GitHub 操作的输出为空


我正在创建我的第一个 GitHub 操作,但我不明白为什么输出为空。


name: "Run Endtest functional tests"
description: "Register a deployment event with Endtest and run the functional tests"
  icon: play-circle
  color: white
    description: 'The Endtest App ID for your account. You can get it from the page.'
    required: true
    description: 'The Endtest App Code for your account. You can get it from the page.'
    required: true
    description: 'The Endtest API request for starting the test execution.'
    required: true
    description: 'The number of times the API request for fetching the results will be sent once every 30 seconds.'
    required: true

    description: "The name of the test suite"
    description: "The configuration of the machine or mobile device on which the test was executed"
    description: "The number of test cases"
    description: "The number of assertions that have passed"
    description: "The number of assertions that have failed"
    description: "The number of errors that have been encountered"
    description: "The timestamp for the start of the test execution."
    description: "The timestamp for the end of the test execution."
    #description: "The detailed logs for the test execution"
    #description: "The URLs for the screenshts and video recordings of the test execution"

  using: "composite"
    - run: sudo apt-get install jq
      shell: bash 
    - run: sudo chmod +x ${{ github.action_path }}/
      shell: bash 
    - run: echo "${{ inputs.api_request }}"
      shell: bash 
    - run: ${{ github.action_path }}/ ${{ inputs.app_id }} ${{ inputs.app_code }} "${{ inputs.api_request }}" ${{ inputs.number_of_loops }} 
      shell: bash

set -e
hash=$(curl -X GET --header "Accept: */*" "${3}")
for run in {1.."${4}"}
  sleep 30
  result=$(curl -X GET --header "Accept: */*" "${1}&appCode=${2}&hash=${hash}&format=json")
  if [ "$result" == "Test is still running." ]
    # Don't print anything
  elif [ "$result" == "Processing video recording." ]
    # Don't print anything
  elif [ "$result" == "Stopping." ]
  elif [ "$result" == "Erred." ]
    echo $status
  elif [ "$result" == "" ]
    # Don't print anything
     testsuitename=$( echo "$result" | jq '.test_suite_name' )
     configuration=$( echo "$result" | jq '.configuration' )
     testcases=$( echo "$result" | jq '.test_cases' )
     passed=$( echo "$result" | jq '.passed' )
     failed=$( echo "$result" | jq '.failed' )
     errors=$( echo "$result" | jq '.errors' )
     #detailedlogs=$( echo "$result" | jq '.detailed_logs' )
     #screenshotsandvideo=$( echo "$result" | jq '.screenshots_and_video' )
     starttime=$( echo "$result" | jq '.start_time' )
     endtime=$( echo "$result" | jq '.end_time' )   
     echo $testsuitename
     echo $configuration
     echo $testcases
     echo $passed
     echo $failed
     echo $errors
     echo $starttime
     echo $endtime
     echo "::set-output name=test_suite_name::$testsuitename"
     echo "::set-output name=configuration::$configuration"
     echo "::set-output name=test_cases::$testcases"
     echo "::set-output name=passed::$passed"
     echo "::set-output name=failed::$failed"
     echo "::set-output name=errors::$errors"
     echo "::set-output name=start_time::$starttime"
     echo "::set-output name=end_time::$endtime"
     #echo "::set-output name=detailed_logs::$detailedlogs"
     #echo "::set-output name=screenshots_and_video::$screenshotsandvideo"
     exit 0

我已经在 GitHub Marketplace 上发布了该操作,并且我正在尝试使用它/从另一个存储库测试它,如下所示:


name: CI

    branches: [ master ]
    branches: [ master ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Run a one-line script
        run: echo Hello, world!
      - name: Run Endtest functional tests
        id: endtest_functional_tests
        uses: endtest-technologies/[email protected] /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection
          app_id: "85205402"
          app_code: "79973826"
          api_request: ""
          number_of_loops: 6
      - name: Get the test suite name output
        run: echo "${{ steps.endtest_functional_tests.outputs.test_suite_name }}"
      - name: Get the configuration output
        run: echo "${{ steps.endtest_functional_tests.outputs.configuration }}"

      - name: Get multiple outputs
        run: |
          echo "${{ steps.endtest_functional_tests.outputs.test_suite_name }}"
          echo "${{ steps.endtest_functional_tests.outputs.configuration }}"

查看构建中的日志。我可以看到我的操作已成功调用,API 请求开始,我可以看到打印出来的输出,直到带有的部分::set-output.

我的 GitHub 操作生成的输出是空的。


根据我的阅读,应该可以使用::set-output来自 .sh 文件,就像这个人在这个中所做的那样article



name: "Run Endtest functional tests"
description: "Register a deployment event with Endtest and run the functional tests"
  icon: play-circle
  color: white
    description: "The name of the test suite"
    value: ${{ }}

  using: "composite"
    - run: sudo apt-get install jq
      shell: bash 
    - run: sudo chmod +x ${{ github.action_path }}/
      shell: bash 
    - run: echo "${{ inputs.api_request }}"
      shell: bash 
    - run: ${{ github.action_path }}/ ${{ inputs.app_id }} ${{ inputs.app_code }} "${{ inputs.api_request }}" ${{ inputs.number_of_loops }} 
      shell: bash
      id: run-script

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