使用模板时出现 g++ 重复符号错误(菜鸟问题)


因此,我尝试选择 C++,为此我决定使用模板编写一个通用 Group 类,该类采用类型和大小作为模板参数:


#ifndef __GROUP_H
#define __GROUP_H
#define MAX_SIZE 10

 * Define a Group class that handles a collection of members
 * of some Type
template <class Type, int max>
class Group {
      std::string name;
      int count, size;
      Type * members[max];

      Group(const std::string & _name);

      // display instance info
      virtual void show();

      // add member
      void add_member(Type &);

      // list memebers
      void list();

      // name setter/getter
      void set_name(const std::string &);
      const std::string & get_name();




 * class methods for Group
template <class Type, int max>
Group<Type, max>::Group() : count(0), size(max), name("New Group") {};

template <class Type, int max>
Group<Type, max>::Group(const std::string & _name) : name(_name), count(0), size(max) {};

template <class Type, int max>
Group<Type, max>::~Group() {
  int i = 0; 
  while(i < this->count) {
    delete this->members[i];

template <class Type, int max>
void Group<Type, max>::show() {
    std::cout << "<#Group - Name: " << this->name << ", Members: " << this->count << "/" << this->size << " >\n";

template <class Type, int max>
void Group<Type, max>::add_member(Type & member) {
    if (this->count < this->size) {
        this->members[this->count] = &member;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Error - this Group is full!\n";

template <class Type, int max>
void Group<Type, max>::list() {
    int i = 0;
    std::cout << "The following are members of the Group " << this->name <<":\n";
    // assumes the member has a show() method implemented
    while (i < this->count) {
        std::cout << i << ". ";

template <class Type, int max>
void Group<Type, max>::set_name(const std::string & _name) {
    this->name = _name;

template <class Type, int max>
const std::string & Group<Type, max>::get_name() {
  return this->name;

我还实现了一个 Person 类和一个 Employee 类(继承自 Person),它们都可以工作并具有 show() 方法。



#include <iostream>
#include "group.h" // this also has the declarations and implementation for Person/Employee

int main (int argc, char const *argv[])
    // Person ctor takes name and age
    Person p1("John", 25); 
    Person p2("Jim", 29);

    // Group takes name to init
    Group <Person, 5> g("Ozcorp");

我用一个简单的 Makefile 编译了它:

test: test.cc group.o
    g++ -o test test.cc group.o

group.o: group.h group.cc
    g++ -c group.cc


Undefined symbols:
  "Group<Person, 5>::list()", referenced from:
      _main in ccaLjrRC.o
  "Group<Person, 5>::Group(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)", referenced from:
      groups()    in ccaLjrRC.o
      _main in ccaLjrRC.o
  "Group<Person, 5>::~Group()", referenced from:
      groups()    in ccaLjrRC.o
      _main in ccaLjrRC.o
      _main in ccaLjrRC.o
  "Group<Person, 5>::add_member(Person&)", referenced from:
      _main in ccaLjrRC.o
      _main in ccaLjrRC.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [test] Error 1

如果你做到了这一点 - 谢谢 - 我希望能了解一些关于为什么会发生这种情况的见解。我试图尽可能多地分享代码(显然),所以如果太多了,请原谅我。源代码是在 mac osx 10.6.4 上使用 g++ 4.2.1 编译的。此外,任何风格/良好的编码习惯技巧都将受到赞赏。谢谢!

模板化类成员定义不会转到 .cc / .cpp 文件。 它们位于 .h 中,或位于 .h 包含的 .hpp / .hxx 文件中 理由是 .cc / .cpp 文件用于构建对象文件。 但是,对于模板化代码,在替换模板化参数之前无法创建对象。因此,它们的实现必须可供实例化它们的所有代码片段使用:在 .h 之类的文件中。


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