤 4 中那样添加 IntendedUrlServiceProvider,而是在 /app/Http/Kernel.php 的 $middleware 数组中的 StartSession 之后添加新的中间件
protected $middleware = [

  • 另外值得注意的是,为了组织,我将我的客户服务提供商移至新标准 /App/Providers 并更改了他们的命名空间。

拉拉维尔 4


我还参考了 Taylor 的书《Laravel from Apprentice to Artisan》

  1. 扩展 Redirector 类以记录有关预期请求的附加信息。

    <?php namespace GQ\Routing;
    class Redirector extends \Illuminate\Routing\Redirector {
         * ** Extended to add functionality for restoring POST input and the POST method after a login
        public function guest($path, $status = 302, $headers = array(), $secure = null)
            // Recording the method and input for the request so that it can be reloaded after being redirected back to the intended page
            $this->session->put('intended.method', $this->generator->getRequest()->getMethod());
            $this->session->put('intended.input', $this->generator->getRequest()->all());
            return parent::guest($path, $status, $headers, $secure);
         * ** Extended to record in the session when we redirect to an intended page so method and input can be loaded on the next page
        public function intended($default = '/', $status = 302, $headers = array(), $secure = null)
            $redirect_response = parent::intended($default, $status, $headers, $secure);
            // Set the intended.load session variable so we know we returned to the intended page and can load the additional method and input
            return $redirect_response->with('intended.load', true);
  2. 创建一个新的服务提供者,覆盖 IOC 容器中的“重定向”。我最初尝试扩展 RoutingServiceProvider 但在工作时遇到了问题。

    <?php namespace App\Providers;
    use GQ\Routing\Redirector;
    use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
    class RedirectServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
        protected $defer = true;
         * Register the Redirector service.
         * ** Copy of class registerRedirector from RoutingServiceProvider,
         * using a different "use" statement at the top to use the extended Redirector class
         * Extending the RoutingServiceProvider was more of a pain to do right since it is loaded as a base provider in the Application
         * @return void
        public function register()
            $this->app['redirect'] = $this->app->share(function($app)
                $redirector = new Redirector($app['url']);
                // If the session is set on the application instance, we'll inject it into
                // the redirector instance. This allows the redirect responses to allow
                // for the quite convenient "with" methods that flash to the session.
                if (isset($app['']))
                return $redirector;
        public function provides() {
            return array('redirect');
  3. 创建一个新的服务提供者,它将在重定向后设置预期的方法和输入。

    namespace GQ\Providers;
    use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
    class IntendedUrlServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
         * Bootstrap the application events.
         * @return void
        public function boot() {
            // Check to see if we were redirected to this page with the Redirect::intended().
            //        We extended the class to track when the redirect occurs so we know to reload additional request data
            if (\Session::has('intended.load')) {
                // intended.load could be set without these being set if we were redirected to the default page
                //        if either exists, both should exist but checking separately to be safe
                if (\Session::has('intended.method')) {
                if (\Session::has('intended.input')) {
                // Erase all session keys created to track the intended request
        public function register() {
  4. 最后将 2 个新的服务提供者添加到 app/config/app.php 中的提供者数组中


希望这能引导您朝着好的方向发展。这对我有用,但我没有对其进行广泛的测试。也许如果它继续运行良好,我们可以构建一个 Composer 包或获得 Laravel 中包含的功能。


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