在python docx模块中使用段落功能时减少垂直空间


我正在添加单行文本,例如此字符串=“这只是一些文本。”对 Word 文档使用 docx.paragraph 函数。它工作得很好,除了我想减少文本之间的垂直间距。我有什么想法可以做到这一点。



前两段具有以下结构(document.xml,请参阅Tag Wiki https://stackoverflow.com/tags/docx/info)

<w:p w:rsidR="009565D8" w:rsidRDefault="009336B0">
<w:p w:rsidR="009336B0" w:rsidRDefault="009336B0">


<w:p w:rsidR="009336B0" w:rsidRDefault="009336B0" w:rsidP="009336B0">
<w:spacing w:line="480" w:lineRule="auto"/>
<w:p w:rsidR="009336B0" w:rsidRDefault="009336B0" w:rsidP="009336B0">
<w:spacing w:line="480" w:lineRule="auto"/>
<w:bookmarkStart w:id="0" w:name="_GoBack"/>
<w:bookmarkEnd w:id="0"/>


您现在应该可以通过更改来更改 docx.py段落功能。


def paragraph(paratext, style='BodyText', breakbefore=False, jc='left'):
    Return a new paragraph element containing *paratext*. The paragraph's
    default style is 'Body Text', but a new style may be set using the
    *style* parameter.

    @param string jc: Paragraph alignment, possible values:
                      left, center, right, both (justified), ...
                      see http://www.schemacentral.com/sc/ooxml/t-w_ST_Jc.html
                      for a full list

    If *paratext* is a list, add a run for each (text, char_format_str)
    2-tuple in the list. char_format_str is a string containing one or more
    of the characters 'b', 'i', or 'u', meaning bold, italic, and underline
    respectively. For example:

        paratext = [
            ('some bold text', 'b'),
            ('some normal text', ''),
            ('some italic underlined text', 'iu')
    # Make our elements
    paragraph = makeelement('p')

    if not isinstance(paratext, list):
        paratext = [(paratext, '')]
    text_tuples = []
    for pt in paratext:
        text, char_styles_str = (pt if isinstance(pt, (list, tuple))
                                 else (pt, ''))
        text_elm = makeelement('t', tagtext=text)
        if len(text.strip()) < len(text):
        text_tuples.append([text_elm, char_styles_str])
    pPr = makeelement('pPr')
    pStyle = makeelement('pStyle', attributes={'val': style})
    pJc = makeelement('jc', attributes={'val': jc})

    ###   Added Content from edi9999:
        Here you should add a children to the pPr element
        spacing= makeelement('spacing',attributes={'line':480,'lineRule':'auto'})

    # Add the text to the run, and the run to the paragraph
    for text_elm, char_styles_str in text_tuples:
        run = makeelement('r')
        rPr = makeelement('rPr')
        # Apply styles
        if 'b' in char_styles_str:
            b = makeelement('b')
        if 'i' in char_styles_str:
            i = makeelement('i')
        if 'u' in char_styles_str:
            u = makeelement('u', attributes={'val': 'single'})
        # Insert lastRenderedPageBreak for assistive technologies like
        # document narrators to know when a page break occurred.
        if breakbefore:
            lastRenderedPageBreak = makeelement('lastRenderedPageBreak')
    # Return the combined paragraph
    return paragraph

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