如何在WPF中创建Windows 8风格的应用程序栏?


我打算创建一个 Windows 8 风格的应用程序 (Metro),但发现不支持使用双屏,而这是我的应用程序的需求。

现在我正在将我的应用程序重新设计为 WPF 中的桌面应用程序。 但我仍然喜欢模仿 Windows 8 应用程序中的一些漂亮的设计功能。

设计功能之一是通常在 Windows 8 风格的应用程序中使用的弹出栏:

  • 底部应用程序栏用于命令
  • 顶部导航栏
  • 所有应用程序通用的正确魅力


我的问题是:如何在 WPF 中创建类似的东西?





<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">

 <Grid x:Name="Overlay" Panel.ZIndex="1000" Visibility="Collapsed">
    <!-- This is where your slide out control is going to go -->

  <!-- Use whatever layout you need -->
  <ContentControl x:Name="MainContent" />


现在,不再挤压内容 - 覆盖网格将位于其顶部,类似于超级按钮栏!全部使用 XAML


编辑;我的 Charm 实现 - 请随意使用以获得灵感!

public class SlidePanel : ContentControl
        static SlidePanel()
            DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(SlidePanel), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(SlidePanel)));

        public SlidePanel()
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(SlidePanel), SlidePanel.MouseEnterEvent,
                                              new RoutedEventHandler(OnLocalMouseEnter));

            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(SlidePanel), SlidePanel.MouseLeaveEvent,
                                              new RoutedEventHandler(OnLocalMouseLeave));

        #region Mouse Handlers

        private static void OnLocalMouseEnter(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            SetExpanded(sender, true);

        private static void OnLocalMouseLeave(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            SetExpanded(sender, false);


        private static void SetExpanded(object sender, bool expanded)
            SlidePanel panel = sender as SlidePanel;

            if (panel != null)
                panel.IsExpanded = expanded;

        #endregion Mouse Handlers

        #region Panel Width

        public double PanelWidth
            get { return (double)GetValue(PanelWidthProperty); }
            set { SetValue(PanelWidthProperty, value); }

        // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for PanelWidth.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
        public static readonly DependencyProperty PanelWidthProperty =
            DependencyProperty.Register("PanelWidth", typeof(double), typeof(SlidePanel), new UIPropertyMetadata(5.0));

        #endregion Panel Width

        #region Closed Width

        public double ClosedWidth
            get { return (double)GetValue(ClosedWidthProperty); }
            set { SetValue(ClosedWidthProperty, value); }

        // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for ClosedWidth.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ClosedWidthProperty =
            DependencyProperty.Register("ClosedWidth", typeof(double), typeof(SlidePanel), new UIPropertyMetadata(5.0, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnClosedWidthChange)));

        #endregion Closed Width

        #region Expanded Property

        public bool IsExpanded
            get { return (bool)GetValue(IsExpandedProperty); }
            set { SetValue(IsExpandedProperty, value); }

        // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for IsExpanded.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsExpandedProperty =
            DependencyProperty.Register("IsExpanded", typeof(bool), typeof(SlidePanel), new UIPropertyMetadata(false, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnExpandedChanged)));

        #endregion Expanded Property

        #region Property Changes

        private static void OnExpandedChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.NewValue == e.OldValue)

            SlidePanel panel = d as SlidePanel;

            if (panel == null)

            bool newVal = (bool)e.NewValue;

            panel.IsExpanded = newVal;

            bool expanded = (bool)panel.GetValue(IsExpandedProperty);

            Storyboard widthAnimation = AnimationHelper.CreateDoubleAnimation<SlidePanel>(panel, expanded,
                (p, a) =>
                    a.From = (double)p.GetValue(SlidePanel.ClosedWidthProperty);
                    a.To = (double)p.GetValue(SlidePanel.PanelWidthProperty);
                (p, a) =>
                    a.From = (double)p.GetValue(SlidePanel.WidthProperty);
                    a.To = (double)p.GetValue(SlidePanel.ClosedWidthProperty);
                }, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 300), WidthProperty);

            Timeline opacity = AnimationHelper.DoubleAnimation(0.0, 1.0, expanded,
                                                                      new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 300), OpacityProperty);

            Storyboard.SetTargetName(opacity, panel.Name);

            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(opacity, new PropertyPath(OpacityProperty));




        private static void OnClosedWidthChange(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            SlidePanel panel = d as SlidePanel;

            if (panel != null)
                panel.Width = (double)e.NewValue;

        #endregion Property Changes

我发现的一个小技巧是在未展开时将不透明度设置为 0,但将宽度设置为 10,这样用户就可以将鼠标放在屏幕一侧,然后它会在一秒钟左右后出现。 。 干杯。

编辑 - 根据要求..AnimationHelper。

  public class AnimationHelper
        public static Timeline DoubleAnimation(double from, double to, bool modifier, TimeSpan duration, DependencyProperty property)
            DoubleAnimation animation = new DoubleAnimation();

            if (modifier)
                animation.From = from;
                animation.To = to;

                animation.To = from;
                animation.From = to;

            animation.Duration = new Duration(duration);

            return animation;

        public static Storyboard CreateDoubleAnimation<T>(T control, bool modifier, double from, double to, TimeSpan duration, DependencyProperty property) where T : Control
             AnimationHelper.CreateDoubleAnimation<T>(control, modifier,
                (p, a) =>
                    a.From = from;
                    a.To = to;
                (p, a) =>
                    a.From = to;
                    a.To = from;
                }, duration, property);

        public static Storyboard CreateDoubleAnimation<T>(T control, bool modifier, Action<T, DoubleAnimation> onTrue, Action<T, DoubleAnimation> onFalse, TimeSpan duration, DependencyProperty property) where T : Control
            if (control == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("control");

            DoubleAnimation panelAnimation = new DoubleAnimation();

            if (modifier)
                if (onTrue != null)
                    onTrue.Invoke(control, panelAnimation);

                if (onFalse != null)
                    onFalse.Invoke(control, panelAnimation);

            panelAnimation.Duration = new Duration(duration);

            Storyboard sb = new Storyboard();

            Storyboard.SetTargetName(panelAnimation, control.Name);

            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(panelAnimation, new PropertyPath(property));


            return sb;

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