

Dim serialized = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(gridOrderNewState)
Dim gridOrderNewstate2 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of gridTradingState)(serialized)







Class gridTradingState
    ReadOnly Property bidInBase As Decimal
    ReadOnly Property askInBase As Decimal
    ReadOnly Property high As Decimal
    ReadOnly Property low As Decimal
    ReadOnly Property dateSinceLastTransactions As Date
    ReadOnly Property suggestedLow As Decimal
    ReadOnly Property suggestedhigh As Decimal
    ReadOnly Property Orders As OrderAlreadyPlacedAtanExchange()

    Public Shared Function creategridTradingOldState(market As MarketPairInanExchange, ordersInp As OrderAlreadyPlacedAtanExchange()) As gridTradingState
        Dim currentState = New gridTradingState

        'currentState._bidInBase = market.askbidInBase(False)
        'currentState._askInBase = market.askbidInBase(True)
        currentState._bidInBase = market.bidInBaseCoin
        currentState._askInBase = market.askInBaseCoin
        currentState._high = market.highInBaseCoin
        currentState._low = market.lowInBaseCoin
        currentState._Orders = ordersInp

        currentState._dateSinceLastTransactions = Now
        Return currentState
    End Function

    Public Sub updateSuggestedLowandHigh(suggestedLowNew As Decimal, suggestedHighNew As Decimal)
        _suggestedLow = suggestedLowNew
        _suggestedhigh = suggestedHighNew
    End Sub
End Class


    "bidInBase": 0.98735,
    "askInBase": 0.9918,
    "high": 0.99448,
    "low": 0.97528,
    "dateSinceLastTransactions": "2022-11-14T22:47:47.5532599+07:00",
    "suggestedLow": 0.0,
    "suggestedhigh": 0.0

问题依然存在。看来 dbc 正在做某事



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    Dim serialized Newtonsoft Json JsonConvert SerializeObject gridOrderNewState Dim gridOrderNewstate2 Newtonsoft Json Json